Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 107 Let your best friend send it off!

Chapter 107 Let your best friend send it off!
"Old goblin, who dislikes you for being dirty?? I just said that I prefer cleanliness! As for you being ravaged by void crystals, isn't this your favorite?? I'm not in a hurry, I'm just impatient, and I can't wait to get it right away. Result." Kesha patted the dust on her body, opened a wormhole, took out a wet towel, and wiped the black ash stuck to He Xi's face, looking extremely indifferent.

Kesha's words once again drove He Xi crazy. She ignored Kesha's clean face and once again smeared her, and complained: "You should do your own research!! I don't care about this! Anyway, I’m retired.”

She chose to play badly.

No, since he obtained the Void Crystal and the materials for making the Void Membrane, He Xi has been doing crazy research these days, trying to use the Void Crystal in other places based on the drawings of the Void Membrane.

But soon she discovered that the void crystal was not just void material, but also contained endless void energy under its material skin, and this energy was not recorded by the known universe.

It was for this reason that He Xi understood why Shi Chen could cut off the connection between her body and her clone, and even disable the space-based computing group behind her.

Because Shi Chen poured void energy into her clone, the space-based computing group connected the clone, and was set up with a self-protection system. When encountering energy that could not be resolved, the first reaction was to abandon the clone.

Of course, this is the initial resistance and self-protection setting of the space-based system.

The space-based system also has the capability of self-renewal.

When it notices the presence of energy that it has not recorded and cannot resolve, it will try to recognize it.

Unfortunately, the result of this understanding is to play with fire and burn yourself.

Void energy is terrifyingly invasive.

As for the data intrusion of void energy, the space-based computing group cannot prevent it.

It's like a computer that has anti-virus software turned on all the time, but suddenly a virus appears that cannot be detected or dealt with.

The result is that the computer freezes and crashes.

However, crashes and freezes are not without solutions. It is as simple as restarting.

A little more complicated is to restore factory settings.

Also called system reinstallation.

However, restoring factory settings and reinstalling the system is not that simple.

Because it is necessary to back up the data in advance.

And once there is no backup, your celestial computer will be useless.

Of course, in the known universe, such a ridiculous situation without backup data is no longer possible.

To put it bluntly.

That is the space-based computing group, not counting void energy, and this energy is very intrusive and can cause the celestial computer to crash.

After learning about this, she quickly understood the matter, that is, if her space-based system could not solve the void energy, it meant that the sacred knowledge treasury could not solve it either.

Not even a big clock can do that.

Because this energy comes from the void, not the known universe.

The big clock, the treasure house of sacred knowledge, and the space-based computing cluster are all made by the known universe, but it is impossible to read through products that do not belong to the known universe and come from the void.

However, with this, she can also use all the celestial computers in the known universe, which cannot understand the characteristics of void energy, to take advantage of the power of void energy.

That is to use void energy as a weapon! !
Use this energy to form a protective film, put it on the blade of a sword, or put it on the bullet of a thermal weapon, and launch it to form a void projectile or a void sword blade. As long as it hits the opponent, the opponent will be temporarily interrupted. Turn on background celestial computer support.

Because the celestial computer is busy restarting, it will definitely not be able to take care of you.

In today's war, once the support of the background celestial computer is lost for more than one second, it is very likely that the other party will directly seize the opportunity to kill it.

Even the celestial computer cannot interpret it, let alone the genetic engine.

That's one of the scary parts.

The second is if Shi Chen gives this technology to the demon civilization or Karl.

That is really a nightmare for angels.

Therefore, Hexi's research method to obtain the void crystal was to extract the void energy inside the void crystal. Unfortunately, the extraction failed because she could not refine it.

The space-based computing group did not want to try to recognize the void crystal again. Even if He Xi forced it to recognize it, the result was that the space-based computing group restarted crazily and reinstalled the system crazily.

No progress at all. .

Ever since, He Xi had a bold idea. Could it be that the reason why his space-based computing group failed time and time again was because the void crystal was too big? ?
possible! !

Following this logic, He Xi wanted to cut off a small part of the void crystal and then slowly decompose it.

However, even cutting a small part of this link failed.

There are only two ways to cut off matter.

One is high temperature.

The second is physical cutting.

high temperature? ?
In the known universe, there is nothing that can be refined at high temperatures than the Flare Technology of Lieyang Star. Hexi also used the Flare Furnace, but the Flare Furnace also operates on a space-based system, so the result is still the same. The Flare Furnace exploded and did not decompose. Drop any small piece of void crystal.

High temperature won't do.

Then switch to physics? ?
Hexi used the sharpest weapons in the known universe to cut.

Dark silver.

The result is
An Suyin exploded! !

This was one of the reasons why she was so disgraced.

The more this happens, the more He Xi wants to obtain void energy and analyze this void crystal. This is an innate problem for science students. Therefore, she has been trying various methods these days, but the final result is failure. .

Hexi is numb! !

