Chapter 9 Li Er’s curiosity!

After drinking a large amount of hot water, and after a while, Li Er and Li Junxian finally regained their composure.

Staring at the two cups, the two of them felt fear in their eyes.

The aroma of the wine is strong and the taste is pure. Even if you drink it, it will burn your heart and lungs. It is too strong.

Taking a long breath, Li Er asked with lingering fear: "Little doctor, how did you brew this wine? Why is it so strong?"

Li Junxian was no longer greedy, and said fearfully: "Yes, drinking it will feel like it's on fire. It's terrible!"

Li Fei saw that the expressions of the two men had softened, and he laughed and said, "This is not for drinking. Alcohol with too high an alcohol content has a disinfecting effect. The alcohol lamp I used to disinfect you before contained this high-alcohol alcohol."

"It's okay if you want to drink it. Mix it with some water or sip it slowly. It'll be boring like you did just now. It would be weird if you don't drink it and something will happen."

The medical alcohol here is not the modern kind, but the high-quality liquor brewed by Li Fei, which is also pure grain liquor.

There's nothing wrong with drinking it, but the concentration is a bit high, almost like suffocating a donkey.

Even a modern person like Li Fei would not try it easily, let alone Li Er and Li Junxian, two ancient people who had never tasted pure liquor.

"I see. I just said that the wine smells great, but it's a bit spicy on my throat. That's it." Li Junxian said a little embarrassed.

It turns out that what I drank was not the wine prepared by others, but the alcohol used for disinfection!
But the taste...

Li Junxian smacked his mouth, but he still had some unfinished ideas.

He secretly glanced at the Holy Emperor and saw that Li Er was also staring at the cup in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, let's try this thing. You must have never seen it before." Li Fei smiled.

He handed a stick of corn to each of the three of them, and Li Fei also took one for himself and Little Persimmon.

"Hey, what is this? It smells so good!" Changsun Wujia asked in surprise as he peeled the corn.

Li Er and Li Junxian also looked at the corn in their hands, smelled it, and showed surprise.

"Try it and you'll know."

Li Fei smiled, took a bite, and chewed to himself.

The three of them didn't doubt that he was there, they all held the corn in their hands and started to eat it.

"Sweet and soft, what kind of crop is this?"

"Oh my god, this is delicious too!"

"Where did the young man get such delicious food? Why have I never seen it before?"

Just after taking a bite, the eyes of the three people lit up again, full of disbelief.


The barbecue just now has already made the three of them worship, and now there is such delicious corn, who is the little doctor?
Why are they all things I haven’t seen before?
"Ding! The host's corn resonates, and the reward is 300 reputation points!"

"Ding! The host's corn resonates, and the reward is 300 reputation points!" "Ding! The host's corn resonates, and the reward is 100 reputation points!"

Suddenly, another 700 reputation points arrived.

Li Fei felt happy again.

Good guy, just this dinner is worth the total reputation value income of several months.

Soon, the three of them had finished eating the corn in their hands.

Still feeling unfinished, even Changsun Wugou was a little excited and glanced at Li Fei's side from time to time, where there were several corns exuding an alluring fragrance.

"Eat, eat, you'll have enough to eat, it's not a valuable commodity."

Seeing the expressions of the three of them, Li Fei laughed and put a few more sticks on them.

After a while, the three of them reluctantly stopped.

Although I still want to eat, my round belly is already protesting.

"Little doctor, what kind of crop is this corn? Why have I never heard of it before?" Li Er asked curiously.

Just now, he heard Li Fei say that this thing didn't seem to be valuable.

Since it's not valuable, but it tastes so sweet, there's no reason why I haven't tried it!

Li Fei thought for a while and said: "It turns out that a visitor from the Western Region was injured and came to me for treatment. He was cured but he didn't have money to pay for the treatment, so he left some seeds for me."

"That kind of seed is corn seed. How about it? It tastes good, right?"

Li Er and the other three nodded repeatedly.

With a thought in his heart, Li Er asked again: "Then the doctor grew this thing himself? He should be able to sell it at a good price, right?"

Something he had never seen before was so delicious. If it were shipped to Chang'an, how many people would break their heads and snatch it?

"Well, I grow it myself and eat it myself." Li Fei said vaguely.

After swallowing the corn in his mouth, Li Fei waved his hand nonchalantly: "Everyone in the village has planted it, so it won't be a big deal if they sell it. Anyway, everyone just wants to eat and drink enough to live. Why do you need so much money?"

Li Er was dumbfounded.

What do you need so much money for?
If you think about it carefully, this mountain village is like a paradise, with beautiful mountains and clear waters and simple folk customs.

The villagers I met when I came here were all cheerful and friendly, and seemed to be living a happy life.

"Besides, you should have seen it when you came here. There are no roads in this place. How can we transport it outside for business?"

"You seem to be from a wealthy family, don't you even understand this?"

Li Fei was munching corn and chatting with the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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