Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 279 You and Kesha live together!

The mini clowns gathered together, not expecting Kesha to flare up the furnace. They still waved sharp daggers as always.

Wherever the dagger passes, Kesha's silver wings will wrap it up and compete with it.

The moment the dagger touched the silver wing, a mutilated mouth appeared on the silver wing as if it had been bitten.

Immediately afterwards, the dagger pointed directly at Kesha.

If in reality instead of simulation, the clowns' daggers could easily swallow up the silver wings, Kesha would definitely feel distressed and even angry.

Because the cost of making Silver Wings is not cheap from beginning to end.

Although there is not much silver content inside, the silver wings also have a certain God-killing gene effect.

This is why Liang Bing was scratched by Silver Wing. The pain was only the first step. Her polymerization ability could not keep up with the second invasion of Silver Wing.

The devil's claws will be scratched by the silver wings, leaving countless scars like the ravages of time.

Fortunately, this is just a void war simulation, the real silver wings, Kesha is expected to be activated by Yan.

In the known universe, the technology to easily eliminate Silver Wings does not exist for the time being, and Big Clock cannot easily move Silver Wings or modify the right to use Silver Wings.

The moment the clowns broke through the defense line formed by the silver wings, they showed a maniacal smile.

This made Kesha's head covered with black lines. Her body was obviously made of black holes and stardust, but a human face could appear.

Kesha had to admire the development of the void universe.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and instead of resisting the clowns' attack, she crushed the flare furnace condensed in her hands.

The moment the Flare Furnace was formed, it was like lowering a dragnet for the clowns, locking them one after another, forcing the two sides to be in a different space.

Then it heats up and detonates, forming an explosion.

Although black holes are scary, as long as the explosion is enough, the black hole will still be affected by the explosion and collapse.

This is Kesha's way of playing, and the clowns did not pay attention to these details, which undoubtedly gave her enough opportunities.

She wanted to test whether the explosion invented by Hexi based on the Lieyang Star could achieve the same effect as Reina's detonation of the Emerald Star.

Imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.

When Kesha enveloped these clowns and was about to heat up, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, she frowned, and her face changed drastically.

It seems a little powerless, or completely unable to heat up.

The Flare Furnace formed a space that lasted less than three seconds before turning into dust, as if it had never been formed from the beginning to the end.

This caused the bystander Rena to sneer and sneer: "Damn!! I thought I really mastered the flare technology of our Sun Star."

“It turns out it’s not perfect!!”

"Piracy is indeed piracy."

Shichen sympathizes with Reina's resentment, because from the perspective of Lieyang Star, stellar drive technology has always been something that Lieyang Star is proud of.

This is also the reason why they are feared by different civilizations.

If it is controlled by Kesha and the angel civilization, then of course they will not be able to accept it.

Because their physical bodies are no longer comparable to the angel civilization, and even the concept of civilization is far behind the angel civilization.

The population and the number of warriors capable of fighting are not one-tenth as good as those of the Angel Civilization.

All they have left is the destructive power to explode stars.

If all of these are overtaken and replaced, will their Lieyang Star still have the meaning of existence?

However, Shi Chen was still prepared to tell the truth, even though he couldn't understand that Kesha's flare furnace turned into nothingness within a second of forming.

This is completely different from what He Xi used to roast Yan, which is very inappropriate.

Although He Xi is a reformer, he can't be more powerful than Kesha, right? ?
Of course, this may be true, because Kesha's rampage in the known universe is all because of the support of the sacred knowledge treasure house.

As a science student and a person at the pinnacle of angel civilization technology, Hexi has many black technologies, which is very reasonable.

However, He Xi is not the only one who is proficient in the Flare Furnace.

her students.

Zhi Xin is also very good at it. In the original work, Zhi Xin relied on the flare furnace to severely injure Su Mary. If Hua Ye hadn't brought the black hole engine, Su Mary would have definitely explained this.

There is no way Kesha is inferior to Sunburn Heart, there is no doubt about it.

Kesha's Flare Furnace did not form, which is outrageous.

What part of the problem is this? ?
Shi Chen also froze.

However, Kesha's next wave of operations also made Reina and Shichen suddenly realize it, and at the same time, they could not control the look of disgust on their faces.

Kesha was penetrated by the clown's dagger, and then, Kesha's abdomen was violently suctioned, and the black hole effect caused Kesha to dissipate instantly.

Simulation failed!

Keisha lost!

But compared to being killed instantly for the first time, it was already pretty good.

Shi Chen stood up from the chair, put down Reina in his arms, and walked towards Kesha's position. He subconsciously raised his hand, ready to pat Kesha on the shoulder to encourage her.

