Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 149 Couple mixed doubles!

Chapter 149 Couple mixed doubles!

Everyone's eyes were like spotlights, shining on Li Feifei's ripe cherry face. Her delicate body trembled slightly, and she had to change her words immediately: "Of course. If I say it from my perspective."

"As a warrior, it is best to be fully armed!!"

After saying this, Li Feifei lowered her head, not daring to look at the faces of anyone present, because she was so shy that she wanted to get in right away.

"That's okay!!"

Her speech made everyone look away.

However, they knew it well.

this girl.

It was probably taken advantage of by Shi Chen.

Among them, Leng couldn't even figure it out. This Li Feifei, using her insightful eyes to see through and give her dark data, could be said to be a woman very suitable to be an angel.

Although she is a girl, she never sees herself as a weak woman.

Especially in an environment full of strong women, she is like a standout, crushing the rest, and is also very good at using her advantage of being a beauty to create endless trouble for her boss.

Of course, the Eye of Insight also revealed some of Li Feifei's psychological activities.

For example.
She enjoys the irresponsible satisfaction of teasing others.

This makes it difficult for Leng not to think of another person.

That man is 7000 years old.

I have never dealt with her.

And Li Feifei was the disciple of the bastard Shi Chen, and she had the same style as that stinky woman. Leng already wanted to trample her right away.

No matter if she is regarded as Shichen's only seedling or Yan's spare tire.

For her, there is no gain or harm.

However, from Lingxi's perspective, Li Feifei's speech means that she is very likely to have another competitor in the future. Fortunately, she can also see the eye of insight.

I also know Li Feifei’s psychological activities.

What Li Feifei was interested in was Shi Chen's temperament, the kind of naturally superior temperament and unshakable self-confidence.

Li Feifei just wanted to find the pleasure of crushing Shi Chen.

Rather than liking Shi Chen as a person.

With Shichen's mind, it was impossible not to see it.

Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I think you're quite suitable for short skirts! Especially since you like suits and hip-covering skirts the most!" However, Shi Chen didn't agree. How could Su Xiaoli do that? ?According to the records in the original work, Li Feifei was an OL woman who was born in the workplace.

At that time, Chen could have asked Ling to help him reshape it and create a dark silver OL outfit.

It definitely doesn't feel like that.

As for short skirts.

Lingxi, Leng, and many little angels all have it.

Too much will cause aesthetic fatigue.

Hearing this, Li Feifei was stunned: "Huh?? This An Su Yin can still produce such a style??"

"Of course it's no problem!! Because the protection of OL clothes is more reliable than that of short skirts. It protects the entire buttocks, instead of half of the buttocks being looming exposed like an angel." Shi Chen nodded.

This bit of technology is nothing to mention.

Only stockings are a bit difficult to do.

However, the black stockings can be completely replaced by those from Earth, because no matter what kind of enemies you face, those guys will not be able to attack your long legs wearing stockings.

That's not a flaw.
"Bah!! You've only exposed half of your butt, what do you say about your Lingxi family?" Before Li Feifei could respond, Leng spat at Shi Chen again.

What do you mean half of their butts are exposed in their short skirts? ?
Even though it's a short skirt.

But they also wear leggings, right? ?

It's not like everyone is as coquettish as Yan.

Of course, only their angels knew about this part. Leng couldn't help but slap him on his own, which would be equivalent to putting his face in front of Shi Chen.

She is not stupid.

Jian Leng once again pulled the innocent Xiao Lingxi into the water, trying to play a little fairy operation. When the facts were at his disadvantage, he would muddy up the matter.

Shi Chen sighed deeply: "My Xiaolingxi is an exception!!"

Shi Chen was initially prepared to shock this cold-blooded person who didn't know the heights of the world and had a very cold mouth.

Use the same tactics to scare He Xi.

But this idea was quickly replaced by Shi Chen's rationality.

Because that would really allow Leng to speak out without making any thorns.

But, that might make Leng Ruyi.

