Chapter 57 How much does that one cost?

"This little girl is so delicate and cute!"

"The little girl is so beautiful. Does this young master want to choose clothes for the little girl?"

As soon as the two of them arrived at the door, the exquisitely carved small persimmons attracted the attention of the shopkeeper, who praised and said good things.

Although Li Fei looked like an ordinary citizen, the pile of gadgets he was holding in his hands made the store subconsciously think that he was a consuming man!
"Come, come, little helper, take a look at the things. There are a lot of beautiful new clothes inside. The little girl looks like she can definitely pick out a few that will satisfy you!"

The store owner took the things from Li Fei's hand, arranged for people at the door to watch, and then led Li Fei and Xiao Persimmon into the store.

A strange feeling came to his mind. Li Fei looked left and right, finding it very interesting.

As a single person born from his mother's womb, things like shopping rarely exist in his life.

After all, in that world there were Taobao, Jingdong, and licking cats. All you had to do was move your fingers and eyes and you were almost done.

There are various kinds of costumes in the store, mostly for women, and most of the clothes worn by men are on the side.

Thinking about it, throughout the ages, most activities like shopping have been dominated by women.

Even the Tang Dynasty was like this.

Apart from gambling and restaurants, the only places where men linger are brothels.

Like a happy little oriole, Little Persimmon took Li Fei's arm and looked left and right, with an excited expression on his face that never stopped.

Li Fei, who had been paying attention to Persimmon's expression, also felt a little guilty.

For more than a year, except for the mountains and forests near Xiaoqin Village, he has not taken Persimmon to any nearby counties.

Now that we have arrived in Chang'an, Little Persimmon is very happy.

"Brother, does this dress look good?"

Not long after, Little Persimmon stopped next to a light purple dress and asked timidly.

It was a purple cloth skirt. Judging from the material, it should be of inferior quality and worthless.

Li Fei smiled and said, "This doesn't look good. Let's go to the front and take a look at it."

Little Persimmon hurriedly pulled Li Fei's arm, and then waited for Li Fei to squat down before lying next to his ear and whispering: "Brother, the things in front are so expensive, we won't buy them..."

Li Fei looked up, then asked with a smile: "Persimmon, how do you know the things in front of you are expensive?"

Little Persimmon raised his head, bit his finger, and said with some embarrassment: "That must be true. Brother, you see there are so few people in front of you, and those few people are surrounded by servants. They must be businessmen like uncle... "

The uncle in Persimmon's mouth is Lao Li.Lao Li is a rich person in Xiao Persimmon's eyes, a very rich person.

Li Fei laughed dumbly, feeling surprised in his heart.

Little Persimmon is as smart as a seven or eight-year-old child, or even smarter. Maybe he is gifted?

The children of the poor have become parents early. Perhaps the little girl was born with an illness, and this is God's compensation for her?
Not caring so much, Li Fei took Little Persimmon and walked directly to the back of the store.

Inside the store, there were only about a dozen people shopping around.

It seemed that they were all at least somewhat wealthy, and they were followed by servants and maids, holding selected clothes in their hands.

A middle-aged man dressed as a shopkeeper was nodding and hunching in front of a young man: "Master Wang, your order is not small. If you need it tomorrow afternoon, time is a bit rushed..."

Hearing this, Wang Yue turned to look at his side. A middle-aged man who looked a little different from the people from the Central Plains said, "We are too short to make it. Are you sure you want so many?"

The middle-aged man was Lu Dongzan's subordinate. Ali frowned: "Why don't we try another store or do the orders separately?"

The fireworks show will start the day after tomorrow, and there is only one day left tomorrow. Ali is very anxious.

If this thing is not done well, I will definitely be scolded and cried when I go back.

Wang Yue immediately snorted: "I have no impression of other shops, but this one is good. Do you want to do it or not?"

Wang Yue comes from the Wang family in Taiyuan, and this clothing store is the property of the Wang family.

When he learned that there was a fireworks show the day after tomorrow, Lu Dongzan sent someone out to contact people for various necessities. Among them, he contacted Wang's people for custom-made clothes.

However, something unpleasant seems to have happened now.

Li Fei was not in the mood to watch the excitement, so he took Little Persimmon to a shelf.

In front of her, various gauze and silk skirts were arranged, which looked more than one level higher than those outside.

Little Persimmon looked at it with bright eyes for a long time and hesitated: "Brother, is it really okay?"

Li Fei laughed, touched the more than ten taels of silver in his pocket, and said, "Choose, which one do you like?"

Just kidding, more than ten taels of silver can't buy a piece of clothing, is it possible?
So, Little Persimmon's eyes looked directly to the top.

There, a sparkling gauze skirt hangs on it. The corners of the skirt seem to be dotted with gems. The craftsmanship is unique and makes people fall in love with it just by looking at it.

Li Fei also looked over, pointed and asked the clerk next to him: "How much does that one cost?"

(End of this chapter)

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