Chapter 438 Make a plan! Enter the Persian Empire again!

Li Fei knew where his "divine nature" came from.

Although he didn't agree with Ala's speculation, he still felt that something was fishy.

"Ahem... interrupt me."

"This is... the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty?"

Jehovah recognized Li Fei's voice and cooperated very well to reveal his identity.

It saves me the time to introduce myself.

Ala, who initiated the group chat, also promptly added Li Fei’s identity information.

"He is the national master of the Tang Kingdom and the leader of the Tang Sect!"

Li Fei was obviously invited, but he couldn't feel any joy or enthusiasm from Ala's introduction.

She even wondered if he called her here just to raise an army to hold him accountable?

After everyone learned Li Fei's identity, they took a deep breath and thought in their hearts that he was indeed Tietou Allah!

In front of the righteous master, why don’t you just ask Tang Jiao properly?

"I have a few words to say about what you just discussed."

"First of all, Tang Jiao has not conducted any transactions with the Persian Empire. The presence of Tang Jiao priests in the Persian army must have hidden secrets. I will check this matter and talk about it later."

"Secondly, there are doubts about the King of Persia's 'divine nature', and I will personally go to Persia to find out."

As soon as Li Fei's words came out, Ala couldn't help it, and Jehovah was also stunned for a moment.

"It's noisy! What if you keep it in check and commit theft? I'll go too!"

Li Fei had nothing to say about Jehovah's behavior of racking his brains to join in the fun.

"For the sake of your good use of idioms, let's come together."

Unexpectedly, Ala seems to have this plan.

"I'm also interested, maybe I can help."

Li Fei heard this and sent a private message to Huangdi Chi You: "He doesn't believe in us, nor does he believe in Jehovah. What does this guy think?"

Huangdi sneered.

"This is the real purpose of why he called us here!"

Li Fei agreed.

"Tsk, you're talking about assistance, it's not just for surveillance!"

Chi You expressed disdain.

"Then I'd like to thank you both first. There's one last thing I think everyone here needs to know."

Next, Li Fei explained the causes and consequences of the change caused by the blood moon to everyone present.

However, he kept half of what he said.

It only explained the origin of the blood moon, but did not tell the other two of the three divine objects.

It also conceals the consequences that will arise when the three divine objects are gathered together.

After all, there is no guarantee that everyone present is correct in their thinking.

However, who is not a thousand-year-old fox who has the ability to see the whole leopard at a glance?

The calculations in their hearts were rattling, and they were all speculating about what level of divine object this moon essence, which can cause changes in the world, is?

Sakyamuni fell into deep thought.

He was a little unsure whether the essence of the moon that Li Fei mentioned came from the same origin as the essence of the sun that he knew.

If so...then the opportunity to activate the essence of the moon and make it ascend to the sky and turn into a blood moon is worth exploring.

What he didn't know was that Li Fei was also thinking about the essence of the sun at this time!


After the group chat was disbanded, Li Fei went to the palace to find Li Tai and asked Li Tai to fabricate several false identities for them and prepare trade documents.

"It's just a dispute between Persia and Dashi, why bother my brother to go there in person?"

"Don't look down on the rookies pecking each other. The King of Persia has something that can involve me, the Tang Sect."

"It's really weird."

"Well, so as not to alert the enemy."

Fortunately, there are two powerful free "helpers" who are suitable for Li Fei to act secretly.

"By the way, how is the use of the star essence as the antidote going?"

Since the change in the world, Li Fei discovered that the symptoms of all mutated creatures were the same as those of the Goguryeo soldiers who took the essence of the moon medicine.

Thinking about it, this should be affected by the energy of the blood moon!

If you want to suppress or eliminate this abnormality, you must have an energy source of the same level.

Now, they only have the essence of the star to try.

So, he ordered Li Tai to find a large number of alchemists to drip medicine with star essence and test the medicine with mutated organisms to see if it could solve the problem.

