Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 458: Intrigue and deception, waiting for darkness to become invincible!

Chapter 458: Intrigue and deception, waiting for darkness to become invincible!

But it is precisely because of this that when the orthodox Onmyoji summons shikigami, it consumes more of itself than everyone else in Kitsune Yumen!

Their own mana must support the shikigami's battle, and they must constantly cast spells and barriers to assist the shikigami's battle!

Or conversely, the onmyoji, who is already good at fighting, also needs to use his own mana to provide the shikigami so that the shikigami can assist him.

But the Fox Royal Sect members are different.

They know very few spells and wards, and the shikigami are all transformed melee monsters!

You only need to provide a small amount of mana to maintain the shikigami's fighting form!

In this way, it stands to reason that the orthodox Onmyoji is stronger.

But each of them can summon at most two to three shikigami, and an Onmyoji from Kitsune Mikado can summon more than twice the number of shikigami!

The people in Yin Yang Lao were stunned and defeated the shikigami of the Fox Yu Sect, but they could not withstand the opponent's continuous summons and constant consumption.

Not to mention, the monster shikigami of Kitsune Mikado have extremely strong healing abilities!

As long as their limbs are not completely shattered, they can reattach the severed limbs and continue fighting.

"Lord Nakamaru, we can't stand it any longer, and everyone's mana is running out!"

Abe Nakamaro casually swatted away a half-snake monster that pounced on him, with a solemn expression on his face.

He originally thought that Li Fei asked him to conserve his strength and they could just deal with it and fight.

But he still underestimated Fox Yumen's strength!

"Prepare to retreat!"


After receiving the order from Abe Nakamaro, everyone in the Onmyogliao began to take back their shikigami for fighting outside.

Seeing this, Ichiro Sakkawa shouted: "Don't let them escape!"

Abe Nakamaro opened a huge defensive barrier for his own Onmyoji, with a serious look on his face: "Who said I was going to run away?"

As soon as he finished speaking, singing and chanting began all over the barrier!

The members of the Yin Yang Lao summoned their strongest shikigami and the most lethal spells.

"Thousand Killing Curse!"

"The fire wolf is summoned!"

"Spell blessing, turn on!"


Finally, in the clear singing voice of Abe Nakamaro, Ichiro Sakkawa's expression finally changed.

"Tengu! Summon!"

Tengu is the ancestral shikigami of the Abe family!

Before becoming a shikigami, Tengu had already developed a divine body.

Although after his death, he transformed into a shikigami, his strength was no longer as good as before, but this was still enough for everyone present to drink from the pot!

After the Tengu appeared, it was seen fluttering its wings and hanging in the sky in the middle of the battlefield, with a ferocious red mask on its face.

His expression was unclear, but his cold and ruthless voice covered the entire mountain.

"Wind! Cut!"

The Tengu waved the fan in his hand, and a hurricane suddenly blew across the battlefield, like a blade wrapped around it.

The group of monster shikigami at the front of the battlefield received this move head-on and were dismembered and shattered by the Tengu's Wind Slash, making it impossible to put them back together again!

As the wind slash fell, the strongest killing moves of other shikigami and onmyoji followed.

Ichiro Sakkawa had no choice but to command the Fox Royal Sect members to retreat one after another.

After this killing move, Hu Yumen suffered heavy losses!

Not only were the shikigami that had been dismembered and crushed to pieces completely destroyed, there were also a few weaker Onmyoji who had no time to dodge and were killed on the spot!

On the other hand, Abe Nakamaro's side, except for the exhaustion of mana, the onmyoji and shikigami are temporarily fine.

Ichiro Sakkawa hesitated on the spot.

He was unwilling to lose ground, but he was also afraid that the other party would make another killing move, and his side would definitely be completely unable to withstand it!

The battlefield is changing rapidly!

At the moment when Ichiro Sakawa was stunned, Abe Nakamaro took back the tengu.

Then, he used his last bit of mana to summon a huge shikigami.

"Long Che, summon us!"

This shikigami, to put it bluntly, is an extremely fast vehicle that can grow or shrink according to the Onmyoji's wishes.

The car turned into a temple-sized carriage in the air, sucking all the onmyoji present into their bodies and flying away.

Ichiro Zuokawa gritted his teeth and realized that he had been deceived.


"Their mana has long been exhausted. Let's pursue the victory and don't give them time to breathe and recover!"

The Kitsune clan members followed the traces of demonic power left by Otoko's car and chased them to Iga Shrine.

Then, he stopped outside the shrine.

"Leader, the demon power of Hao Che is gone at this point!"

Ichiro Sakkawa looked ugly. "How could such a big shikigami disappear out of thin air?"

"Go explore!"

This fox onmyoji master immediately sent out a firework signal.

Then, looking around the entire mountain forest, I saw that the men surrounding and ambush outside the mountain forest did not reply.

This was their agreed upon signal.

If you don't reply, there is nothing unusual.

"They must still be in the mountains. Spread out and look for them. Kill them without mercy!"

Zuokawa Ichiro asked his men to send shikigami to find the whereabouts of the Yin and Yang lao people.

He was sitting at the Iga Shrine, and by the way, he turned the Iga Shrine into a mess.

Time passed little by little.

At first, shikigami kept coming to report the news, but later, fewer and fewer shikigami came to report the news.

Ichiro Sakkawa suddenly felt uneasy.

His subordinates seemed to sense his anxiety and spoke quickly.

"Chief, it's getting dark..."

"After dark, our shikigami's strength increases greatly, so you don't need to worry."

"Yes, that's when we are strongest!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Ichiro Sakkawa nodded and waited for dark with all his heart.

However, things in the world are fickle, and how can someone who lurks in a place darker than the night let him get his wish?

Before the sun set and the moon rose, the onmyojis surrounding Ichiro Sakkawa suddenly exclaimed.

"how come?"




"what are you guys saying?"

These exclamations one after another made Ichiro Sakkawa's expression change!

"Chief, I just felt that the shikigami sent out has disappeared..."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that my connection with the Shikigami has been severed..."

"In such a situation, the shikigami is usually killed by someone..."

"mine too!"

"me too……"

"Just now..."

Hearing this, Ichiro Sakkawa shouted, "It's not good!"

These shikigami didn't reply to messages for a long time, but were killed one after another at the same time. It seemed that the other party was prepared early in the morning!

"Recall all the surviving shikigami and place them outside the shrine!"

"They are coming back. Let's wait until dark and then we can fight!"

"I can't call you back..."

"Someone used a spell to cut off all connections between us and the shikigami!"

Zuokawa Ichiro gritted his teeth.

"Then let go of those who were released. Now everyone, summon all the shikigami."

For a time, the originally vast Iga Shrine was crowded with a group of monsters!

Ichiro Sakkawa didn't feel at ease until he felt that he was surrounded by shikigami.

(End of this chapter)

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