But Kesha blushed and raised her head, very unnaturally.

This made Shi Chen confused and blushing? what's the situation? ?

I haven't taken advantage yet.

Although Kesha pretended to be green tea at that time, Shi Chen wanted to surpass Su Mary for a moment, but Shi Chen still restrained himself.

Because that will definitely result in resentment.

How to surpass Sumary?
In the original work, didn't Su Mali yell about forcibly kissing He Xi?
When Shi Chen surpassed him, of course he kissed Kesha forcefully.

This woman is aloof and has an unparalleled temperament.

The color of the mouth is red and the lips are thin, which looks delicious at first glance.

Most likely it tastes like lychee? ?

Shi Chen was not sure, but wanted to try it, but unfortunately he had the heart but not the courage.

Because Hua Ye was much hungrier than him, he didn't dare to take action, and his family was ruined.

If he takes action, he will probably be stabbed in the back when his wife and children are inevitably separated.

Shi Chen took a deep breath, suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart, and prepared to ask why the Flare Furnace failed.


"Give me a moment! Don't be blocked!!" As soon as the first word came out, Kesha walked around Shi Chen, fixed her eyes on the toilet in the living room, and ran away.

Without giving Shi Chen and Luna a chance to react, she had already gotten into the toilet, and immediately after, there was an outrageous splashing sound coming from the toilet.

This made Shi Chen and Reina have black lines on their heads.

"What's wrong with her?? She's having a stomachache? The fourth generation divine body?? Damn, the smell won't leak out, right??" Reina said it bluntly, full of doubts.

"Uh-huh." Shi Chen scratched his head awkwardly, glanced at the frozen hot pot ingredients on the coffee table in the living room, and fell into deep thought.

Sure enough, Kesha paid for her mistakes in the market.

This stuff is all for the upcoming holidays, how can I not get upset? ?

And, based on what's happening on the coffee table, it's obvious that Kesha should be enjoying her meal.

She forgot that she was just a healthy ordinary person of flesh and blood.

Your stomach must not be used to it.


A minute later, Kesha walked out of the toilet with a haggard look on her face.

She also knew that this seemed indecent, so she locked the toilet door as soon as she came out to prevent the smell from spreading.

Of course, the most important point is that as the famous Holy Kesha, the king of angelic civilization and the king of gods in the known universe.

She didn't expect such an embarrassing scene, and Kesha couldn't accept it.

Don't want to accept it either.

"Are you okay??" Shi Chen looked at her pale face, thinness, and trembling legs and couldn't help but care.

Even though Kesha was weak, she still kept a straight face and pretended to be strong and said: "It's okay!?" "What can be the problem??"

“Isn’t it just that my stomach feels uncomfortable!!”

"This is nothing. Compared with the suffering I suffered when I was an angel, it is not worth it."


"Wait a moment."

She retraced her steps and returned to the toilet to relieve the pressure again.

The corners of Shi Chen's mouth twitched slightly. Is this a bit bad? ?
If her fans knew about it, they would definitely try their best to kill her even though she knew the outcome but still turned a blind eye and allowed her to have diarrhea and turn into Splatoon.

However, Shichen had no choice, because Kesha had to go through this test like a living person.

Not a rational God! !

This time the time was slightly longer, extending from one minute to ten minutes.

If it weren't for the sound of the toilet flushing coming from the toilet, Shi Chen would have thought that Kesha was lying in the toilet and collapsed.

Reina frowned. Regarding Kesha's exaggerated behavior, even though she wanted to pretend that she didn't see it, the smile on the corner of her mouth had already betrayed her.

Snapped! !

The toilet door was open, but there was no smell. This was thanks to the fact that the community Su Qingyi bought was a high-end community and the ventilation fan was more efficient than ordinary ones.

However, Kesha was not objective. She got a slender wooden stick from nowhere. She punched the stick and limped out of the toilet.

She took several deep breaths in succession, her face full of grievance: "Help! Can you help me stop it!!!"

"." Shi Chen obviously took this matter very seriously, but he was also amused by Kesha's fragile scene.

I also know that it was for this reason that Kesha's Flare Furnace failed and she called herself.

"Stop it?? Pfft, how to stop it? Let him stuff you with his hand??" Reina did not miss such an opportunity to gloat and laughed.

Kesha's face turned red, but she was speechless.

Because this was also the first time she faced such uncontrollable torture.

too painful.

This is even more heartbreaking than being blown up by the Emerald Star.

Emerald Star can feel the high temperature only for a flash at most.

