Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 453 The soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty go to sea!

Chapter 453 The soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty go to sea!

Ichiro Sakkawa was overjoyed when he heard this.

But he still tried his best to hide his excited expression and pretended to be calm.

"Excellent, excellent, excellent! Prince Li's generous help this time, Zuo Chuan is very grateful and will definitely repay him!"

"There is no need to repay you. You also know that I like some strange things when I travel around the world."

"When the Sunstone revives, just open your eyes to me."

"What did the prince say? After this happens, you will be Japan's honored guest!"

Having said that, Ichiro Sakkawa secretly thought it was terrible.

I was too carried away and accidentally spilled the beans. I hope this person didn't understand.

Unfortunately, Li Fei did not continue to act stupid as Ichiro Saukawa wanted.

The big fish has bitten the hook, why not hold on to it?

"Oh? It seems that Brother Zuochuan is going to use this rare treasure to do something big?"

Ichiro Sakkawa's mind was spinning rapidly.

I was thinking hard about how I should make up for it, but I could only slap my lips in embarrassment, haha.

"Haha, no, no, the prince knows."

"Now that the Fox Royal Gate has replaced the Onnyang Residence, I have become His Majesty the Emperor's guest. Now that I have fulfilled my lifelong wish, how can I think about anything else?"

Ichiro Sakkawa smiled awkwardly.

"That's not what you said. Although I am an idle person, I also know that a man should have great ambitions."

"I don't have much ability, unlike Brother Zuo Chuan. If you have such ability and courage, you should do something big!"

When Ichiro Sakkawa heard this, his eyes lit up, as if he had met a close friend.

"Does the prince really think so highly of me?"

"Seriously, I think highly of you and call you my brother, so you don't have to be humble!"

Li Fei was a little surprised to see Ichiro Saukawa's reaction.

He originally thought Zuo Chuan was a man with deep knowledge and vicious methods, but he didn't expect him to be so easy to deceive?

Is he pretending?

Or is it that the person behind him is more sophisticated?

"Having said that, the Tang Dynasty was a kingdom of heaven."

"The population and territory of Japan are the same as those of our counties. The royal family of Japan pays tribute to me every year, so our emperor will naturally provide more protection to Japan. However, this is your internal affairs..."

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows at Ichiro Sakkawa, looking like a foolish prince.

"It's not easy for us to control."

These words sounded really exaggerated, but he said them as a dignified royal family.

Ichiro Sakkawa also felt that there was nothing wrong with being so arrogant and rude.

Besides, Li Fei meant what he said.

No matter if you, Ichiro Sakkawa, want to rebel or stir up trouble, even if you want to become the Emperor of Japan!

As long as you surrender to the Tang Dynasty, there will be no subsequent problems at all.

After this conversation, it was a lie to say that Zuo Chuan was not moved.

But although he doesn't have much money, he is not stupid. He still needs to discuss it with the adult.


In the East China Sea, the Tang Dynasty caravan ships were sailing.

The fleet had just passed through the storm zone on the sea, and the decks of all the ships were in a mess.

On the largest ship in the fleet, a burly young man was standing on the deck looking towards Japan.

Behind him, a man dressed as a manager was holding a ledger and reporting to him the statistics of losses suffered by the caravan during the storm zone.

If it weren't for this scene, when people saw the young man, they would just think that he was a martial arts practitioner. You would never associate him with that kind of pot-bellied businessman, but he is indeed the person in charge of this caravan!

"How long until we arrive?"

"Mr. Song, the scope of this sea storm is wider than before. We were delayed for some time when we passed through it. It may be one day later than expected."

"Send a letter to the National Adviser. Although we are marching in the name of a caravan, the military situation is still urgent and cannot be delayed."

"Be sure to inform the National Preceptor of the details so that he can have countermeasures."

It was Li Fei's idea to disguise the ships transporting the Yinling troops of the Huben Army as merchant ships heading to Japan.

After all, when it comes to naval battles alone, the Japanese are better at it.

Li Fei didn't want his plan to be exposed early. In order to allow the Yinling troops of the Huben Army to arrive smoothly, he had to use this method.

This fleet, disguised as a caravan transporting weapons, also gave them a layer of double insurance.

Since ancient times, weapons have been the most important type of strategic materials.

Regardless of the civil strife in a country, when strategic materials are imported from abroad, they must ensure that the materials arrive safely.

As for who owns these things after they arrive, let's have a fight.

Not to mention, materials are scarce in Japan, and iron and metals are particularly valuable.

For a caravan transporting weapons like this, they have to be worshiped by the King of Heaven.

Song Jiang is a blacksmith who is good at forging, so it is most suitable for him to be the person in charge of this weapons caravan.

"Brother Song Jiang, here we come!"

Xiao Sizi and Xiao Yinyin held hands and jumped out of the cabin, very excited.

Seeing Xiao Yinyin pointing at the sea water under her fingernails, Song Jiang understood.

I thought to myself that the Imperial Master was really good at predicting events, and he had almost guessed what the other party would do.

"Has Xiao Yin Yin completed the task assigned by the National Master?"

"It's done! Those fish are in the water!"

"To be honest, after raising her all the way, Yin Yin is still a little reluctant to let go!"

When the fleet just set out to sea, the soldiers of the Yinling Army of the Huben Army caught a lot of sea fish for Xiao Yinyin to raise her Gu.

Yinyin put the Gu worms into the bodies of the fish and raised them for a while, just for today.

Those who had the idea of ​​​​a moonstone that did not exist at all disappeared into the deep sea without knowing it.

Far away from the fleet, a group of dead pirates were lurking, waiting for their manpower. They had no idea what they were about to face.

The mission they received was to intercept a caravan from the Tang Dynasty and snatch something called the "Moon Stone" from their hands!

Logically speaking, Japanese pirates would not dare to take action when they see the big "Tang" flag on the bow of a caravan.

It's a pity that there are always some desperadoes in the world who want money rather than their lives.

To collect money and do things, they came to the Tang Dynasty's caravan.

Then, use blinding magic to hide your ship.

After approaching the caravan, the ship on the other side took a look at the caravan's situation.

I saw that the boats of this caravan had a very deep draft, but there were not many people moving around on the deck!

The news should be correct!

Ships that transport iron items won't be too fast, and they still have a small number of people, so they should be easily captured.

The leading pirate soldier gave a "do it" signal to his men in the water!

However, before they could surface and climb onto the boat, the group of people underwater were surrounded by fish!

If we were on the ground at this time, the number of these fish schools could be described as overwhelming!

The ability of Gu insects to reproduce and infect is an unimaginable nightmare for Japanese people!

A one-sided massacre without blood, smoke, screams, and even invisible dead people quietly began and ended quietly under the calm waters of the East China Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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