Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 96 Wanted Order of the Tang Dynasty!Dig a hole and bury him!

Chapter 96 Wanted Order of the Tang Dynasty!Dig a hole and bury him!
"Let's let one let, let one let!"

"Get out of the way, stay out of the way!"

In Liangzhou City, at the gate of the city, which was not spacious and bustling, a group of soldiers wearing armor came from the direction of the city lord's palace.

The leader was a tall and sturdy man, who strode to the city gate with his head held high and a rolled-up poster in his hand.

When he arrived at the city gate, the guard captain glanced at the wall, then unfolded the thing in his hand and stuck it against it.

"Everyone is keeping an eye on it. If you find any news about this person, report it to the City Lord's Mansion immediately. The City Lord will reward you greatly!"

"Okay, call it a day!"

After the big man left with his guards, the people around him gathered around and curiously looked at what had just been posted at the city gate.

Take a look at the three large characters above that are extremely eye-catching.

"This is Li Fei, a person from Xiaoqin Village, who was...outside the city on the [-]th...suspected to be the real murderer..."

"If anyone finds traces of this person, report it to the county government as soon as possible and receive a reward of ten taels of silver. If you find this person's whereabouts and identify him, you will receive a hundred taels of silver..."

"You are not allowed to attack this person at will. This person's appearance and characteristics are..."

A large piece of straw-yellow paper was pasted on the edge of the city wall, with eye-catching characters on it, and a portrait of a man outlined in pen and ink.

At first glance, he looks somewhat similar to Li Fei.

However, in fact, given the level of painting in this era, there are many people who look like this.

The people gathered around to watch, talking and looking surprised.

It had been a long time since there had been a wanted notice. It was quite novel that one suddenly appeared.

"Who is this Li Fei from, Xiao Qin Village? What is that place?"

"It's amazing. I can kill the Tibetan dog thief. It's such a relief!"

"More than thirty people from the Ministry of Punishment and Chang'an County Government died. Oh my God, this Li Fei is a murderous maniac..."

The people who didn't know what was going on looked at the wanted notice written down in a eloquent manner, and all of them looked strange and sad.

Strange things happen every year, especially this year.

A boy who looked like he was in his early teens could actually accomplish such a feat, which made people wonder.

However, the folk customs in Liangzhou area are fierce and people from all walks of life are busy, so I don't think it's a big deal.

There are many conflicts and contradictions that occur every day, and murder and robbery often occur.

As long as it's not within the city, usually no one cares about it.

But this wanted order comes from Chang'an, and there is the seal of the city lord of Chang'an City at the bottom, so it is a little heavier.

At the market, the waiter from Yunlai Restaurant had just purchased today's ingredients. After saying hello to the stall owner and letting them be delivered, he was ready to go back.

Unexpectedly, I turned around and saw a lot of people gathered around the city gate. It seemed that a new notice had been posted.

The waiter also quickly came over.

When he looked up, what caught his eye was a portrait of a character, which looked somewhat familiar.

Looking next to him, he saw the content described on the wanted poster and the word "Li Fei" that he clicked on, which almost made the waiter jump in shock!

Mr. Li?
Combined with that portrait, this is clearly the young master who brought Yun Lai Restaurant back to life and became a fiery young master. Why is he wanted?
After reading the content carefully, the waiter couldn't help but shed a lot of cold sweat on his forehead. After memorizing most of the content in his mind, he hurried back.

He returned to Yunlai Restaurant as fast as he could. Lao Wang was preparing condiments in the kitchen. This was already a required course for him every day.

The amount of ingredients used and the taste have all been left to Lao Wang himself in modern times. Li Fei is now completely hands-off as a shopkeeper.

At this moment, Lao Wang picked up a small chili pepper and smelled it, then threw it into the pot and cooked it.

At this time, the sound from outside came in. "The shopkeeper's, the shopkeeper's!"

"It's a big deal!"

"Let's get into trouble!"

The waiter's breathless voice came from outside the kitchen, causing Lao Wang, who was concentrating on cooking the ingredients, to shake his hands and throw a handful of chili peppers into the pot.

"What are you so worried about? The restaurant exploded?"

Lao Wang opened the door curtain and came out, furious, glaring at the waiter and saying.

I'm afraid something is going to go wrong with this pot. The young master had warned me that the handful of chili peppers in my hand were extremely spicy, so be careful with the ingredients.

But at this moment, I was startled by the waiter's voice and threw all the peppers in!
"Shopkeeper, I just went to the market to buy sewer, and I saw a group of people gathered at the city gate. What do you think I saw?"

"I guess your mother is just a Huihui. Tell me what you are trying to do!"

"I'm sorry, shopkeeper, there's a wanted notice posted at the city gate!"

"The wanted poster has the young master's profile picture, and it also has the young master's name written on it, saying it is..."

The waiter looked panicked and repeated the contents of the wanted order from memory.

The Tibetan envoy disappeared, fireworks exploded outside Chang'an City, and the county government servant died tragically... These horrific events were actually committed by this man with the same name as the young master!

"Young Master has a kind heart and is open-minded. How could he be that kind of person?"

After hearing what the waiter said, Lao Wang suddenly stared and cursed: "We who do business must not believe or spread rumors. This is what the young master taught us on the first day. Do you have a long memory?"

"When you finish your work later, copy this sentence for me a hundred times during your break, do you hear me?"

The waiter was confused for a moment and said blankly: "Shopkeeper, what did you say?"

“If you don’t believe the rumors, don’t spread them, start with me!”

Lao Wang snorted, turned around and got into the kitchen again.

There was a sound of a kitchen knife chopping on the cutting board. After Lao Wang quickly processed the remaining ingredients, he threw them all into the pot.

"Little Second!"

"Come here and watch the fire come!"

"I'll go to the back!"

Lao Wang quickly came out of the kitchen after finishing his work. He didn't even bother to tidy up his clothes. He gave orders to the waiter and went to the back of the yard.

The waiter was left alone to get into the kitchen, look at the red peppers floating in the pot, and murmured in a low voice: "It's obviously the young master himself, and I didn't say that the young master is a bad person..."

At this moment, Lao Wang had hurriedly pushed open the courtyard door and barged in directly.

"Master, son!"

"problem occurs!"

Little Persimmon was playing in the yard, holding a small shovel in one hand and a small bucket in the other, when she saw Lao Wang running in in a hurry.

"Uncle Wang, my brother is busy and told no one to disturb him!"

Little Persimmon dropped the things in his hands, stood at the door with his arms crossed, looked at Lao Wang with an upright look and said.

"Hey, my sister-in-law, this time is really important. Let me in!"

"No way, Uncle Wang, my brother said that if anyone wants to disturb him, he will have Persimmon dig a hole and bury him!"

Pharaoh: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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