Chapter 45 Lao Li, you must not cheat me!


"No matter how hard I try, I can't report it to the government. I will never report it to the government in this life."

Li Fei shook his head, raised his head and looked at Lao Li with eyes full of pity.

It seems that Lao Li's business is going very smoothly. Don't you know that the government has always been too high-minded, so why would they pay attention to such a remote place?

"Since Lao Li, you don't believe in evil, then go and report it to the official."

"Anyway, these envoys from Tubo to Tang will stay in Chang'an for a few days. By then, they will take the princess with them and return to Tubo. It will be too late to think about anything."

Li Fei is also worthy of Lao Li's thoughts. After all, he is a businessman. Businessmen value profits and weigh the pros and cons, so it is appropriate to think more.

Hearing this, Li Er shook his head and said, "Young man, you may not know the news yet. I heard that the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty requested a marriage from Your Majesty, but they were rejected!"

"Perhaps, His Majesty has the same idea as you, young man, and has already seen through the conspiracy of these Tubo envoys, so he did not agree to their request."

Speaking of this, Li Er's face showed a hint of pride again.

You kid may not know yet, but isn’t the Lord of the Tang Dynasty who made the wise decision right in front of you?



Li Fei was stunned for a moment. This was different from what was recorded in the history books.

According to the established plot, shouldn't the Tubo envoy go to the Tang Dynasty, and then Lu Dongzan solves the problem set by Li Er, and finally decides on the marriage?
And then send Princess Wencheng there soon and head to Tubo with a bunch of dowry?

Holding his chin, Li Fei looked at Lao Li and Lao Sun suspiciously, and asked after a moment: "It is impossible for Li Er to think of such a thing. Are you talking too much, Lao Li?"

Changsun Wuji was beside him. Hearing this, the corner of his mouth twitched again, and he couldn't talk to him at all.

How do you answer this?

Old Li laughed, and then his expression became calm again, and said: "That's what happened. I'm afraid only Your Majesty can know more about it."

"Young man, those envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty will stay in Chang'an City for a few days. What are you going to do?"

Seeing Lao Li changing the subject, Li Fei didn't think much and said casually: "After hearing what you said, Lao Li, I have no idea for the moment. You'd better go to the police first and ask, otherwise you'll think I'm lying to you."

"What's more, there are a lot of people who sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty, thirty or forty in total. Just by myself, I am always more than capable." "Of course, it's not me holding you back in this matter, it's mainly Sun. My aunt has been wronged, and I feel that as a man, if we don’t do something, it will really be like the crab roe has fallen into our crotch - forget about diarrhea!"

Li Er has been reluctant to express his position, and Li Fei has already seen it.

Although they have been getting along well recently, Li Fei has long suspected his motives.

Showing courtesy without reason is either adultery or robbery.

If he hadn't always seen the purpose of this old Li, Li Fei wouldn't seduce him with such nonsense.

Sure enough, when the words "Aunt Sun" were mentioned, Li Er's face suddenly turned gloomy.

Changsun Wuji saw sweat on his forehead, and he had already scolded Li Fei in his heart!
This guy is a thief, he is clearly trying to get His Majesty into trouble!
After thinking for a long time, Changsun Wuji was about to speak when he saw Lao Li waving his hands with a serious look on his face.

"Little doctor, I won't hide it from you. These three guards of mine, as well as those who were sent here to protect you and my wife, are all my servants!"

"If I lend you these men, can you deal with those Tibetan envoys?"

"But I have another plan. Once you take action, the people above will definitely know about it. If this happens, I'm afraid you will be imprisoned, or even beheaded!"

Li Er's eyes flashed with determination, and he looked into Li Fei's eyes and spoke slowly.

Indeed, even he himself was panicking because he couldn't breathe out!
Li Fei nodded and said, "Old Li, tell me what you have to say, don't hold back, let me hear what you want."

Li Er pondered for a moment and said: "It is not convenient for me to take action in this matter, but it is impossible to swallow this breath. You can take action against those Tubo envoys, but remember not to go too far."

"When the time comes, I will arrange some connections in Chang'an City, pretend to put you in jail, and then find a few people who have committed the death penalty to replace you. How about that?"

"In this way, even if the relationship between Tang Dynasty and Tubo is affected by this incident, the government and the court will also have their say, how about it?"

Li Er weighed it in his mind for a long time, and finally came up with this "good solution" that was not a solution!
At this moment, even though he was still angry in his heart, he could only consider this matter from the perspective of Datang.

"Is this your idea?"

Li Fei showed an unexpected expression, and then after thinking for a while, he nodded: "In that case, you go back to Chang'an to settle the relationship first, and I also need to make some preparations."

"And if those Tibetan people leave Chang'an, Lao Li, you are well-informed. Remember to pass the news to me as soon as possible!"

"And the most important thing is, I believe you in this matter. Lao Li, please don't cheat me!"

(End of this chapter)

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