Chapter 510 Expanding the Territory
Li Fei surrounded several small countries around Tikal, and together with some unowned land between the small countries, planned a vast territory for Tikal.

"If these small countries can be annexed, that would be great."

Kavi didn't understand for a moment.


"Territorial expansion, do you need an explanation for this?"

"But if we can't get such a big land, what will we do with the residents of these annexed countries?"


"If you don't deal with it, if you annex it, these will be Tikal's people."

"I'm afraid it won't be able to support such a large population..."


Are you not expanding your relationship simply because you can’t support so many people?
The layout is getting smaller.

Li Fei spent half a day teaching Kawei that with territory comes resources, and with resources, more people can be fed. When the population increases, there will be more resources, and when the country is strong, its combat effectiveness will naturally be stronger.

Fortunately, these principles are not difficult to understand. The Mayans did not pay attention to this before, so they had no concept of expansion. But now that Li Fei said it, Kawei understood it, and his eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Li Fei. I just feel like this is a divine weapon descended from heaven.

"I understand, I'll send someone to do it right now."

After that, Kawei was about to annex the small country in a hurry. Li Fei couldn't help but be surprised to see him so eager and casual.

"Wait a minute, Tikal is currently fighting against Karakmo. There are not enough troops in the city. No matter what, we have to wait until he comes back with his army."

"No, I will send someone to deliver a message to these city lords. All you need to say is that the person predicted by the high priest is now in Dikal. You also need to pretend to be the messenger of the gods. After they know the news, they will come over."

Isn't this... too casual?

But this is a state matter after all. Li Fei only gave suggestions. As for what to do and whether it can be done, it is all Kawei's business.

Immediately, Li Fei stopped asking about the annexation. Instead, he found an ownerless mountain range on the map. According to Kawei, this mountain range was full of rocks, with no crops and no food, so no one chose to go there. A city was built, but no one occupied it.

But Li Fei's perspective on things is obviously different from that of the Mayans.

"Rolanda, ask Alberts to take you here to see."

Rolanda understood Li Fei's intention, and her eyes suddenly lit up.


Huang Di, who knew what Li Fei wanted to do, secretly smacked his tongue.

"You are planning to cause something big!"

"We don't have much time. To sort out such a huge imperial force, we must use strong medicine. Moreover, Tikal is not the purpose of our trip. In the end, we still have to find a way to get close to the Mayan king or the high priest."

The class divisions in the Mayan Empire are very clear. They have now gained the trust of Kawi. Although Kawi has absolute power in Tikal City, there are also priests in Tikal City.

But it is obvious that the abilities possessed by the priests of a kingdom are far inferior to those of the high priests of the empire.

Li Fei had contact with the priests of Tikal and found that the Mayan priests did have high attainments in astronomy and numerology, but this kingdom priest obviously did not reach the heights Li Fei imagined.

More secrets are still in the hands of the imperial monarch and the imperial high priest.

Unexpectedly, before Alberts and Rolanda came back, Kawei brought the news first. "Those kings will arrive in Tikal today. They are here to worship the divine envoy. I will send the priests away at that time. You just need to do what I say."

Who doesn’t know how to pretend to be a ghost? What's more, they have four demigods here who don't need to pretend at all.

"No, it's better if you leave this matter to me."

Kawei looked suspicious, but seeing Li Fei's vow, he still made a concession.

"Okay, don't let the priest find any flaws."

It can be known from his words that the divine authority and political power of the Mayan Empire are separate. The divine authority is above the political authority. The priests of the entire empire are under the jurisdiction of the high priest and the temple. The priests in each kingdom also supervise the political authority on behalf of the divine authority. the meaning of.

Therefore, when it comes to pretending to be an envoy of God, what Kawei fears most is being exposed by the priest.

But how could he know that as long as Li Fei and others took action, not to mention the Dikal priest, even the high priest of the empire would be willing to kneel down and worship the true god.

In the end, Li Fei asked Lucifer to do this. After all, his ability was the most secretive and the best at bluffing people. He only needed to stop there, and the kings and city lords expressed their surrender one after another and were willing to obey the orders of the divine envoy.

The divine envoy told them to submit to the Tikal Kingdom, and they naturally did so. For anyone in the Mayan Empire, getting the blessing of the gods is more important than anything else.

After Li Fei and others learned what happened, no one was speechless.

"This is so simple that I want to protect the primitive tribes of North America. Will it be just around the corner for you to unify the world?"

Huang Di was joking with Li Fei.

"Don't bother me, ancestor, don't you want your descendants of Yan and Huang?"

"I, the descendants of Yan and Huang, are fine, but the people here are too evil."

"Don't forget, there are demigods here too."

Li Fei's words startled everyone.

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. Why did our perception disappear when we entered the Mayan Empire?"

Chi You was as puzzled as Huang Di about this matter.

"I'm sure of one thing. When we landed on the American continent and sensed him, he also sensed us. It's just that he didn't want to be discovered by us and hid his aura."

Li Fei was certain that he had not left this continent due to the sudden appearance and sudden disappearance of his feelings.

"Then is this demigod in the Mayan Empire?"

"It's hard to say, the American continent is so big, he may not be here."

"But apart from the Mayan Empire, there is no other place that has the conditions to breed demigods."

"I always have a feeling that as long as I meet the high priest of the empire, I can find this demigod."

"Are you saying that the high priest of the empire might be this demigod?"

"It's unlikely, but he should know something."

The imperial high priest has not yet appeared, but he has already attracted the attention of Li Fei and others. He has too many secrets, including that prophecy. Does it refer to Li Fei and the others? If so, what exactly does he do? Did you know, or how did you calculate it?

If he could predict the arrival of Li Fei and others by just measuring the stars, and also their actions to subvert the Mayan Empire, then Li Fei would definitely treat the high priest as a guest of honor and ask for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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