Chapter 488 Opening a College

The demigods expressed their willingness to help, and Li Fei continued.

"I also have a guess that the contamination of the earth's veins this time comes from outside the star field. In other words, our cosmic coordinates have been obtained by other star fields."

Next, Li Fei struggled to explain what cosmic coordinates were.

"Now we are in a situation where we are openly and secretly facing each other. Maybe we will face a star war next."

"Of course, these are just my guesses. If that day does happen, facing a completely unknown enemy, everyone here, including me, will be the most important combat force."

"If the rules of heaven restrict your actions at that time, I hope that you will start cultivating talents enough to face the battle of the star field from now on."

"These words, in the eyes of ordinary people, may cause great panic, so you should still think carefully when doing this."

Only then did Huang Di and Chi You understand why Li Fei wanted to train Li Yao like a chicken.

"We have an old saying in the East, which is to prepare for a rainy day. I hope you can cooperate."

After the incident with the earth line, every word Li Fei said became extremely weighty, and the demigods began to make preparations after returning to their own territories.

Just like what Li Fei said about being prepared for any disaster in the future, whether it comes from outside or from within, more combat power means more guarantee of victory and more hope of survival.

It would be a big mistake to think that Li Fei just pinned all his hopes on Li Yao.

"Brother, do you want to open an academy?"

Li Tai was shocked when he heard Li Fei's request in the imperial study. He knew that Li Fei was now preparing for a disaster that he didn't know when it would come and was in urgent need of talents, but he never expected that Li Fei would I plan to cultivate it myself.

"To be precise, it's an academy. It's not just about studying, it teaches everything."

To recruit the most talented people from the entire Tang Dynasty, and even the entire world, and bring them together for systematic training and exercise, the amount of money spent is not a small amount, and it must be supported by the imperial court.

Li Tai called the Minister of Household Affairs, and the three of them discussed for a long time, and finally decided to allocate funds from the treasury to Li Fei to open a college that can accommodate up to twenty students in the early stage, on the premise that the court will not affect the operation of various government affairs.

It's really not that Li Tai is stingy, but that Li Fei's college is too whimsical. In the eyes of the Minister of Revenue, every subject in it is "explosion of funds."

Although the enrollment scale has been reduced, the subjects studied have not been reduced at all. The moment Li Tai pressed the jade seal on the imperial edict approving the establishment of the college, the Minister of Revenue was bleeding.

The first thing to do after getting the funds was to select the location of the college. Li Fei envisioned choosing a sparsely populated place, because the noise of future classes or training would not be too small and would not easily disturb the people.

So they took Du Mingyue with them, and the two of them went on a sightseeing trip in the name of business. They traveled to almost half of the Tang Dynasty, but couldn't find a suitable place.

"Why not open the academy near the Earth Line Sacred Tree? Since the purpose of opening the academy is to deal with Earth Line pollution, and there, you can also monitor the movements of the Earth Lines nearby."

Du Mingyue gave Li Fei suggestions, and Li Fei slapped his head.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that! Why is my baby so smart!"

After that, he hugged Du Mingyue and kissed her hard.

So, Li Fei quickly decided on the location of the college. Seeing that the Earth Vein Sacred Tree was shrinking in size, Li Fei placed the Earth Vein Sacred Tree within the scope of the college with a stroke of his pen, intending to place it in the backyard of the college as a landscape.

After the site was selected, construction began. During this period, Li Fei began to prepare for the start of school.

"Hot weapons are a must. You first make a batch of practice guns according to the drawings I gave you, and then you have to give them the forging skills and let them build their own weapons according to their own expertise and combat characteristics..."

Li Fei stayed in Song Jiang's forging room for three days and three nights. The two of them had been studying and modifying the drawings, prepared a complete set of firearms for students to practice, and compiled a set of matching textbooks. After all, Song Jiang is a rough old man who never thought that he would be a teacher one day. For him, taking classes is ten thousand times more difficult than forging firearms. But now that Li Fei has limited manpower, he can only force Xiao Song to take on multiple roles. .

In fact, these weapons and equipment are all foreign objects, and they can be solved by owners of some unnatural material abilities. Now Li Fei urgently needs teachers who are good at spiritual cultivation and physical cultivation.

The latter is easy to say. You can find a few skilled outsiders to teach you martial arts, and physical strength relies more on talent, such as Fan Lihua. However, spiritual cultivation is too mysterious. You must truly understand the methods and rules. Only one can teach this skill.

Li Fei was still worried about opening the academy, but there were people on the other side who were starting to be lazy.

Feeling that a demigod was looking for him, Li Fei took out the messenger stone and saw that Jehovah answered the call angrily.

"what's up?"

"I heard that you are going to open a college?"

"Are you well-informed?"

"Huang Di told me."

I think you betrayed me because you annoyed him every day and made him unbearable. Li Fei has a keen eye to see through the truth of the matter.

"Um, so what?"

"That's right. You told me last time that we should start cultivating talents. I don't know how to do it. Otherwise, I will look for you here and send the ones with special abilities to you..."

"I don't mind if you open a branch..."

"Actually, I kind of mind it."

Jehovah tried hard and soft for a long time, but Li Fei didn't agree to him. What a joke, he thought of being lazy before the war even started, and he wasn't used to this bad habit.

"By the way, do you know anyone who is good at cultivating spiritual power?"

In fact, Li Fei just had no idea and asked casually. He knew that Jehovah knew many people and wanted to try his luck, but he didn't expect that he would actually run into him.

"We know each other, what's wrong?"

"What is your name?"

"Oh, just Lucifer."


Jehovah looked like Li Fei, are you okay? What kind of nonsense is this question? Is it possible that there are still people who don't know about Lucifer's extremely strong mental power?

There really is, but Li Fei doesn’t know!

Li Fei himself didn't realize how embarrassing it was to not know Lucifer's abilities. He just felt very heartbroken at this moment. It seemed that someone was going to succeed.

"How strong is it?"

"You really don't know? Lucifer is the leader of the seraphs who master torture and punishment under my command, because his angelic flames are formed by condensing spiritual power into substance."


(End of this chapter)

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