Chapter 409 Entering the Peach Garden! Horrifying news!

At the bottom of the mountain, there is an unusually hidden cave entrance that seems to be covered by shrubs.

Only in the direction where Cheng Chumo was, a little bit of fluorescence could be seen faintly.

Seeing this, the corners of Li Fei's mouth twitched even more.

A real-life version of Peach Blossom Spring?

When the forest reaches the water source, there is a mountain. There is a small opening in the mountain, as if there is light?

Then... shouldn't we "leave the boat and enter through the mouth"?

"I don't sense any danger. Should we go in and explore?"

Cheng Chumo asked in a low voice.

Everything around him was so quiet, the scenery was pleasant, and the flowers were blooming all over the mountain. There was really no danger in sight.

But this rare beauty made everyone feel more and more uneasy, always feeling that something was going to happen.

"National Preceptor, how about we go back and bring troops over?"

"The previous village chief was not an ordinary person. I can see that he is a martial artist. His hands are extremely calloused. I am afraid that his martial arts skills will not be inferior to those of Jingde and I..."

Cheng Yaojin's face became solemn as he talked about what he had observed before.

And he would never have imagined that everyone in this Mecca village were all Lianjiazi!

One of Mahama's group outside has been dealt with, and the others don't dare to act rashly!

"No, let's go over and take a look."

"One hundred thousand Yin soldiers can be summoned at any time, you don't need to worry."

Li Fei smiled slightly and signaled everyone not to be nervous.

Even if a large army comes, it will not be as powerful as the 100,000 Tiger and Ben army Yin soldiers in his hands.

The main question now is to see what kind of place this is!

Li Fei was in the lead, holding Persimmon in his left hand, and the Shura Blood Sword had already appeared in his right hand.

Li Fei was not sure whether it was the legendary Peach Blossom Land or not.

After carefully wading across the river, several people came to the front of the cave and looked forward cautiously.

The flickering faint fluorescence seemed to follow everyone's breathing rate, tempting everyone to go in and find out.

After watching for a moment, Li Fei said: "You guys wait here for a moment, I will take Persimmon in to take a look."

"I am willing to go with the Imperial Master!"

"I am coming too!"

Suddenly, several people became anxious.

Cheng Chumo said hurriedly: "Master, there is something strange inside. Let's go in together so we can take care of him!"

"If the national master is required to take the lead in taking risks in everything, then what is the use of us?"

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, seeing their little bastard's resolute expression, took the initiative to ask for help.

They looked at each other with a knowing smile on their faces.

At this moment, they thought of the scene when they followed Li Er and fought everywhere!

Time flies by in a flash, and these little brats have grown up and have their own responsibilities!

"National Master, let me go with you!"

Cheng Yaojin smiled slightly, but his eyes showed determination.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing this, Li Fei stopped trying to persuade him and turned around and walked towards the cave.

Li Fei was the first to walk into the cave, which was as tall as one person.

Cheng Chumo and Yuchi Baolin beside them had already lit torches, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

A slightly moist wind blew, but the ground was dry, and the sound of water flowing from the side came from the side.

Keep going forward, the place was a little narrow at first, but after walking a few dozen meters, the front suddenly became spacious.

At the same time, Li Fei looked attentively.

Not far away, a bright light appeared!

"It was extremely narrow at first, and then I became enlightened. After taking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened..."

With a murmur in his heart, Li Fei couldn't help but smile and shook his head, already confirming the fact that this was the Peach Blossom Land. The only difference is that it was the "Jin Taiyuanzhong" at that time, and now it is the Tang Dynasty.

What difference will it make?

Li Fei became more and more curious.

After walking a short distance, the light in front became more and more obvious, and soon we reached the end of the cave.

This section of the journey took about half an hour.

After walking out of the cave, the scenery outside suddenly came into view. Li Fei and Cheng Yaojin were stunned for a moment!

The houses are neat, the vegetation is green, the streams are gurgling, it’s a vibrant scene!

Li Fei was somewhat mentally prepared, but Cheng Yaojin and others were shocked: "This... what is this place?"

"Is it the beginning of spring now?"

Outside, the season has reached late autumn, and the peach blossoms all over the mountains and plains are unusual enough.

But here, it turns out to be a scene of grass growing and orioles flying?

"The way we came from is gone!"

Suddenly, Qin Huaidao's voice sounded, surprising everyone!

Turning around, he saw that behind him was the cave he and others walked through just now?

It's a whole mountain wall!

"This...couldn't it be the place where the deceased died?"

Yuchi Jingde shivered and suddenly felt cold all over his body: "I have seen records in unofficial history before, saying that someone mistakenly entered the kingdom of the dead and was trapped and died in it..."

As soon as he said this, other people's expressions couldn't help but change slightly.

"They are not the dead, these are the survivors of the pre-Qin Dynasty."

Li Fei laughed, shook his head and said, "Most of those missing people came here. Let's go over and take a look."

A path leads straight ahead, and there are green trees everywhere, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

There are people working on the fertile farmland.

Outside the houses made of thatch and bamboo, there are old people and children enjoying themselves. It is truly a paradise scene!

At this moment, some people had already seen Li Fei and his party, showing surprised expressions.

A farmer wearing a straw hat came out of the field and looked at Li Fei and others with curiosity: "Where do you guys come from?"

Li Fei slightly cupped his hands and said, "We came from outside and accidentally entered this paradise. We are a little curious, so please don't blame us."

From outside?

The farmer was startled.

At this moment, many people saw this and ran out of the fields and yards, looking at Li Fei and others pointing.

There is no malice in their eyes, just pure curiosity and intrinsically simple emotions.

"Haha, little brother is so polite!"

"I have been taking refuge here since the pre-Qin period. I don't know how much time has passed now, and I have been staying here without being able to come out. Little brothers, you are the first batch of people to enter this place..."

"Come, come, come to my house for a drink, let's have a nice chat!"

The farmer seemed very excited when he met an outsider for the first time.

Li Fei couldn't help but look strange when he heard this, and asked tentatively: "I heard before that someone broke into the peach forest in the outside world and then disappeared. Didn't they end up here?"

Are you the first batch?

Hearing this, the farmer yelled: "Are you talking about the corpse appearing under the sacred mountain?"

"Indeed, if you think about it that way, quite a few people came."

At this point, the farmer smiled mysteriously: "Unfortunately, they all came here with corpses..."

Li Fei felt cold all over.

Cheng Yaojin and others were all hairy and their eyes changed!

"Look at how scared you are...hahaha..."

The farmer laughed loudly, and then said seriously: "Seeing you, we can roughly determine what is going on."

"The origin of the sacred mountain, according to the records of our ancestors, is the place where the Yellow Emperor fought against the Chiyou tribe. On the other side of the mountain is the Jiuli Witch Tribe."

"And those corpses that appeared inexplicably were not of our Chinese bloodline, so they were wiped out."

(End of this chapter)

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