Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 451 Replacement successful! Shakyamuni is out of trouble!

Chapter 451 Replacement successful! Shakyamuni is out of trouble!

"Monk, we are now going to draw out the power of the blood moon from your body and replace it with a safe container. We need your cooperation."

"If you can hear it, just squeak!"

Jehovah shouted loudly to Sakyamuni through the seal barrier.

The rest of the people looked at the sky and were speechless.

They were all sealed and asleep, so why did God make a sound?

Unexpectedly, Sakyamuni actually heard it!

A burst of golden light suddenly appeared on the surface of the barrier, and it flashed twice...

The Lord was very pleased to see this.

"You see, communication is the most effective way to solve problems."

"It's a reckless act to force yourself to do so!"

Forget it, you win this round, let you show off.

After informing Sakyamuni, Prince Shotoku received Li Fei's instructions and sat cross-legged face to face with Sakyamuni.

The five demigods were also prepared and ready for battle.

Tianhai and Shiranui Mori were guarding the law outside to prevent anyone from coming in and disturbing them.

The five demigods, with Li Fei as the main formation, raised their Qi and formed seals at the same time.

The sealing barrier instantly shattered into powder!

These five people are extremely skilled in controlling power!

When the barrier was shattered, not even a single hair of Prince Shotoku, who was nearest, floated.

He was motionless and didn't feel any energy leaking out at all.

As the sealing barrier was broken, the power of the blood moon in Sakyamuni's body began to riot!

The bloody curse marks on his body that had stopped spreading began to squirm quickly again!

Sakyamuni's face also became more and more painful.

"Hold on, it'll only take a moment."

Li Fei knew that Sakyamuni could hear, so he communicated with him through the simplest words.

As Li Fei and others took action, the rapidly spreading bloody curse seal began to shrink back.

I don't know how much time passed, but the curse seal shrunk to the area around Sakyamuni's eyes, just as it started to spread.

When the curse seal was completely retracted, Sakyamuni suddenly opened his eyes!

A pair of eyes that were so red that they seemed to be dripping blood were staring at Prince Shotoku in front of him!

"It doesn't matter, stay in concentration."

"Do what you can to control this power, and if that doesn't work, there are other ways."

Li Fei comforted him with words.

Chatting is just chatting, but the movements of the five people's hands are not slow at all.

Soon, the power of the blood moon in Sakyamuni's body gathered on his spiritual platform, and a small blood moon-shaped curse seal appeared on Sakyamuni's forehead.

Li Fei used his spiritual consciousness to connect the spiritual platforms of Sakyamuni and Prince Shotoku, and the other four controlled the power of the blood moon and slowly passed over the "bridge".

From the perspective of Tenkai and Shiranui Morinaga, there is a thin red line connecting their foreheads!

In the thin line, there is an energy that is obviously very violent but has been suppressed, like a prisoner being escorted, moving little by little unwillingly.

This "ceremony" to extradite the power of the Blood Moon lasted from noon to dusk!

It was finally completed before the power of the Blood Moon began to grow stronger.

The five powerful demigods were all sweating profusely.

Obviously, given their abilities, it would be easy for them to bomb a few mountains.

However, it is tens of millions of times harder than threading a needle to control such a rioting power of the Blood Moon, which can come and go freely at the most vulnerable place of human beings.

I have never done anything so meticulous. After all, if you are not careful, Gautama Buddha and Prince Shotoku will have their altars completely destroyed and lose consciousness.

The moment the power of the blood moon completely left his body, Sakyamuni was already awake.

He didn't ask anything. He had already seen everything that happened just now when he was connected to Prince Shotoku's tomb.

In addition to these, he even learned some secrets!

I don’t know if it’s Li Fei’s illusion.

After seeing Sakyamuni wake up, he felt that the old monk was a little bit solemn. This guy surrounded by Buddha's light has a little bit more popularity.

But this trace of emotions and desires gradually disappeared as Sakyamuni came to his senses.

Li Fei thought about the reason carefully and suddenly understood.

Presumably, he was previously disturbed by Prince Shotoku's memory, and he also felt Prince Shotoku's obsessions.

But in the final analysis, it is indeed the true form of Buddha.

If the six roots are pure, all things can be purified, and nothing can disturb his practice.

Putting it this way, when Prince Shotoku wakes up successfully, he will definitely have great fortunes.

However, as everyone waited eagerly for a stick of incense, there was no movement from Prince Shotoku.

It can only be sensed from Shiranui Morinaga's contract that Prince Shotoku is still "alive".

What about the power of the blood moon?

Did he become wilted after being put into the body of a dead person?

It shouldn't be.

This is a perverted energy that can make people "resurrect from the dead" and control the corpses of the dead. The combat effectiveness can't be so bad, right?

"Maybe... he hasn't adapted to the new environment yet? Let's give him some time?"

"That seems to make sense, wait?"

"Hey! I actually hope that the power of the blood moon disappears directly, so that we don't have to worry about it causing harm."

Jehovah and Chi You waited impatiently and began to chat.

At this moment, the sun has completely set, and a blood moon hangs high in the sky.

Prince Shotoku, who had been meditating motionlessly, suddenly burst into flames and roared like a beast!


Only Tianhai knew that Prince Shotoku was a mortal after all.

The speed of being eroded by the curse seal is more than ten times that of Sakyamuni!

Soon, the bloody curse seal covered Prince Shotoku’s body!

Looking from a distance, the once virtuous and elegant regent turned into a bloody man with faint blood!

His original appearance was not visible at all.

After becoming mad, Prince Shotoku was extremely aggressive, hitting anyone he saw, and had completely lost his rationality.

But this poses no threat to the five demigods present.

Just like teasing the boss in an online game, you poke me and I poke you, Prince Shotoku ran around the room without touching a single corner of his clothes.

This is not a bad idea on their part.

It took enough time for Shiranui Morinaga to get used to controlling Prince Shotoku after he became crazy.

Shiranui Mori knew what these powerful men meant, so he held up his hand and started chanting the incantation.

Not long after, the mad Prince Shotoku suddenly stopped in place as if trapped by an invisible rope.

Shiranui Morinaga looked happy, it’s done!

Li Fei continued to follow the instructions and said.

"You try to get him to attack me, just hit me."

"Yes... sir, be careful!"

Shiranui Morinaga began to change his hand seals and spells.

At first, Prince Shotoku acted hesitantly and stiffly.

But as Shiranui Morinaga continued to adjust, Prince Shotoku's attacks on Li Fei became more and more smooth.

Soon after, Li Fei showed a satisfied smile.

"It's your turn to try it and get familiar with this blood moon energy!"

(End of this chapter)

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