Chapter 424: Do you want the elixir?

In front of everyone, only the huge tree stump was left, which shocked people.

Li Fei looked upward.

The blue weeds fluoresce, and there are other marks on this big wooden pier.

Stepping forward, Li Fei lowered his head and took a closer look.

A huge circular pattern separated by an arc!

Isn't this... the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram?

This pattern is in the center of the tree stump, with three small grooves on the edges.

"Hey, isn't this a Tai Chi diagram?"

Huang Di also discovered the pattern on it, came over and said curiously.

"There are still words below!"

"One life is two... two is the birth of three... three is the birth of all things..."


Li Fei also noticed.

After the sentence "Three things are born of all things", there are no other words.

But looking at the surface of this big tree stump, there are only three empty grooves.

Could that be three?

What are these three things?

It looks like it was taken away. Who left it behind?

All kinds of questions appeared in Li Fei's mind, leaving him blankly thinking.

After the others realized that there was no danger, they dispersed in the cave space, looking for more clues.

Chi You squatted in front of a stone tablet and looked at it carefully for a while.

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

"This seems to be left behind by the founder of Taoism, the one named... Lao Tzu?"

After some searching, Song Laosan and Du Mingyue also found many Tai Chi patterns.

As a symbol of Taoism and Yin-Yang theory, Tai Chi diagram has a different meaning.

This is the wisdom of our ancestors from ancient times, and it contains mysteries that are difficult to fathom!

After Huang Di circled around, he returned to Li Fei.

Feeling the coldness in the air, Huang Di pondered and said, "The direction of the blood energy is flowing here, I can clearly feel it."

"It seems that there were three items on this tree stump. Two of them disappeared without knowing when, but the last one..."

Huang Di pointed at one of the grooves and could vaguely see blood-red energy.

"This must have been taken away not long ago. I suspect that the sudden appearance of the alchemists in Goguryeo and the Shintian Sect are all related to this thing!"

Huang Di's guess is well founded.

Li Fei's eyes also fell on the outermost groove.

The shape... looks like a moon mark.

The other two are round and five-pointed star shapes respectively.

"The two yin and yang are divided into yin and yang, and the three talents are the sun, the moon and the stars. This should be the Taoist tradition."

After taking a long breath, Li Fei suddenly smiled: "If it has something to do with Taoism, I can find someone to ask."

Chi You also came over and asked curiously: "There are many Taoist priests in the Tang Dynasty, but most of them are charlatans. Which one do you want to ask?"

Li Fei smiled slightly: "Have you heard of Yuan Tiangang? And Li Chunfeng?"

It seems that I have only had a limited number of interactions with these two old guys.

We never communicated again!

"Are they the two brothers who created the push-back diagram?"

Huang Di and Chi You were also stunned for a moment.

Then his face lit up and he said with a smile: "That's right, these two people are indeed mysterious!"

"We, the future generations, can't understand the mystery of the push-back diagram. It's just a good time to communicate with these two old guys and see if we can find out anything!"

At this time, Du Mingyue came over with a damaged ancient book.

"Sir, look at this... put it over there..."

Li Fei took over a tattered and yellowed ancient book.

I opened it and took a look, and I couldn't take my eyes away immediately!

"This is... a description of this place!" "Ascension to enlightenment... empty talk... evil thoughts... causing harm to the world..."

"The mother tree in the center of the earth...has been polluted by evil thoughts from the outside world...cut its branches...and suppressed them with the essence of the sun, moon and stars..."

"Future generations should remember...the essence is not a long-term solution...we should strengthen ourselves...if the evil spirits come back, we should completely eliminate them..."

"Don't collect all three essences!"

The content of the text stopped abruptly.

Li Fei's head was covered with sweat.

Especially the last sentence, it was obviously added by later generations!

Several large blood-red characters covered the surface, using modern simplified characters!

"Is this a reminder?"

Huang Di's face was no longer calm, and he was a little confused: "Has anyone been to this place before the three of us?"

"What does this reminder mean?"

The three of them looked at each other. ,

Chi You looked solemn: "After we gather together, will something terrible happen?"

The mystery is too great.

Li Fei's mind was in chaos.

After a long time, Li Fei closed the books and put them away.

After looking around, I found nothing of value.

"Go back first. Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng are Taoist disciples. Let's ask them about it."

"Currently we can roughly guess that the moon-like divine object is in Goguryeo. After we find out the information, we will destroy Goguryeo first!"

"In any case, these three divine objects are of great importance. Even if we don't put them here to study them after we gather them together, it would be good."

Li Fei quickly made up his mind.

Huang Di and Chi You also nodded in agreement.

A strong sense of crisis arose, and everyone felt a sense of urgency!


Goguryeo, where the imperial city is located.

In a palace, the King of Goguryeo and an alchemist sat across from each other.

In front of them was a table.

On the table, there is a moon-shaped groove in the center of a dark stone slab.

It was filled with thick blood.

In the blood, a crescent moon ornament like a jade pendant floated on it.

"National Master, how long do we have to wait?"

The King of Goguryeo's eyes flashed with red light, and he stared at the things on the table and said: "The 50,000 troops sent to exterminate the Huihe tribe were wiped out. This is a huge loss!"

"Goguryeo only has 500,000 soldiers and horses, and one-tenth of them were lost in one fell swoop. This is no small matter!"

Thinking of the news he just heard, the King of Goguryeo felt heartbroken.

Until I got here and saw the little moon.

My mood became calm again.

Opposite him, the alchemist's whole person was covered in a shadow.

Hearing this, he sneered and seemed to shake his head.

"Where is this?"

"As long as you, the King of Goguryeo, live, Goguryeo will never be extinct, right?"

"The people of the Central Plains have been pursuing the elixir for hundreds of years. Now this opportunity is right in front of you. Do you want to give up?"

The elixir!

The red in Goguryeo's eyes flashed.

If I hadn't seen the power of this strange alchemist with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed in the elixir even if I beat him to death!

After a moment of pause, the King of Goguryeo remained silent for a long time: "Then, what should we do next?"

"Create more battles and complete the coming ceremony of the moon stone!"

The alchemist smiled slightly and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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