Chapter 91 What stumped Song Laosan!
In the courtyard, there was no other sound except the breathing of everyone.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Li Fei.

Looking at the thin figure standing in front of the thousand-jin stone lock, everyone had an unreal feeling. Thousand-jin stone lock?

It seems that there was someone who could accomplish such a feat in the past, and that person's weapon was also given to him by Song Laosan, which was the drum-beating golden hammer.

It's a pity that he suffered a sudden disaster later, and his body was buried in a foreign land before the Li Tang royal family came to power.

Now, will another guy with natural supernatural powers appear?

"What, can't you?"

Song Laosan couldn't help but asked strangely when he saw that Li Fei hadn't moved for a long time, just staring at the thousand-jin stone lock.

Is it still a step behind after all?

However, Li Fei's voice came, leaving Song Laosan and a kind of onlookers stunned, speechless for a long time.

"Your stone lock is too light, and it's also corroded a bit badly. It's no longer heavy enough."

"To prevent you from cheating, I'll give you two."

Li Fei came to the nine-hundred-jin stone lock again, held it in his hand, and then looked at the thousand-jin stone lock, his eyes focused!
The other hand suddenly grasped the handle of the thousand-jin stone lock, and the veins on his arm popped out, and he let out a low cry!
"stand up!"


The thousand-jin stone lock shook and was instantly lifted into Li Fei's hand!
Then, he slowly turned around, holding a stone lock in one hand, and the ground beneath his feet sank a little!

"Is that all right?"

After holding on for a few seconds, Li Fei let go of his hands.

Only two "boom" sounds were heard, and two stone locks fell to the ground, stirring up flying dust.

Song Laosan's expression has changed. He is no longer as calm and calm as before. His face trembled: "Song's natural power is really eye-opening!"

After clapping his hands, Li Fei walked to Persimmon easily and looked down at the little Persimmon: "Persimmon, is your brother awesome?"

"Brother is the best!"

"Brother is a strong man!"


Little Persimmon's eyes were full of joy, and she looked at Li Fei with adoring big eyes. She jumped up and pecked Li Fei on the face.

"Haha, don't you like that stone? My brother will win it back for you in a moment!"

Li Fei laughed and was in a happy mood.

Song Laosan sat back on the chair, looked at the remaining five people, and said, "You can also try it and see how strong you are."

With Li Fei's appearance, the five people who were originally full of confidence now showed hesitant looks on their faces.

You've already ridden a horse weighing a thousand pounds, why should you try a hammer?

Looking at the relaxed look on the young man's face, he didn't even break out a sweat. It was obvious that he didn't use all his strength. He had a stone lock in each hand?
Or a thousand kilograms of stone locks?
"Hey, this is a rare opportunity, let me give it a try!"

Man Lao San chuckled and walked towards the stone lock.

Not long after, several other people also stepped forward to try it out. Their faces turned red from holding back, and the sounds of hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

In the end, only Man Lao San was able to lift the [-]-jin stone lock, while the others only reached the [-]-jin level and ran out of strength.

"Hey, little brother, I, the third child, have lost sight of Taishan. Dare you ask me your name?"

Man Lao San came over and looked at Li Fei with bright eyes, as if he was looking at a monkey running from another world.

"My last name is Li Fei, just call me Li Fei."

This pretty young man didn't seem to have any scheming, and his personality was very cheerful. Li Fei also responded with a smile.

"Brother Fei is so strong. It seems that there will be no suspense about the winner of the magic weapon this time. How did you practice?" Man Lao San scratched his head, looked at Li Fei's small body again, and breathed in While tutting his tongue, he said in wonder.


"But I am born with it. Exercise only accounts for 30.00% of it. It's useless for you to know."

Li Fei laughed, we came here with the car open, don't think too much.

"You and Mr. Man are here to stay, and the rest of you should leave!"

At this time, Song Laosan finished smoking a bag of cigarettes, stood up, looked at Li Fei and Man Laosan, and said slowly.

When the four people heard this, they could only leave dejectedly.

After a while, only Li Fei was left in the yard.

"Come with me!"

Song Laosan walked behind a forest in the yard with his hands behind his back.

Li Fei pulled Little Persimmon, looked over there curiously, and followed with Man Lao San.

Behind the woods, there is actually a courtyard.

It's just that the scale looks much smaller. There are no extra things in the other courtyard. There are only two furnaces several times larger than the usual blacksmith furnaces, placed in the center.

Song Laosan had already walked to the stove. When he heard the footsteps of Li Fei and Man Laosan approaching, he said to himself: "There are rumors in the city that I have created a magic weapon. In fact, they are all false. This piece of meteorite iron The material is special and is still in the process of being smelted..."

In a furnace, Li Fei looked around and saw a long piece of black meteorite, quietly being calcined in the charcoal fire.

It was clearly visible to the naked eye that only the head of the meteorite inserted into the fire below was slightly red, and the rest was still pitch black.

Man Lao San came closer and took a look, but he didn't understand. He asked, "Song Lao San, I came here to see the magic weapon. Your iron knot hasn't melted yet. What's going on?"

Song Laosan shook his head.

"If the temperature is not enough, it will naturally not melt."

Li Fei looked at the scene in the stove and said softly.

"Yes, this piece of meteorite has been calcined for almost a month, and there is still no trace of melting. The temperature is not high enough."

"The purpose of asking you two to come here is that I want to break this piece of meteorite iron apart and forge it into two parts. If possible, I can make a useful weapon for each of you!"

Song Laosan stared at the meteorite outside the sky, his eyes full of sacred colors.

For a blacksmith who has forged magic weapons, forging is like his second life!
Hearing this, Man Lao San's eyes also lit up, and he smiled: "Do I have a share? Hehe, I think it's okay, what do Brother Fei think?"

Li Fei shook his head without even thinking about it: "Fantasy, how can such hard meteorite be divided into two parts?"

"There's no way to separate it except by smelting it."

Just by looking at it, Li Fei knew that this was impossible.

"But this temperature can't be raised no matter what, so what should I do..." Song Laosan sighed with a helpless expression.

"Hey, I have a way."

"Song Laosan, just now you said you wanted to give me that piece of ore, and you need me to agree to a condition, which is to help you smelt this piece of meteorite, right?"

Li Fei smiled and asked.

Song Laosan nodded solemnly and said in a deep voice: "Yes, as long as you can help me melt this meteorite, an unknown ore doesn't matter!"

"I, Song Laosan, have been working hard all my life. If you have a way, I can make you a handy weapon. You can even ask for anything else!"

"Song will never refuse!"

(End of this chapter)

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