Because Qilin, Su Xiaoli, and Li Feifei were all present.

And his commitment to them, especially Qilin.

It's a girlfriend.

Not a lover.

If it were revealed that Lingxi had a void membrane, Qilin would definitely think too much about it.

Of course, with Qilin's character and personality, it stands to reason that she wouldn't.

But you can’t say for sure what a woman’s jealousy is.

Even if she is not jealous, Naqilin will have a certain sense of distance in her heart.

she will feel
Lingxi and I are still different.

Lingxi is an angel after all.

And yourself.
Just an intelligent life form from a pre-nuclear civilization.Awakening the so-called super gene is also vulnerable.

Leng spoke so frankly before, which made Qilin worthless.
If Shichen does this kind of operation again.

Shichen suspected that Qilin might not be able to sleep.

Although Shi Chen wanted to scold her when he commented coldly and unabashedly on Qilin, but now his relationship with Qilin is not confirmed.

It's not easy for Shichen to express too much.

That would be called a dog licker.

He doesn't want to be a bitch.
However, Shi Chen also knows that to deal with Qilin, you can only break through her inner defenses by licking the dog and stalking her.

After all, she is a woman who will give you the response you want.

That so-called licking is very worth it.

Therefore, Shichen couldn't slap Leng's face harshly.

However, it is also a troublesome operation to mix up the matter coldly.

Shi Chen looked at Lingxi, hoping that Lingxi could help.

Lingxi understood it, and even if Shichen didn't hint, she would still speak out.

"Sister Leng, don't do this!!" Lingxi looked at Leng strangely and angrily.

A fire in Leng's heart was completely ignited.

No way
Can't help it! !
I really want to educate this free junior as a senior.

So stupid! !


She's not stupid.

But the fire in my heart keeps growing.

She took a deep breath and said calmly: "Okay!! Of course she is an exception. After all, everyone else has dark silver equipment, but she doesn't!!"

"It's not an exception!!"

"The easier it is to get it, the less you know how to cherish it. Alas!! Man."



"." Shi Chen's face darkened.

Oh shit.

You just want to start a fight, right? ?

Grass! !

Shi Chen is ready to explain.

Lingxi expressed her position first. She slammed the table and stood up, with a look of anger on her delicate face.

Not only that, she also straightened her voice to make it sound more serious.

"Sister Leng!!!"

"You can say I'm stupid!! You can say I gave it for free!! Or even lose money!!"

"I won't even refute it."

"Because Sister Leng, your position is angelic civilization."

"You are my senior!!"

"But, I don't allow you to talk about Xiaochen!!"

"Xiaochen is a good man!! Not some bullshit scumbag."

"If you are rude to Xiaochen like this, don't blame me, junior, I will never be polite to you from now on!!"

Lingxi is very fierce.

The momentum is very strong.

Su Xiaoli and Qilin both looked at each other in confusion.

Good guy.

A person who looks so weak actually has such a strong side.

Su Xiaoli was secretly glad that she had always paid attention to her own identity and did not compete with Lingxi for favor. Otherwise, her young heart would not be able to bear Lingxi's attack on her like this.

And Qilin had to take another look at this girl who didn't look very smart.

Is Lingxi stupid? ?
No! !
Her actions were intended to intimidate those who were about to join her family.

This would make her sister Leng feel uncomfortable.

But she knows
She must consider whether this is her only chance in this life.
"You" Leng Yelin was stunned. The anger that had nowhere to be released was about to turn into a volcano and erupt.
She also wanted to bang the table.

Because she used to do this often.

I was also frightened out of Lingxi.

But she kept glancing at Shi Chen with her peripheral vision.

Shi Chen stared at her.

This made her lose her temper instantly.

These two couples
Difficult! !
Sing and harmonize! !

Originally, she couldn't take care of Shi Chen.

One more Lingxi.
Real couples mixed doubles.
She was a little scared.

Do not know why
 One more! !

  There is one more! ! !
  It's late today! !
(End of this chapter)

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