Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 7 Reputation points are recorded!Extraordinary status?

Chapter 7 Reputation points are recorded!Extraordinary status?

Not long after, Li Fei came out of the kitchen carrying a brazier.

Placed in the center of the room, the charcoal in the brazier was red, and there was a stone pot on it, and on top of the pot was a round black baking pan.

Then, Li Fei brought out several cold dishes and several plates of prepared meat slices from the kitchen.

Little Persimmon had already moved a small bench and sat on one side staring at the baking pan with bright eyes: "Wow! It's barbecue!"


Li Er, eldest grandson Wugu, and Li Junxian looked at each other in confusion. Is there anyone who grills meat like this?
Shouldn't it be dressed up and grilled over charcoal fire?
Ignoring the puzzled expressions of the three of them, Li Fei took out a few more small plates, which contained dipping sauces he had made by himself.

Under Persimmon's salivating eyes, Li Fei picked up piece after piece of barbecue and placed it on the grill pan. The hot temperature suddenly made a "sizzling" sound.

After a while, the fragrance wafted out.

"Little doctor, your barbecue method is very strange. Where did you learn it?" Li Er was amazed.

I have to say, this barbecue looks clean and neat, much better than the original one.

Moreover, the aroma was also very strong. Li Junxian also swallowed his saliva and asked: "Little doctor, how did you prepare this barbecue? How can it be so fragrant?"

After asking uncontrollably, Li Junxian blushed for a moment.

Following His Majesty all year round, Li Junxian is also a person who has tasted many delicacies.

I didn't expect that today in this small mountain village, I would be so greedy after being served a barbecue, and even the words "so delicious" would pop up.

Li Fei flipped the barbecue and said with a smile: "This method of barbecue was developed by myself. It is convenient and hygienic. Of course, if you cut it into small pieces and put it on and roast it on the fire, it will taste very good."

"These meats need to be marinated with salt and spices in advance, and there are some ingredients you haven't heard of. Then they wait for about half an hour to absorb the flavor, and then grill them."

With a smile, Li Fei explained casually.

It's useless to say more, because many of the things in it were redeemed by him from the system.

Even the crushed peanuts in Li Er's bowl are products of the system.

When peanuts were really introduced to the Chinese dynasty, we had to wait until the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, the barbecue has become golden and makes people salivate just looking at it.

Li Fei took a piece and put it on the plate of small persimmon, and warned: "Eat slowly, it will be hot!"

Then he looked at the three people who were staring at the barbecue, and smiled enthusiastically: "You three can do it yourself, there is nothing to entertain in this humble house, but the barbecue is enough!"

Half of it is a boast, and the other half is true.

With Xiao Baibai here and the geographical environment near Xiao Qin Village, there are only times when Li Fei doesn't want to eat meat, and there is never a time when Li Fei can't eat meat.Hearing this, the three of them couldn't wait to use their chopsticks and pick up a piece of barbecue.

After dipping it into the chopped peanut condiments on the plate, the rich aroma hit my nose, and I couldn't help but take a big bite.

" hot! Delicious!"

“I’ve never had such delicious barbecue!”

“Soft and tender! Delicious!”

After taking a bite of the barbecue, little stars inevitably appeared in the eyes of the three of them at the same time, and they slurred incoherently while breathing in the heat.

Seeing the three people looking a little embarrassed, Li Fei smiled slightly.

"Ding! The host's barbecue skills are resonated, and the reputation value is increased by 300 points!"

"Ding! The host's barbecue skills are resonated, and the reputation value is increased by 300 points!"

"Ding! The host's barbecue skills are resonated, and the reputation value is increased by 100 points!"

The sound of the system suddenly came to his mind, which made Li Fei's hand tremble and he almost dropped it.

Darling, 300 points per person!
What is this concept?
For more than a year, Li Fei had been interacting with the villagers in the village and gained a lot of reputation points.

But most of them are three o'clock, five o'clock, and no more than ten o'clock at most!

After thinking about it for a while, Li Fei also realized that the value of this reputation is completely related to the identity of the person who provides the reputation!
In other words, the status of these three people who don’t know where they came from is completely different from that of ordinary people!
"Is it from Chang'an?"

Li Fei guessed in his heart.

After all, although it is not close to Chang'an, it is not very far either.

Occasionally, there are Chang'an nobles who come here for free. There are many mountains and forests nearby, so it is normal for people to come here for hunting and recreation.

The three of them didn't notice the strange expression on Li Fei's face, but stared at the barbecue on the baking sheet.

In the end, Li Junxian started to do it on his own, leaving Li Fei stunned for a while.

After a while, the three of them stopped their chopsticks one after another.

Touching his round belly, Li Er sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that after living for so many years, the most comfortable meal would be eaten in a mountain village!"

Li Junxian nodded empathetically and sighed: "Yes, it's a pity that I didn't bring any wine this time. Young doctor, I will bring you some jars of good wine some other time. Can you drink it?"

(End of this chapter)

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