Chapter 492 The Artifact of Cheating

2. "The ability to cultivate is not very stable, and his speaking spirit works sometimes and sometimes not, but he is my direct disciple. Spirit speaking people are rare, and his mental talent is very high."

Needless to say, just being Lucifer's direct disciple is enough to attract the attention of Li Fei and others. This kind of talent with such strong mental power that even the perverted demigods take notice must be top-notch.

As for what the Spirit Talker is, Lucifer can't say it clearly, so everyone has to slowly understand it later.

"Rolanda's alchemy is not suitable for display outdoors. I can only tell you that if you give her some time, her ability can turn the soil here into gold."

"Wow, it's so powerful, so alchemists make gold? Then we don't have to worry about running out of money!"

Shiranui Kiritsugu, a young man who had just started to explore the world and gain knowledge, started to scream again. Lucifer saw that the alchemist was interpreted like this by him, but he couldn't say that he was unreasonable, so he had no choice but to twitch his lips.

"Okay, you can understand that."

Li Fei is different from Shiranui Kiritsugu. He comes from modern times and has some knowledge of alchemists. He just does chemical experiments. Such scientific research talents are wonderful!

"Okay, you will know how powerful alchemy is from now on."

Li Fei reluctantly patted Shiranui Kiritsugu's head.

Seeing that Li Fei seemed to know a lot about alchemy and highly admired it, Rolanda cast a surprised look at Li Fei, but after the surprise, she was even more relieved and grateful.

The people of the Tang Dynasty pay attention to the principle of not being polite when coming back. People come from afar to show off their talents and abilities openly without hiding their clumsiness. Naturally, the students who are the hosts are not to be far behind.

After some self-introductions and demonstrations of abilities, the students who originally lived on opposite ends of the earth and had completely different habits quickly became familiar with each other, and some of the extroverts even got along well with each other.

Lucifer was no longer taciturn, and began to chat with the teachers at the college.

Li Fei, who served as the college's celebrant, was very pleased with this. This awkward start to the team-building activity finally yielded a lot of results.

Teachers and students have all arrived, and it's time for the college to officially start.

Because of the special nature of Noah College, the opening ceremony was not very grand. No outsiders except those from the college attended.

Li Tai selected some tight-spoken and very alert palace officials from the palace and sent them to take care of the daily life of everyone in the college, and also sent some daily necessities as a token of congratulations.

In addition, only three or two ministers of humerus knew about the existence of Noah College, and ordinary people did not know about it. They only knew that this place was heavily guarded, and they thought it was a new military pass established by the Tang army, lest they I couldn't avoid it, and I didn't even dare to get close to inquire.

In this way, an operation to save mankind from the end of the world was quietly launched with less than twenty insiders.

This is a very sacred and serious matter, but because of the special abilities of the students, the academy is in a state of chaos.

For example, Rolanda blew up the alchemy laboratory, Hilt built a house on the Earth Vein Sacred Tree to sleep, Shiranui Kiritsugu summoned Qingyuan Zhenjun to help with his homework, Xiao Yinyin played pranks with Gu insects, etc. These are all normal.

Li Fei usually turned a blind eye. As long as they didn't cause a big mess, everything would be fine. But the first time he got angry was because of Xiu, a young man who was usually silent and often regarded as a mute. Spiritual one.

One day, under the instigation of Shiranui Kiritsugu, Xiao Sizi and Xiao Yinyin couldn't help their curiosity and asked Xiu to inquire about his abilities.

Xiu had spent some time with his classmates and had great trust in them, so he showed off his abilities in a small way.


Those who speak the spirit cherish words like gold, but they follow the rules. A breeze hangs out of thin air in the room, which makes the boys and girls shocked and clamoring to read more.


After saying this, the extinguished candle suddenly lit up.

"Be careful."

The Spirit Speaker's reminder could not be ignored. As soon as Xiu finished speaking, Shiranui Kiritsugu, who had stepped forward to look at the candle that suddenly lit up, accidentally tripped over the candlestick and the candle fell, almost burning his clothes. .

It was this scene that made the three of them admire Xiu so much.

"Does the spirit talker mean what he says?" Xiu Xiu didn't say much, just nodded.

"Then why do you act like a little mute all day long? Please say more nice things. I have learned some auspicious words in Datang these days. Come on, follow my words."

"May you be happy and prosperous!"


"bounty happiness!"


"The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious!"


"The house is full of descendants!"



Xiu Xiu felt aggrieved, Xiu Xiu was speechless.

"Both the sacrificial wine and the teacher say that those who speak the spirit cannot speak too much."


“For too much talk leads to loss.”

"Did Jijiu teach you this?"

"Well, my ability is unstable, so I can't say more."

"Okay, forget it."

The idea that Shiranui Kiritsugu had originally thought to give up was rekindled during a certain shooting class.

The instruments used in the shooting class are not ordinary bows and arrows, but Song Jiang's special fire guns. The fire guns have strong recoil and poor long-distance aiming stability. Xiao Sizi and Xiao Yinyin have mastered this highly lethal weapon. It was very difficult to get up.

But due to the curriculum, they have to learn it. In Li Fei’s words, they don’t need to be proficient, but they must be able to use it.

However, the performance of the two of them is far from being practical. Compared with Alberts who hit the bullseye with his gun, they could not hit a ten-meter target. It can be said that they are poor students. .

Song Jiang hated that iron could not become steel, so he left the two of them to practice alone after class. Shiranui Kiritsugu took great care of the two little sisters. When he saw that their hands began to shake after practicing, he couldn't bear it, so he called Xiu to help.


With trembling hands, Xiao Yinyin fired a shot with her eyes closed, and it hit the bullseye directly. She was so happy that she wanted to jump up on the spot.

"I want it too, I want it too."

When Xiao Sizi saw this, she also asked Xiu to activate his power to help her.

In this way, the two little girls went to Song Jiang to hand in their homework with the target that hit the bull's-eye. Although Song Jiang was very surprised, he did not doubt him. He only felt that the two people's practice was effective, they mastered the method, and they made rapid progress.

Fortunately, Li Fei soon found out about this matter. Li Fei had as many eyes as a sieve. Song Jiang could not compare with him. When he heard this, he knew that this was unusual, so he found two people. He was so nice and asked.

Li Fei, who rarely gets angry, frightened Xiao Sizi and Yinyin with his serious attitude. They had no choice but to confess obediently, and staged a show of "dead Taoist friend but not dead poor Taoist".

Sold Shiranui Kiritsugu and Osamu directly.

(End of this chapter)

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