Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 411: Sakyamuni on the lower level of the sacred mountain!

Chapter 411: Sakyamuni on the lower level of the sacred mountain!

"Brother, this mountain is so strange!"

"Not even a blade of grass!"

There were bare rocks under his feet. Li Fei smiled when he heard this: "This is not an ordinary mountain. There are only trees and flowers on the mountain. You can see it when you go up."

Looking up, it is obvious that the heights are green.

But the area below our feet is full of rocks, and there is really no grass growing there.

This sacred mountain does not look high, and is vaguely divided into three levels.

Looking at the entire first layer, most of them are earthy-yellow rocks.

The rocks are smooth and round, as if someone polished them every day, giving them a soft feeling.

"It's strange."

Li Fei couldn't help but muttered.

Little Persimmon let go of Li Fei's hand, went to a protruding rock and touched it.

"Brother, it's so warm, it feels like you put your hand into hot water!"

Touch and touch, little persimmon can't put it down.

After thinking for a while, he took off something tied to his arm.

That was the hidden self-defense weapon Li Fei had built for her before.

But it has never been used, and now it may be time to use it.

Taking out a sleeve arrow, Little Persimmon grabbed it in his hand and knocked it towards a small raised rock.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

Li Fei was instantly shocked and quickly came behind Persimmon and hugged her.

And where the persimmon was struck just now, there was suddenly nothing but a ball of golden light, and there was a Buddhist mantra in it!


The golden light floats above the rocks.

Then, it actually flew towards Persimmon!

"Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost!"

Li Fei's face suddenly darkened, the murderous intent in his eyes was released without concealment, and he struck down with a sword!



It's not on the same level at all. The symbol was split apart in the blink of an eye!

Li Fei's sword fell on the rock and cut off that corner of the rock!

The gap is completely natural, so smooth that no trace can be seen!

"You silly bald donkey, do you need me to invite you out?"

When he broke through the Buddhist mantra just now, Li Fei clearly heard a muffled groan coming from somewhere.

Sure enough, Huang Di and Chi You were not the only ones in this sacred mountain.

There is something else.

Even if Persimmon didn't play with the rocks, the bald donkey probably wouldn't let himself go up properly.

Of course, there is another possibility.

Maybe this was a test for themselves by Huang Di and Chi You?

Otherwise, he might be similar to those foreigners who strayed into Taoyuan, and would have turned into corpses long ago.

Staring ahead, I heard a burst of footsteps.

A bald monk, wearing cassocks and wooden clogs, walked slowly down the path.

Look at his soft face, round cheeks, and honest and honest look.

Li Fei secretly thought, this bald donkey is extraordinary!

Could it be that the one who can stay on the sacred mountain is the same as the Yellow Emperor Chi You?

"This benefactor, why did you want to destroy my Foshan Wenyu and taint my Buddhist mantra just now?"

"The benefactor is so murderous. This is not a place where the benefactor can come. It's better to go back and forth from where you are!"

The bald monk spoke, not in ancient language.

But of course Li Fei couldn't help it. He recognized that this was an ancient saying from the Harsha Dynasty!

In other words, this monk is related to the Harsha Dynasty!

That is Gu Tianzhu!

Thinking of this, Li Fei looked at him coldly, without any good impression.


"How do you know the name of this poor monk?"

Sakyamuni looked stunned and looked at Li Fei again.

Could it be that Tianzhu's fashion has changed and she has become dressed like this?

Isn't this how people from the Central Plains look?

Li Fei chuckled and said, "I've had a lot of dealings with Tianzhu, so I can naturally guess who you are. What's so surprising about this?"

The Harsha Dynasty was destroyed by himself, what do you think? The 100,000 monk soldier relics were also completely destroyed by Li Fei.

Li Fei looked down upon these forces who claimed that all living beings were equal, but actually divided them into hierarchies.

Ah San's country has always been so chaotic and contradictory.

Feeling Li Fei's murderous intent, Sakyamuni frowned.

"The donor is very murderous, this is not good."

"We might as well let the poor monk save the benefactor, put down the butcher's knife, and change his mind..."

I wash NM hammers...

Are all Buddhists like this?

Li Fei smiled strangely, and said: "I destroyed the Harsha Dynasty, and the relics of the 100,000 monks and soldiers. Are you sure you want to save me and not take revenge?"


This time, Sakyamuni finally lost his composure!

The solemn expression was filled with waves, and he could no longer remain in a state of no thought!

While chanting the Buddha's name silently, a golden wheel seemed to appear behind his head.

After a few breaths, Sakyamuni's face turned pale, and he seemed to have figured out something.

"I see...Buddhism has reached such a hopeless point..."

Sakyamuni murmured to himself, as if he was stunned.

For a long time, he nodded slightly and silently recited the Buddha's name.

"This matter is not the fault of the donor, and the poor monk cannot blame the donor."

"To be honest, the young monk is just the guardian of the lower level of the sacred mountain. The donor is related to the two statues on the top of the mountain, so the young monk will not stop him."

Gautama Buddha got out of the way.

Li Fei was stunned for a moment.

Sakyamuni, who can be said to be the founder of Buddhism, was actually a gatekeeper?


Huang Di and Chi You are too powerful, are they joining forces?

This is not impossible!

After all, the one thing that the Chinese bloodline has in common is that it likes to get involved in internal affairs when there is nothing to do, but it is always open to the outside world when there is something going on!


After walking for a while, a meadow and a river appeared ahead.

The lower level has been passed through, and now it is the middle level of Mount Kailash.

According to Li Fei's speculation, there should be some talented people here.

There are green grass all around, butterflies flying, and the scenery is beautiful.

After pulling Happy Persimmon for a while, Li Fei looked up.

Not far ahead, a tree grew unexpectedly.

A tree covered with red fruits, something unusual.

The reason why it's not normal is because Li Fei looked around and found that there was only one tree growing here unexpectedly.

"Go over and take a look. It's probably the person from the middle level."

After a while, Li Fei came under the tree.

Each red fruit exudes an attractive luster, making people want to eat one.

"Brother, these fruits are so beautiful!"

"I almost want to eat the persimmons!"

Persimmon looked at the fruits on the tree and swallowed.

Of course, she also knew that this sacred mountain was extraordinary, so she listened to her brother in everything.

Hold it back.

"Want to eat?"

Li Fei glanced at somewhere on the tree and smiled slightly: "Stand back, brother will pick it for you."

After speaking, Li Fei reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword.


Two swords were swung out, and Li Fei put away his sword and stood up.

Then, in Persimmon's stunned eyes.

The only existing tree fell to the ground!

At the same time, an angry voice came out: "Just pick fruits, why cut down trees?"

(End of this chapter)

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