And this.
It was accompanied by cramping pain in her lower abdomen, as if someone was trying to burst out of her belly.

"Hey!! I remember you are not the fourth generation divine body?"

"The fourth-generation divine body will still suffer from diarrhea due to eating unclean food?"

"No way??"

"Isn't it possible??" Reina continued to smile.

Kesha ignored her. For the first time, an idiom appeared on her delicate face, an idiom that shook Shi Chen.


Shi Chen sighed and said, "Be patient, I'll buy you some medicine downstairs."

"." Kesha said nothing and looked at Shi Chen blankly.

Reina once again got angry: "It turns out that the queen also needs to take medicine!! Tsk tsk"

"Can't you open my genetic lock??" Kesha gasped, these were the words she tried her best to say.

Shi Chen shook his head, although he felt sympathy for Kesha's suffering at this moment.

But one thing comes back to another, and if Kesha returns to her peak just because of a mere stomach upset, it will be a waste of time.

"Sorry! I can't agree. This is a good start."

Kesha's face darkened and she gritted her teeth: "Good start?"


Shi Chen didn't wait for her to say anything, and had already arrived at the door. He left a word and left: "Leina."

"Take care of it!!"

"I'll come back as soon as I go!! There is usually a health station downstairs in a community like this."

"Let her drink more hot water!!"

"Okay." Reina did not refuse and watched Shi Chen leave.

As soon as Shi Chen left, Reina smiled meaningfully, looked at the structure of the living room, and did something very animalistic.

Kesha was told to drink more hot water, and Reina did as she was told.

She went to the kitchen and picked up a large bowl, then poured the hot pot soup base on the coffee table into it, pretended to blow on it, then held it, carefully came to Kesha, and said pretentiously: "Come on, open your mouth! Pay attention to the scalding." .If you have diarrhea, you need to drink more water to avoid collapse!”

"." Kesha lowered her gaze and looked at the hot pot soup base in Reina's hand. She said coldly: "Do you think you are very humorous??"

Reina chuckled: "I think it's okay!"

"After all, from the few ingredients left on the coffee table, it can be seen that you like hot pot very much."

"You're welcome, take a bite! You can't die again."

"Look, I just took a sip and it's completely fine."

With that said, Reina drank the bowl of hot pot soup without any ceremony, exhaled a long spicy breath, and looked satisfied.

"Look, I'm fine! What are you afraid of??" Reina looked at her sternly.

Although the two of them had nothing to do with each other, recalling the first time they met, when Kesha looked at her with disdain, Lena couldn't help but want to take this opportunity to take revenge.

Especially when she came here, Kesha pretended to be coquettish and shouted one brother at a time.

"." Kesha sighed helplessly at Rena's provocation.

"To be honest, I know you are a little girl, but I didn't expect you to be so childish!!"

"One more thing, little girl. I will spare your life."

"Not only are you ungrateful, but you're waiting for an opportunity to retaliate."

"Aren't you afraid that one day there won't even be half of the Sun Star?"

"Really? I can't see it, can I?? Your angelic civilization is currently suffering numerous casualties, isn't it?"

"Especially being bullied by an aerospace-level Taotie civilization."

“I also don’t understand, in a situation like yours, why do you claim to be the strongest in the known universe??”

"Especially thousands of years ago, when you came to provoke Lieyang Star in a arrogant way, did you ever think that you would be today?"

"You, the king of gods, have ended up like this."

"Tell me, does your angel civilization still have a chance??" Reina was not to be outdone and expressed her opinion.

Kesha smiled faintly: "Opportunity?? You should also think about yourself. You are the culprit who annihilated the opportunity on Earth."

"You are very pitiful. You came to Earth and wanted to make friends, but you didn't expect to destroy your friends with your own hands."

"If it weren't for you, would the current communication on Earth be so difficult??"

"And we angels have at least guarded the Heart of the North."

"If it weren't for Shi Chen, I don't know what your end would be!!"

"You" Kesha's words undoubtedly rubbed salt into her wounds, but she didn't get into a mess because of it. Instead, she was extremely calm and even fought back: "But at least I won't be someone who can't even take care of myself." idiot!!"

"Have loose bowels!"

"Such low-level mistakes can be made. If you leave your sacred treasure house of knowledge, you are nothing."

"." Kesha was speechless.


"Speaking of this, Lena, from today on, you and Kesha will live together! How about it??" Just as Lena was immersed in the joy of victory, the door was opened, and Shi Chen gave her a heavy The problem made her smile stop abruptly.

"Huh?" (End of chapter)

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