For this reason, she even did not hesitate to bring Zhi Xin along with her.

For Zhi Xin, his teacher has been engaged in scientific research for tens of thousands of years, but he still can't understand it.

How could I, a little girl in her early 500s, possibly understand this? ?

My heart is numb! !

Also depressed.

This was also the reason why she and Zhi Xin looked haggard and tired.

Therefore, Zhi Xin found a reason and ran away.

Because she doesn't want to fall into an endless loop.

That was so painful.

Especially when you are highly concentrated and nervous.

He couldn't even take a long breath.

She couldn't bear it.

I can't bear it.

She is obviously a little angel who likes to do scientific research.After such a wave, she felt that she was not suitable.

She was so shocked that she ran away.

But she felt that it was not good to run away alone and leave Hexi to suffer alone.

Ultimately hesitant.

She chose to cheer He Xi at the door of the research room.

When Kesha came here, He Xi seemed to see hope, because Kesha's technological level was not low, but He Xi did not expect that when Kesha came here, what she brought was not help, but blows and disgust.

Naturally, He Xi would not continue to help her.

Seeing He Xi's attitude, Kesha also guessed a rough idea and suggested: "It seems that you haven't analyzed the results!! Then have you ever thought about asking Shi Chen again??"

"To untie the bell, one must tie it."

"If you want to go, you go!! I won't go!!" Hearing this, He Xi immediately refused.

Going to find Shi Chen? ?
He finally escaped from her tiger's mouth and was sent back again? ?

What a joke.

The reason why she persevered was because she didn't want to find Shi Chen? ?

The last time I went, the first kisses of all three of my clones were taken away.

She also had to act coquettishly and coquettishly for him.

Also using that clip sound that she had never thought of.

Thinking of it, He Xi felt a chill.

This time, He Xi suspected that Shi Chen would make more perverted requests.

She didn't want to get into it.

Rather than sinking into it herself, it would be better to let Kesha give it a try on her own.

That would make her feel better.

As the saying goes, we share blessings and share disasters.

Then what kind of best friend is Kesha if she doesn’t suffer the same hardships as herself? ?What kind of sisters? ?

Kesha didn't know what He Xi paid for this void crystal. Even if she asked, He Xi never said a word.

She was naive, thinking that He Xi obtained this void crystal by exchanging some resources at most.

And resources.
Her arsenal of god-killing weapons could not be more extensive.

"Okay! I'll go, I'll go. Just wait!!" Kesha wiped her face clean again, responded with a vow, then turned around and prepared to leave the research room.

Seeing Kesha leaving, Hexi immediately stopped her: "Wait a minute!! I'll go with you."

Kesha frowned slightly, but did not refuse.

Just full of doubts.

Just go by yourself.

You want to go too.

So why didn't you just go in the first place? ?
Do you have to make a trip yourself? ?

Suddenly, Kesha felt that He Xi was getting lazier and lazier.

But in fact, not at all.

Because He Xi also wanted to witness with his own eyes how Kesha pried Shi Chen's mouth.

of course
If Kesha had the same experience as herself.

He Xi's complaints and frustration these days will also dissipate.

Who makes them good sisters? ?

He Xi thought happily, already looking forward to the scene of Shi Chen asking Kesha to act coquettishly and coquettishly for him.

That must be wonderful, and it will definitely eliminate all your fatigue.

The mood will also change from depression to happiness.

She didn't deny that she just wanted her best friend who sat on the sofa every day to send it off.

Because she also gave it away.

If she got caught in the rain, she would definitely tear up her best friend’s umbrella.

Otherwise, what kind of best friends are you? ?

"Queen Kesha." But Xiao Zhixin on the side knew what her teacher had suffered to get this piece of void crystal, and she didn't want the famous Queen Kesha to do the same.

She prepared to remind.

But He Xi was stunned and held back.

"Scorching Heart!! I found that you have been a little less diligent recently. Let's do it! In addition to Void Crystal, I also have Void Gum here. You are responsible for researching Void Gum??"

"Uh, no need, teacher. I'm still young and my abilities are limited! I'm not old enough to be a teacher yet, so I'll just start with you." Hearing this, Zhi Xin's pupils shrank, and he immediately retreated, not daring to continue to remind Kesha.

The screen turns.
Come to the planet Earth.

Shi Chen had no support for a long time. Although it was very easy to deal with Sun Wukong, Shi Chen also knew that if Sun Wukong did not regain his dignity today, this trial would not end in three days and three nights.

And Shichen didn't want to be too exposed.

Otherwise, Yan might see it.

Shi Chen pretended to be stupid and took Sun Wukong's stick forcefully.

was shot directly out.

Sun Wukong also didn't expect that Shi Chen could defuse and block his fierce attacks every time, but now he received such an obvious blow from the stick.

He was even angrier.

"Boy!! Are you treating me like a monkey??"

 There is one more.

  Next update, the farce with Sun Wukong is over.

  A little stretched.

  ,excuse me.

(End of this chapter)

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