"We have successfully made a medicine. It is useful...but not very effective."

"How to say?"

"I have tried it on mutated animals. It can only calm and soothe. After a certain period of time, it will return to the bloodthirsty state. This time varies according to the size of the animal, ranging from three to twelve hours."

Huang Di found it a bit funny.

"Are you sure you didn't go to all the trouble to make a sweat medicine?"

"Ordinary Mongolian sweat medicine is useless against these mutated species..." Chi You clicked his tongue.

"It's not a mutation, it's obviously a perversion."

Li Tai smiled awkwardly, feeling very ashamed that he had not done what the emperor told him well.

"It's okay. The results show that our idea is right. You can continue to keep an eye on this matter. If the essence of the star really doesn't work, then there is a third one..."

"Essence of the Sun?"


Biological mutation has become a common phenomenon in the world. If it is allowed to continue to develop, there is no need to collect three magical objects to cause a disaster. A blood moon alone can wipe out all mankind.

Perhaps due to the attributes of the stars and moon, the essence of the stars has little effect.

In this case, Li Fei is determined to get the essence of that day.

"But the warning in the tomb..."

As the leader of a country, Li Tai undoubtedly has to worry about the people of the world.

Although the authenticity of the prophecy could not be determined, he did not want to take the risk.

"Silly boy, don't we have the final say whether we should get these three things together?"

Huang Di could see Li Tai's worry at a glance and was very pleased.

"The first priority is to get rid of the red oil sesame cake above your head."

Being interrupted by Chi You, Li Tai's heavy mood suddenly became much lighter.

After explaining some affairs to Li Tai after he left, Li Fei took his family and his family to go abroad to "do business".


The royal city of Persia.

Li Fei took Huang Di, Chi You, Du Mingyue and Si Zi and swaggered down the street. The five of them faked their identities as a family of five.

The eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, the third younger sister and the fourth younger sister.

The eldest brother and the second brother are businessmen, and they take their younger brothers and sisters to a foreign country to see the world.

From the moment he entered the city, Si Zi did not stop.

Seeing this exotic city-state again, I always remember that I am here to play, and everything I see feels fresh!

Li Fei felt relaxed when he saw that she liked her, and happily followed behind to pay the bill.

"Fortunately, I brought a few smart guys to act as my followers. Women's shopping talent really does not distinguish between age and species."

When it came to shopping, Li Fei admitted that he was a complete loser.

The subordinates who originally planned to spy on the news could only carry their bags obediently.

"Brother, Sizi wants to buy this~!"

Sizi dragged Li Fei to a shop that sold ready-made clothes. He picked out the clothes she liked at a glance and made a fuss about changing into them immediately.

While the others were waiting for Sizi to change clothes, Li Fei took a fancy to a red gauze dress and asked the boss to wrap it up for him without changing his expression.

Du Mingyue witnessed the whole process and was greatly surprised. In the end, she had to remind Li Fei in a low voice.

"Sir, this dress... is too short... and very thin..."

Li Fei couldn't help but laugh when he saw Du Mingyue was so embarrassed that he couldn't even speak.

Holding back his smile, he whispered in her ear:

"Just wear it for me to see?"

Du Mingyue said "Yeah" and immediately lowered her head, but her red ears betrayed her thoughts.

He wanted to continue teasing her, but suddenly he felt a familiar breath approaching them quickly.

Li Fei suddenly looked strange and took out the message stone as quickly as possible.

"Stop...stay away from me."

Jehovah's voice was filled with grievance, unwillingness and a little anger.


Li Fei briefly explained his plan, but he didn't know whether he understood it or not.

"So, if that kid King of Persia really has 'divine nature', he will take the initiative to come to me, then what should I say to him then?"

Yes, this key point is like quicksand on the fingertips, and it can flow as much as it can.

Li Fei looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Just say...I will destroy you on behalf of the moon."


"Is this a spell from the East?"

(End of this chapter)

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