How long will it take for Chapter 69 to be released?

Not long after, Li Er, who had changed into casual clothes, took Changsun Wuji and Cheng Yaojin straight to the outside of Chang'an City.

Outside the West City Gate, the mess caused by the explosion was still there and had not been cleaned up.

The people from the Criminal Department were at the center of the explosion that day. When they saw Li Er coming with Chang Sun Wuji and others, they quickly ran over to salute.

"Go on with your work."

Li Daozong, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, quickly waved his hand to repel a few people, and trotted over to Li Er: "Li Daozong sees your Majesty!"

Li Er ignored him and led a few people straight to the center and looked around.

I saw that the ground ahead was uneven, and several large holes three or four meters deep were filled with various pieces of earth and rock.

When he got closer and saw the traces left by such huge destructive power, Li Er's expression changed.

Fortunately, I was far away that day, including the fact that the stage was set up quite a distance from the stands. Otherwise, I would definitely be in trouble.

Li Er looked at it for a long time, but couldn't tell why he was so busy. He turned to look at Qin Qiong: "How can the things here be related to the young doctor?"

After seeing this scene with his own eyes, Li Er was naturally very suspicious.

Hearing this, Qin Qiong walked forward.

After stepping over the mound, I came to a large rock that had been blown into several pieces. I leaned close and moved my nose slightly.

"Your Majesty, please come here."

Li Er was puzzled as he followed Qin Qiong to the gravel.

As soon as he arrived, Li Er smelled a pungent smell that seemed to come out of the gravel, which made him frown.

"This is?"

Li Er looked puzzled.

Qin Qiong looked calm and said seriously: "This is the smell left after the burning of fireworks. I didn't notice it before. It wasn't until I was in Xiao Qin Village that I smelled such a strong smell for the first time..."

The smell of sulfur on the gravel was clearly left by high-explosive gunpowder, and it would not dissipate for a while.

Li Fei didn't expect that just based on this little clue, he had already guessed.

Hearing this, Li Er's expression condensed slightly.

After a moment, he nodded and told Changsun Wuji: "Get the horse, prepare the cart, and go to Xiaoqin Village first!"

Changsun Wuji hurried to make arrangements.

Soon, the two carriages left Chang'an City and headed directly towards Xiaoqin Village.

Li Er and Changsun Wuji were riding in the same car, followed by Cheng Yaojin and others.

At this moment, in the carriage behind, Cheng Yaojin looked at Qin Qiong with a puzzled look on his face and said: "Shu Bao, why do you want to tell His Majesty about Tai... the young doctor? Shouldn't we provide a cover for the young doctor?"

Qin Qiong's series of operations directly confused Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde.

We made a good point a few days ago, pretending not to know the identity of the young man, and then we will be exposed when His Majesty shows his cards.

But what is the situation now?
"Nothing is absolute. This matter is beyond our control and there is no way to hide it." Qin Qiong sighed.

Yuchi Jingde opened his eyes wide and said: "What can't be concealed? Moreover, I think this is just the guess of the three of us. I can't say for sure whether it was the young man who did it!"

The three of them had never seen Li Fei's methods, so they naturally felt that this incident was just a coincidence at best.

However, Qin Qiong shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No, I have a feeling that this matter must have something to do with Xiao Langzhong, it is absolutely true!" "If this matter is related to Xiao Langzhong, then based on Xiao Langzhong's The identity must be known to His Majesty as soon as possible, otherwise if the people from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple find out the clues, I am afraid that it will be too late to inform His Majesty, and then it will be an oversight by the three of us!"

"If this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Langzhong, it's just that the three of us looked in the wrong direction, and there is nothing wrong with it."

After listening to Qin Qiong's quick analysis of the pros and cons, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde suddenly became enlightened.

Sure enough, when it comes to planning, we still have to rely on Qin Qiong to take the lead.

Two hours later, several people arrived at Xiao Qin Village.

He went straight to the back mountain and happened to catch up with Li Fei coming down from the back mountain. When he was about to enter the house, he suddenly saw a few people outside.

With a snort, Li Fei glanced at Lao Li first, then looked at Cheng Yaojin and the others, teasing: "Hey, where did the three of you come back from? Why did you just disappear that day?"

He was obviously going to watch the fireworks with him, and he said that he wanted to protect his own safety and obey his orders, but now it seems that it is all nonsense!

The three of them laughed bitterly, with embarrassed looks on their faces.

The incident happened suddenly. At that time, the three of them were in a hurry to find His Majesty. Where was the air traffic controller Li Fei?
Seeing the awkward expressions of the three of them, Li Fei did not embarrass them any more, but looked at Li Er: "Old Li, if you have anything to say, come into the room and talk!"

Li Er looked at Li Fei, trying to see something on his face.

After a moment, with a slight nod, several people entered the room one after another.

After making a pot of tea, Li Fei sat casually on a chair and looked at Li Er: "Old Li, tell me, what's the matter?"

The light and gentle appearance made Li Er, who was paying attention to him, even more confused. Was this really done by the young man?
But at this point, Li Er simply said directly: "Little doctor, except for Prime Minister Lu Dongzan who is still alive, the rest of the Tibetan envoys have disappeared."

"What we agreed before..."

After thinking for a long time, Li Er didn't know what to say about this.

However, Li Fei waved his hand and said with a smile: "I know that those Tubo dog thieves are all dead, but it's a pity that Lu Dongzan can't get out, otherwise I will definitely deal with him!"

Hearing this, several people had different expressions.

Li Er and Changsun Wuji frowned suspiciously, while Cheng Yaojin and the others had their hearts skipping a beat and were secretly suspicious.

Seeing that Lao Li didn't speak, Li Fei understood what he was thinking in a blink of an eye, so he showed an exaggerated expression: "Why, Lao Li, why don't you speak?"

"Could it be that you think...this matter has something to do with me?"

At the same time, Li Fei was laughing in his heart.

Yes, I did do this!
"That's not true, it's just that the fireworks show in the Western Region exploded suddenly. I heard Lao Cheng say before that the same thing happened in the mountains behind Xiaoqin Village..."

Changsun Wuji suddenly spoke, his eyes fixed on Li Fei.

The next moment, his eyes flashed, avoiding eye contact with Li Fei, and pretended to look outside.


Suddenly, Li Fei chuckled.


"Actually, you don't need to doubt it, and there's no need to be so tempted, because I did it in the first place."

"Lao Li, haven't you already established a good relationship? If you catch me, how long will it take to release me?"

As soon as Li Fei spoke, everyone in the room was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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