Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 113 Dad, good night!

Chapter 113 Dad, good night!
"Dad Shi Chen, wait a minute, little Liang Bing! You are too fast, little Liang Bing can't catch up, okay!" Liang Bing, with his head full of black lines, held Shi Chen's arm, shook it, and pinched it. Depending on the tone of her voice, she tried her best to look like a little fan girl.


Shi Chen made a request.

That is, Shi Chen can wait for her.

However, she had to act coquettishly and coquettishly for Shichen.

And give him a massage every day.

Other than this
From now on, she must be called daddy in private.

As his goddaughter.

She can agree to the previous request, but for this request of calling her daddy and being her goddaughter.

Liang Bing is 1000 million unwilling.

However, at first Shichen's conditions were more exaggerated.

That is to let her address Shi Chen as her father in public.

No matter where you are or who you are with.

Be sure to call her daddy when you see her.

This made Liang Bing anxious.

Immediately disagree.

But he didn't agree, so Shi Chen attacked Qiangwei.

Another threat
The cold ice can't stand it.

In the end, through hard work and hard work, the words "public in public" became private.
Shi Chen also took a step back.

Of course, Liang Bing actually wants to try changing the word dad to brother.

But Shichen had a determined attitude.

This let Liang Bing know.

The word "dad" cannot be changed.

At this moment, she only had one idea, hoping that Karl would give a reply as soon as possible and use the big clock to find out as much data about Shi Chen as possible.

Then she prescribes the right medicine.

Get rid of Shi Chen, this scumbag and scum.

Or, how to restrain this scum.

Of course, this hope is very slim.

Because all the things Shi Chen knows are not available in the known universe.

However, having little hope is much better than not resisting.

Liang Bing sighed deeply in his heart and complained about his miserable life.

When he was young, he managed to achieve something, but was beaten by his elder sister for not doing his job properly.

She finally came up with a theory of ultimate fear, but Kesha immediately deemed it evil.

to this end.

The two sisters were in trouble to the point where either you would die or I would die.

Now, there is one more time dust.

A being even more difficult to deal with than Kesha.

But she was helpless towards Shi Chen.

Because the love of her life is very likely to change hands.

Liangbing wants to cry
But I couldn't cry.

Liang Bing said "Dad", which made Shi Chen feel happy. He subconsciously reached out and touched her delicate face, and assured: "My good daughter, my father will definitely do what he promised you."

"I'm waiting for you!!"

"You'd better do it! You'd better wait for me! Otherwise," Liang Bing shook his head, his face ashen as Shi Chen's hand that had nowhere to place it.

Seeing that Liang Bing was still stubborn, Shi Chen was not in a hurry.

Take it easy.

I have plenty of time to polish her off.

As for Rose
Shi Chen agreed to wait for Liang Bing.

But he didn't promise, not to respond to Qiangwei.

If you don't launch an offensive yourself, wait for Rose to launch her attack.

Then he didn't break the contract.

Because I am the passive party.

In this way, he won't touch Qiangwei, but Qiangwei will touch him.

Shi Chen convinced himself.

Facing Liang Bing's remaining stubbornness, Shi Chen did not break it.

Because once it is broken, it is impossible for him to take her down.

Then there would be no chance of detours.

This has to be done slowly.

Shi Chen stood up from the chair and patted the dust that was not there on his body: "Good daughter, it's getting late, dad is leaving!!"

"Go to bed early"

"." Liangbing snorted and turned away, ignoring Shichen.

Shi Chen came to the door, but did not leave the dormitory, but quietly waited for a word.Liang Bing saw that Shi Chen didn't leave and asked again: "What's wrong?? What do you want to do again??"

"Where's the good night you said to dad? You won't give it, right?" Shi Chen asked in return.

Liang Bing's face darkened, and she didn't know where she got the courage, and she was ready to cheat: "No!! Because... I have never been a good daughter from the beginning to the end!!"

"Look, does this reason work?"

