Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 444: Prioritize and search for the essence of the sun!

Chapter 444: Prioritize and search for the essence of the sun!

After everyone discussed it, they felt that things had to be prioritized.

The most urgent task is to find Sakyamuni first.

Taking a step back, if Shakyamuni accidentally fell into the hands of Fox Yumen and was refined into a shikigami by them, it would be over.

Although this possibility is slim.

"He's not that useless, is he?"

Jehovah poses a soul-searching question.

"Who knows, no one can find him now."

"I was suppressed and beaten by me and the boss even at the Holy Mountain, and I had no power to fight back."

"Perhaps someone has erased his consciousness and turned it into a small piece of paper."

Chi You's mouth has never been forgiving.

"He should have sealed his consciousness and forced himself into a state of nothingness. Only in this way can he avoid losing control."

The only person who could remain rational at this time was Huang Di.

"Then where will he be?"

This sentence is Li Fei asking Allah a question.

After all, of all the people present, Allah and Sakyamuni were the most familiar.

After all, they almost all belong to Central Asia, and the two appeared in almost no particular order.

"I think he may have settled in a temple."

"So, let's visit all the temples in Kyoto?"

After receiving Li Fei's instructions, Gan Youliang was about to go down to make arrangements, but was stopped by Li Fei.

"If this bald monk wants to hide, you won't be able to find him."

"In this way, you mark all the temples in Kyoto and we will go find them ourselves."

There are hundreds of temples, large and small, in Kyoto.

After getting the map, several people planned to split up.

Judging from the pace of these powerful men, it should only take half a day to achieve results.

For a long time, Li Fei was traveling and surrounded by various people.

But like now, walking alone on the streets of a foreign country like a zombie siege is the first time in this life.

Moreover, he sometimes feels that he is a person who will come to him even if he does not look for trouble.

Isn’t this coming?


The visitor spoke Japanese language, but this did not hinder Li Fei, who was proficient in the language, from communicating.

As soon as I came out of a small temple, I met an Onmyoji at the corner of the street.

At this time, the Onmyoji who dares to dress up like this and walk struttingly on the street is undoubtedly a disciple of Fox Yu!

"Are these guys full of fanaticism and ready to conquer the entire Japan?"

Li Fei chuckled, pretending to be scared.

"Master Onmyoji, what's the matter with you?"

Li Fei speaks Japanese fluently and naturally.

Talk to the person as if you were a native.

However, his relaxed and carefree attitude made the other party feel uncomfortable.

"You are not from the Fox Royal Gate. Don't you know that hundreds of ghosts walk at night and ordinary people are not allowed to go out and walk around?"

Li Fei looked up at the sky and pretended to check the time.

"Hundred Ghosts Night Parade?"

"It's daytime now, right?"

Li Fei's face was full of doubts, he was so overbearing!

"Wherever I, Fox Yumen, go, is where the extreme night falls!"

The man snorted coldly, his words filled with inexplicable pretentious joy.

"So... you did this too?"

Li Fei pointed at the blood moon in the sky and asked with a smile.

"That's natural, otherwise it could still be you?"

Li Fei was happy.

"What a great skill. I like to challenge powerful guys like you!" At this moment, the Fox Onmyoji didn't know that he had kicked the hardest iron plate in Kyoto!

It's still the kind of meteorite from the sky!

He stopped Li Fei because he thought this guy was wandering around in Kyoto, a city haunted by hundreds of ghosts?

He should have some abilities... Wouldn't it be nice to capture them and use them as materials for refining shikigami?

Looking at this posture now, it is exactly what he wants!

In the blink of an eye, several spells hit Li Fei.

Li Fei made a brief distinction and curled his lips.

These charms are all low-level charms such as immobilization and restraint...are they too rubbish?

These have been around since ancient times. Are you still using them now?

Li Fei stood motionless and took it abruptly!

"Any more?"

The onmyoji also felt a little surprised, but he no longer dared to underestimate Li Fei!

He quickly threw out a few small paper figures. Following the Onmyoji's summoning spell, the small paper figures turned into monster shikigami with a bang in the air and rushed toward Li Fei.

"One, two, three... only five, what a little piece of trash."

Li Fei remained motionless, not even blinking.

Seeing that the shikigami he had summoned surrounded Li Fei and would soon tear him into pieces, the man looked overjoyed.

"I made a mistake, it turned out to be a fool..."

Just when he was holding his hand and preparing to take back the shikigami.

"Boring... what a waste of time..."

"You're just training a shikigami? This thing is called a kite in our place!"

"Let me take advantage of Shura's power!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the shikigami that had originally surrounded Li Fei were suddenly blown away!

Not to mention the severed limbs and remains, those monsters were blown into powder while their bodies were still in the air!

Li Fei, who has a Shura body, looks evil in appearance, and the aura emanating from his body has frightened the onmyoji who faced him directly!

Under the blood moon, Beijing, where hundreds of ghosts walk at night, is like a purgatory on earth.

But at this moment, the area centered on Li Fei is clearly the Asura Hell!

Onmyoji smelled the breath of death.

"Hu Yumen, what kind of hot chicken place is this?"

"What a disappointment..."

At this moment, Li Fei received news from Huang Di.

"We found the place!"


Outside Sensoji Temple.

A large group of bald monks were chanting sutras around Sakyamuni.

Chi You was speechless for a while and muttered softly.

"Those who are aware know that we are strengthening the seal, and those who are not aware think that we are giving him salvation..."

"If instead of meditating, you lie down, it would be more like..."

Jehovah echoed.

The two looked at each other and gave a high-five in perfect agreement.

"I found this first."

Allah says this.

"What? They told you that something was being done inside, so you didn't come in to see it, right?"

"So, a saint like you sometimes really can't do great things."

"You see, I'm different. They didn't let me in, but I insisted on going in to take a look. Isn't that what I discovered?"

Jehovah never misses an opportunity for foolishness.

"What's going on now??"

"I don't know. Let's ask the old monk first."

Here, Ara easily took over the task of strengthening the seal.

With a wave of his hand, the chanting monks woke up from their trance, and the seal was no longer loose.

too strong!

The old monk, who knew the identity of Sakyamuni, was suddenly in awe of Allah.

With several of the strongest guys from Blue Star here, Shakyamuni is no longer a big problem.

At this moment, Chi You looked at the old monk and got straight to the point.

"Where is the Sunstone?"

(End of this chapter)

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