Chapter 472 The sacred tree sprouted!

In these poor places where the land is already barren, if you want to survive, you have to fight fiercely. Those old, weak, women and children who have no strength to restrain the chicken dare not not rob or get hurt. If they are injured, they will If you die, you will be eaten.

But without food, they will still starve to death or be eaten...

Therefore, the strong can survive, and the cruel and cruel can also survive...

In order to continue to live, they can only continue to be cruel.

Scenes like this can be seen everywhere in the Tang Dynasty. No matter where Li Fei and others go, they always see such a scene.

I could see that his heart was bleeding and he was blaming himself.

Yes, he blames himself. If he hadn't been smart enough to release the Sunstone, it would have been just a blood moon. Those mutations could have been controlled by force and medicine.

Why do the people in this world suffer so much!

Li Fei gritted his teeth and clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his flesh, as if this was the only way to relieve the pain of his heart being stabbed piece by piece and keep him awake.

"How about it?"

Li Fei has been exhausted by his own inner torture in the past few days, and the voice he speaks is hoarse and broken.

"I asked several of them, and they were all the same..."

When Li Fei and others returned to Chang'an, Jehovah, Sakyamuni and Allah also returned to their own territories. Just now Huangdi used the messenger stone to contact them, and there were even more demigods. What they said , no different from what Li Fei and others saw.

Therefore, this is really caused by the sun, moon, yin and yang fish, and it is not just the Tang Dynasty that is affected.

"this is not your fault."

Huang Di was well aware of Li Fei's self-blame, but he was also very confused and could only offer such pale comfort.

"It's my fault, it's my fault!"

"Just wake up! There must be a solution. What's the use of blaming yourself!"

Chi You had a bad temper. He couldn't comfort Li Fei because he couldn't comfort himself. It was more like he was speaking to himself.

Seeing that his close friends in the past were tortured in their hearts, Li Fei blamed himself, while Chi You was facing an emotional breakdown. As the boss, Huang Di actually suffered more, but he couldn't be chaotic and must be stable.

"Keep your voice down, I'm asleep."

Huang Di held the child rescued from the cave. The child had been tired, suffered and starved for many days. Finally, he met a good person who not only did not harm him, but also fed him and clothed him. After his tense nerves relaxed, he actually fell asleep. Huang Di slept all the way on his shoulders.

Seeing Huang Di patting the sleeping child's back like a kind old father, fearing that he would be woken up, Li Fei and Chi You finally calmed down.

The heartwarming scene in front of them gave them hope in this despair.

The sky has not fallen and the world has not been destroyed. Although many people have died, there are even more people alive. If it is impossible for human beings to continue to reproduce, then the children of the Yellow Emperor's shoulders, and those like him, are working hard. The surviving children, these pure souls, are the last hope of mankind.

Can not give up!

Li Fei suddenly came to his senses and let go of his bloody hands that had been pinched.

"Yes, find a way!"

As long as there is a breath left, you can't give up. Even if there is only the last human being left in the world, Li Fei must save him. What's more, the disaster has just begun and everything is still too late! "Should we go to that tomb again?"

Huang Di, as the most rational one among the three, was the first to think of the core clue to solve the problem.

They found clues to the three divine objects there, warning them not to gather the three sacred objects. Now that the two divine objects were gathered together, there might be other discoveries in the tomb.

Li Fei accepted Huang Di's proposal, and the three of them traveled day and night, rushing desperately. After leaving the child in Chang'an and delivering it to Li Tai, they went straight to the cave where the tomb was located.

After the three of them entered the tomb, they walked through the tomb chamber of the previous ancient tomb and came directly to the entrance of the cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, a strange feeling emerged in the hearts of the three of them at the same time. This feeling was not discomfort, on the contrary, it felt too comfortable. It was like the moment when a bottleneck was broken through during cultivation, the energy between heaven and earth suddenly surged. Flowing into the body, the perception of the outside world becomes particularly clear. It can be said that the whole body is relaxed and happy.

This was completely different from the depressing and dull atmosphere when they entered the cave last time, and even the air was filled with death.

Li Fei was surprised, but he felt happy at the same time. There was a change, which meant that they had come to the right place!

The three of them suppressed the flash of excitement in their hearts, each of them tacitly increased their vigilance, and walked steadily towards the cave step by step.

The hole in the ground is still the same hole in the ground. Although the body's perception is completely different, there is no change in what can be seen with the naked eye.

Is there any secret that has not been discovered before?

Just when Li Fei was wondering, Chi You exclaimed.

"Come and see!"

Li Fei and Huang Di looked in the direction of Chi You and saw Chi You squatting next to the broken tree in the center of the cave, as if they had discovered something extraordinary.

"This...this tree has sprouted!?"

When the whole world is barren of grass, it is a very strange phenomenon in itself for a broken tree that has been dead for thousands of years to sprout new leaves.

In fact, Li Fei and the others had already noticed this dead tree when they came in last time, but at that time the cave was closed, without seeing the light of day or air for thousands of years. Although a dead tree has lost its vitality, it has not decayed yet, which is enough. It can be called a sacred tree.

Because of the warnings in the cave, they speculated that the cave might be related to the ancestor of Taoism, so they did not dare to move the things in the cave without permission. They never thought that it would give them such a big surprise.

"Maybe it's just that after we opened the hole and there was air, the sacred tree sprouted again, and now it has stopped at the sprouting stage."

Chi You's speculation was not unreasonable, but Li Fei quickly dismissed his speculation.

"No, look carefully."

So the three tall men huddled around the bud, like primary school students doing an observation experiment.

It was pitch black in the cave, and they could not feel the passage of time. Even the three demigods squatted until their legs went numb, and finally confirmed that this sacred tree was growing.

Because there was a small leaf that had just sprouted and curled up next to the original bud, and Li Fei and the three of them squatted for who knows how long, watching the small leaf unfold little by little. Although it was very slow, it was indeed It is indeed growing!

The three of them made this discovery and quickly recovered from the surprise.

"Why is this sacred tree the only one growing?"

(End of this chapter)

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