Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 477: Leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade

Chapter 477: Leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade

This is why the head of the Shiranui family is so disgusted with Li Fei. Their Shiranui ancestors were very popular in Japan at that time, and their strong strength will inevitably attract the attention of many forces.

However, their ancestors did not want to be attached to any force, including the royal family, because the conditions for the Shiranui clan to cultivate a mystic were too harsh.

If you are involved in a turbulent struggle between various forces, and there is no strong mystic to support you in your family, then the annihilation of the family and the end of the family are just around the corner.

After much consideration, our ancestors moved their family to Ryukyu and began to devote their efforts to training mystics. If a clan member becomes a mystic, they can leave Ryukyu and develop independently, but the premise is that the family cannot be involved.

In order to get more convenience in the small country of Ryukyu, they took advantage of their family to control the royal family and political power in their own hands. They only acted as local emperors, not real emperors, just to avoid disaster.

After all, political forces are more complicated than Jianghu forces. If a powerful country attacks one day, it will not be able to destroy the Shiranui clan. They support the puppet emperor just to use the royal family as cannon fodder at critical moments.

The current leader of Ryukyu Kingdom is named Ai, and he is also supported by the Shiranui clan. Before that, Ryukyu was named Ma.

Before the Shiranui clan settled in Ryukyu, there were more Han people in Ryukyu than Japanese people, and power and wealth were basically in the hands of the Han people. However, the last king of the country, surnamed Ma, wanted to rely on the more powerful Tang Dynasty.

The Shiranui clan did not want to be controlled by a country that was a hundred times more powerful than Japan, so they simply launched a civil strife, drove the one named Ma down, and helped a more obedient one up, so as to continue to maintain the middle ground of being a grassroots.

Now, Li Fei's arrival has obviously broken this balance. The situation that the Shiranui clan has worked so hard to maintain is about to be destroyed. The manipulating hands that were originally hidden behind were brought to the surface by Li Fei's letter of credence and one mission. Brave the storm.

How can the head of the Shiranui family not be angry or irritated?

With the head of the Shiranui family in such a restless mood, the banquet finally dispersed. Now he just wanted to go back and catch his ignorant grandson and teach him a lesson, and then think of a way to deal with this unkind Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty. .

Unexpectedly, the latter didn't even give him any time to breathe.

"I wonder if the head of the family can invite me to your home for a chat?"

Li Fei caught up with the head of the Shiranui family who just wanted to go home as if his butt was on fire. This made the head of the Shiranui family immediately start to feel on fire.

"I really don't have a close relationship with the Imperial Master, so I don't know what to say?"

Seeing that the head of the house was very different from the polite and courteous person he was at first, Li Fei knew that he had angered the head of the house by not being too restrained in the past, but he had no choice. The situation was urgent now, and he didn't have the time to spend time with him, so he had to go down. Strong medicine.

"Brother Sen, would you like to invite me to your home?"

It’s so shameless!

Huang Di and Chi You followed Li Fei without even looking at him, and subconsciously took a half step back. Was it too late to show that they were not familiar with him now?

Shiranui looked at Li Fei with a smile on his face. He knew Li Fei's identity, but he couldn't tell him. He faced his grandfather's murderous gaze and thought to himself, this is for the good of his grandfather and the good of the family. Li Fei is someone who cannot afford to offend, he is not a human but a demigod.


Shiranui Morinaga completely compromised, sit, sit, sit for as long as you want, don't betray me anymore, okay? From the moment he received Li Fei's letter, he rushed back to help with joy at first, but now he just wants to believe his lies. Prince Shotoku doesn't even know what he has been through!

Originally, the various secrets of the clan were revealed to Li Fei in order to deal with the Imperial Palace and settle the chaos in Japan. At that time, I just thought that this demi-god, the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty, was just helping a poor man in Japan and then left. Don't let each other be happy.

Who would have thought that this person without martial ethics could still turn around and stab him in his lair.

Until Li Fei and others had free time to sit in the master's reception room, Shiranui Mori felt so embarrassed that he could pick out a Ryukyu Islands in place.

"I...I...let me go out."

"No." "Sit down."

Li Fei and the head of the Shiranui family unanimously asked Shiranui Mori to stay.

Who should I vent my anger on when you go out?

My grandfather thought so.

How can I have an excuse to stay here when you go out?

The respected Imperial Master thought so.

"If you have something to say, Master Imperial Master, you may as well say it directly."

After sighing for a while, the head of the Shiranui family finally accepted the reality that shameless people are invincible.

"The master of the house is very cheerful."

Li Fei, who wanted to ask for help, took a sip of tea and then explained the matter.

Regarding the current disaster, the Shiranui family, as the real people in power in Ryukyu Kingdom, is aware of the external situation. However, the disaster in Ryukyu Kingdom is not serious now, so he does not want Li Fei to be so impatient.

But Li Fei then told him all kinds of things, telling him that if the situation continued to develop, the end of the world would come, and no one would be able to survive by then.

After listening to Li Fei's words, the head of the Shiranui family thought that his health was getting worse and worse recently, and his internal organ failure was very serious. This was actually the reason. If it hadn't been for this, he would not have rushed to announce Shiranui Kiritsugu as the next head of the family. thing.

"Actually, you feel this too, right? During this time, you know that you won't live long."

Seeing Li Fei reveal his thoughts, the head of the Shiranui family remained silent, but Shiranui Kiritsugu, who was listening on the side, could not sit still.


Only then did he realize that his grandfather had been talking to him frequently recently and told him many things because he was not going to die soon.

"The Imperial Master is right, but birth, old age, sickness and death are natural. Grandpa is a human being, and one day he will have to do this."


Shiranui Kiritsugu panicked. He didn't come out for a long time, so Li Fei took over his words.

"It's good for you. You've been dead for a hundred years, and you don't have to see the day when the world is destroyed, right? But where are your grandchildren? Where are so many clan members? Don't you want to save them?"

"If the day that the Imperial Master said is really coming, then what do I, the Shiranui clan, mean in the face of natural disasters?"

"Why don't you count it? If you can open your mouth and let your tribe find a way to summon the soul of the ancestor of Taoism, then all this will be solved."

"If the world is destroyed, my people will be one of the sentient beings. If the world is saved, it will be because the national preceptor can only reach heaven and earth, and has nothing to do with us."

Li Fei was so angry that he leaned against a big tree so that he could enjoy the shade. If the tree fell, I would fall down as well. He just wanted to live and die without being in the limelight. He really wanted to pry open the old man's head to see if there was something inside Bezoars are so smelly and hard! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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