"Hoho!! You're being rebellious, right? Are you trying to cause a bug for me?" Hearing this, Shi Chen was also startled. Good guy, he still has this trick.

Liang Bing said disapprovingly: "So what?? You only asked me to call you daddy, but you didn't ask me to be a good daughter!! There is no conflict."

As soon as these words came out, Shi Chen disappeared from Liang Bing's sight.

When Liang Bing came back to his senses.

Shi Chen has come behind her.

Before she could say anything, Shi Chen grabbed her up and forced her onto Shi Chen's lap.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Chen raised his hand and fixed his eyes on her plump buttocks.

Liang Bing thought of something, and she quickly changed her words: "Don't!! I said"

"Okay!!" Shi Chen lowered his raised hand.

Liang Bing gritted her teeth and uttered four words in a long and stiff voice: "Good night, Dad!!"

"Yeah!!" After getting the answer he wanted, Shi Chen gently patted her pretty buttocks, then flashed again and disappeared completely into Liang Bing's bedroom.

But Liang Bing was not sure that Shi Chen had left.

Searching his dormitory frantically.

Searching and searching, Liang Bing cried directly.

"Asshole!! Bastard!! You must die a good death!!"

Liang Bing choked and cursed.

This is the only way she can resist Shichen.

Other than this
No more! !
She also couldn't understand why there was a guy like Shi Chen in the known universe.

Moreover, he is so rogue.

On the stern deck of the Grand Canyon
It is already early in the morning, and the staff of the Juxia, except for those on guard duty, have almost fallen asleep.

Shi Chen came to a place where no one was standing guard or where the posts were far away. Shi Chen leisurely put his hands on the guardrail and blew in the sea breeze.

The wind is buzzing
A tall man in navy uniform came out from behind Shi Chen.

I saw the man sneaking closer to Shi Chen.

Seems to be determining something.

But he didn't know that Shi Chen had actually discovered him a long time ago.

The reason why I didn't sleep and came to the deck to enjoy the breeze was to wait for him.

boom! !

The man took out a sword from his sleeve and struck it at Shi Chen without saying a word.

Shi Chen turned around and released a small amount of void energy from his palm, solidifying it into a purple sword blade. He then violently picked it up, and with just one collision, Shi Chen knocked the sword blade in his hand away.

He was so angry that the sword blade was thrown away, and he gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "Damn bastard!! Stop being so damn proud!!"

After the words fell, he rushed towards Shi Chen like crazy.

He didn't care about the gap between Shi Chen and him.

A brand new sword blade was once again added to his hand.

"Microwormhole space transport technology??" Seeing this, Shi Chen looked a little stunned, and then distanced himself from him.

Let him rush to nothing.

And after he missed the opportunity, he didn't sit idle. He immediately turned around and continued to approach Shi Chen.

Shi Chen kept backing up, keeping a safe distance from him. Unable to hide, he used his sword to block, and once again the sword blade he was holding in his hand bounced away.

But every time a blade is thrown away by time dust, he will immediately open a wormhole to replenish a brand new one.

This gave Shi Chen a headache.But he didn't immediately take action to defeat him.

Because Shi Chen was wondering who he really was.

In Shi Chen's impression, Qiangwei should be the only one who knows the wormhole space transport technology and is still on the Juxia.

But this is a man in front of him.

And he seems to have a sworn hatred against himself.

Shi Chen couldn't think of who it was.
It wasn't until his next speech that Shi Chen suddenly understood.

"It turns out it's a guy like you who humiliates our queen!! Bastard!!" With red eyes, he raised his sword and charged towards Shi Chen again.

And the Queen of One Voice cooperates with the micro-wormhole space transportation technology.

so fanatical.

That's just one person.

Ato! !
How did this guy get involved with the Grand Canyon? ?
This is not in the plot! !
The dust is a little messy.

 End of update.

  Some plot changes have been made.

  Otherwise, it would be the same as the original work, which would be too boring.

  As for why Atuo came.

  The next chapter reveals.

(End of this chapter)

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