Chapter 475 Puppet Emperor

Among the Ryukyu Shiranui clan.

The head of the Shiranui family held the credentials sent by officials of the Tang Dynasty.

The letter of credence stated that Li Fei, the Imperial Counselor of the Tang Dynasty, was on a mission to Ryukyu and wanted to visit the Shiranui clan in person.

The face of the head of the Shiranui family was gloomy and uncertain.

The valet who delivered the credentials on behalf of the Ryukyu Kingdom did not say a word at the beginning.

Only Shiranui Morinaga, who had just returned home, was sitting on his knees behind the head of the family, with a calm expression on his face, as if he was not surprised at all.

The letter Li Fei sent to Mr. Shiranui was earlier than the letter of credence, and he used the Mohist machine bird to send the letter.

Therefore, Shiranui Morinaga had long known that Li Fei was coming to Ryukyu.

In order to help deal with it, he rushed back specially.

However, this time, Prince Shotoku was not brought with him. Instead, Prince Shotoku was left in Japan to help.

"Is this why you came back this time?"

The head of the Shiranui family has lived for decades, and it wouldn't be a joke if he couldn't even see through his grandson.

"I don't dare to deceive my grandfather, that's exactly what happened."

"Does this Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty make friends with you?"

"My grandson doesn't dare to compare favorably with the imperial master. It's just that when he was in Kyoto, the imperial master took great care of his grandson. This kind of kindness is difficult to repay."

The head of the Shiranui family nodded.

Previously, when Chief Shiranui Mori was talking to him about Prince Shotoku, he mentioned that the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty named Li Fei had helped him a lot.

"Then do you know why he came here this time?"

In fact, Li Fei's purpose of coming had already been explained to Shiranui Morinaga in his letter.

Although the identities of the two were very different, because Chief Shiranui had already told Li Fei all the secrets of the Shiranui clan, Li Fei did not hide it from him out of respect.

However, both of them knew the purpose of this incident.

Maybe it would tie into the Shiranui clan's future, but I didn't know if the head of the family would be able to accept it, so Shiranui Morinaga gritted his teeth and denied it.

"My grandson doesn't know."

"Oh, you brat with turned elbows outward!"

Of course the head of the Shiranui family would not believe what his grandson said.

He left his waiter and the messy affairs in Kyoto and came back all the way to deal with the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, it couldn't be a trivial matter.

At the moment, he is still secretive and refuses to explain, which seems to be a more difficult matter to handle.

Let's wait for the National Master to speak in person. The old man is relatively transparent and has no curiosity. Why don't you just say it if you don't want to say it?

On the day when Li Fei's imperial guard of honor arrived in Ryukyu, the people of Ryukyu lined the streets to welcome him, fully expressing their respect for the heavenly kingdom.

Although it has been stated in the letter of credence before that there should be no extravagance during special times and everything should be kept simple.

However, Ryukyu, a small country, is relatively isolated from the world and has not yet fully felt the disaster before it.

Everything depends on the fact that this is a place where birds do not poop and chickens do not lay eggs. The country is small and the population is small. All supplies come from the Tang Dynasty and Japan.

The people make a living by fishing every day, and occasionally grow their own fruits and vegetables. The main source of food depends on the village.

At present, there is still a surplus of grain in the country. In addition to being unable to get sick or injured, there are no tragic incidents like the ones Li Fei and the others saw before.

People who live by the sea don’t actually have a deep sense of disaster. Originally they had to go out to sea to fish, but now there are dying marine fish, shrimps and crabs stranded on the shore every day, so they don't even have to go out to sea.

Picking it up directly and making it into dry food would be enough for them to eat for a long time. After all, the sea is so vast and the products in the sea are so rich.

Li Fei smiled and shook his head when he saw the curious and fresh expressions on the Ryukyu people's faces when they welcomed him.

"A small country has its advantages."

So, Huang Di and Chi You continued what Li Fei said and started arguing with each other sourly.

"The prerequisite is that you have money."

"How rich can you be? Richer than the Tang Dynasty? It's just that there are few people and it's easy to make a living."

"What you say makes sense. Apart from other places, like the people in Chang'an, they can still have enough to eat."

"Yes, even the homes of wealthy merchants in other places are able to avoid disasters."

How could Li Fei not know that the two of them were unbalanced because they did not see the miserable Ryukyu, so they looked for a gap in reality.

"Okay, don't deceive yourself. Ryukyu and Chang'an are the same. Disaster has occurred. If they are not resolved as soon as possible, they will all end up with the same end. What we have to do is to retain these stability and prosperity."

"Hey, I can't even talk about it. This year's National Master is really strict."

Li Fei shook his head helplessly, knowing that they were actually not in a good mood, so he let them vent their emotions.

Soon, the national master's guard of honor arrived outside the Ryukyu Imperial Palace. The leader of the Ryukyu Kingdom had been waiting outside the palace for a long time.

"I said, the palace of Ryukyu Kingdom is not as big as Li Fei's mansion..."

here we go again! Li Fei held his forehead, not wanting to pick on them anymore.

"The envoy of the Great Tang Dynasty, the Great Prince, has arrived..."

As the leading etiquette officer sang loudly, Li Fei slowly walked out of the car.

There were two generals on the left and right leading the soldiers to clear the way in front of the ceremonial driver. This was still a scale after reducing the etiquette system. Otherwise, it would have been so simple to use his royal status as an ambassador to other countries.

In order to save manpower for Li Tai, the troops accompanying him were all his Yinling troops of the Tiger and Ben Army. In addition, he only brought a few Honglu Temple officials and attendants to serve in daily life, totaling less than ten people.

Although it is so simple, the momentum of the Celestial Kingdom is not lacking at all. The Ryukyu Kingdom has never seen such a pomp from top to bottom. The dark honor guard immediately blocked the entrance of the small palace.

If all the ceremony guards are in place, it will still be a problem that the Ryukyu Kingdom can accommodate so many people.

"I have met the leader of the Ryukyu Kingdom."

Li Fei stepped forward and gave the Lord of the Ryukyu Kingdom a hand-over-hand salute, which could be regarded as an expression of respect for his master. If it were in the Tang Dynasty, Li Fei would have been able to sit down and receive the salute from the Lord of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

The leader of the Ryukyu Kingdom also knew this, so he stepped forward to hold Li Fei's arm without letting him finish the ceremony, with a polite and flattering look on his face.

"It's really hard for the Imperial Master to come all the way, so you don't have to be polite."

After that, he welcomed Li Fei and his party into the palace.

The state banquet specially to welcome the envoys of the Tang Dynasty had been prepared. After Li Fei sat down, he saw the delicious delicacies being brought up, and his brows were knitted into a knot.

"My lord, I have already explained it in my credentials before. Now that disasters are brewing, it is really not appropriate to spread things like this."

The leader of the Ryukyu Kingdom was originally a puppet emperor who was promoted to power by the Shiranui clan. He was timid by nature and had never seen much of the world.

He only entertained the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty in the same way he usually entertained the head of the Shiranui family, but he didn't have the ambition to benefit all people in the world.

Now he can see it, the national master seems to be angry!

(End of this chapter)

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