Chapter 54 Lu Dongzan’s request!

"There's no need to talk about following me. I'm just a doctor, and I haven't reached that level yet."

Li Fei shook his head and said: "We are brothers, and the place here is spacious. As long as the three of them are willing to stay, I have no objection."

As a time traveler, even though I came to the strange yet familiar Tang Dynasty.

But Li Fei remained the same chicken thief as always.

Isn't it a joke to let his son follow him for no reason?
Therefore, Li Fei directly chose to refuse.

Of course, it would be another matter if Cheng Chumo and the other two stayed here voluntarily and insisted on staying here.

With three helpers, Li Fei certainly wouldn't have too many.

Moreover, Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao have very good temperaments since they got along with each other during this period of time.

"That's fine. The three of them will follow you. I think it's fine."

Qin Qiong felt a little melancholy when he heard Li Fei's refusal, but when he heard Li Fei's change of tone, he suddenly became happy.

The future Tang Dynasty will have a share in the young man in front of him no matter what.

What he is doing now is just to take precautions and consider his son's future.

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde had reacted just now. With expressions of joy and gratitude on their faces at this moment, they clasped their fists at Li Fei and said seriously.

Glancing at the three of them suspiciously again, Li Fei pinched his chin and asked, "Why do I feel like you three have other agendas?"


In Chang'an, Lu Dongzan stayed in the palace uneasy.

Tatu went to Xiaoqin Village to investigate the news about Guli. A whole day has passed, but there is still no news.

The uneasiness in Lu Dongzan's heart became stronger and stronger. He always felt that this incident was unusual and had an unpleasant feeling that a disaster was imminent.

"Ali, what time is it now?" Lu Dongzan looked at the entourage not far away and asked.

Without Tatu around, this servant named Ali was Lu Dongzan's right-hand man, and he also accompanied Lu Dongzan on his mission to the Tang Dynasty this time.

After taking a look at the sky, Lu Dongzan thought for a long time and finally made up his mind.

Since there is no way to talk about marriage, we can only start from other places, such as expanding the appeal of Tubo to the people of the Central Plains.

Various novelty gadgets from the Western Regions have always been curious and sought after by the people of the Central Plains.

Various special performances from the Western Regions can also amaze the people of the Central Plains.

"Gu Li and Tatu are not here. Time is passing by now. It's time to discuss the matter with Prince Tang."

"If we can hold a grand performance and spread Tubo's reputation in the Tang Dynasty, it may be a good opportunity to make up for it." In desperation, Lu Dongzan could only choose the last resort and ordered: "Get the court clothes Come, I’m going to meet the King of Tang!”

Not long after, Lu Dongzan changed into formal clothes and came to the imperial city.

Outside the imperial study, Lu Dongzan requested an audience with the King of Tang and stated that he would no longer discuss the marriage. He was quickly summoned inside.

Entering the imperial study room, there were only two people inside.

Li Er was sitting and looking at Lu Dongzan, and beside him, Changsun Wuji was also present.

"Lu Dongzan met His Majesty the King of Tang and met Duke Zhao."


"You're welcome, Prime Minister. Please sit down."

Li Er laughed, but he did not bother Lu Dongzan at this time, but politely offered his seat.

Lu Dongzan sat down and Li Er looked at him calmly and said with a smile: "I have been busy with government affairs in the past few days and I am often not in the palace. I heard that the prime minister has been looking for me many times. Is there anything important?"

He is indeed not in the imperial city, but in Xiaoqin Village.

When he was not in Xiao Qin Village, he was also in Ganlu Hall, and he didn't want to talk to Lu Dongzan at all.

Hearing this, Lu Dongzan nodded slightly and said sincerely: "Your Majesty, King Tang, I have been visiting Chang'an City these past few days and seeing the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty is really eye-opening."

Li Er and Changsun Wuji suddenly smiled.

Tang Dynasty Chang'an, you are really right.

If this place wasn't a little more prosperous, there really wouldn't be any other place with such a grand event.

"This time I am on behalf of Zanpu as an envoy to the Tang Dynasty. In addition to expressing Zanpu's goodwill to the King of Tang, I also brought fireworks and magic performances unique to the Western Regions. I wonder if His Majesty the King of Tang is interested in watching them?"

"In addition, if possible, I would like to request His Majesty the King of Tang to set up a stage outside Chang'an City. At that time, we will show a grand performance for the people of Tang Dynasty to feast their eyes on. Is that okay?"

As he spoke, Lu Dongzan's palms became sweaty.

This is the last resort. We can only rely on this to attract the attention of the King of Tang and the people of Tang Dynasty, and pave the way for future plans in various aspects.

If even this is rejected, then this mission will end in complete failure!
"Magic? Fireworks?"

Li Er had naturally seen it before. When he was a child during the previous dynasty, Li Er had seen the fireworks displays in the Western Regions and was very impressed.

On the other hand, envoys from the Western Regions came to the Tang Dynasty to perform a fireworks display for themselves and the people of the Tang Dynasty, which can better reflect the spirit of the Tang Dynasty.

"This is okay, I'm sure."

Li Er nodded slightly and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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