Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 281 Teach Reina to blast Kesha gold coins!

Chapter 281 Teach Reina to blast Kesha gold coins!

"Ahem! Although I know that I shouldn't speak at this time, Rena is right!"

"You're so hungry!"

"To prevent this from happening again, you need someone to take care of you."

Shi Chen handed Kesha a cup of warm water and the anti-diarrheal medicine he just bought from the pharmacy downstairs.

Kesha looked at the medicine and listened to Shi Chen's unscrupulous comments. She quickly took it and then snorted: "It's not because of you."

"It locked my genes inexplicably! Moreover, the body it created for me is the most ordinary."

"If it were a sacred atom, I wouldn't have any symptoms at all!!"

After saying that, Kesha admitted defeat this time. She didn't want to rush into the toilet.

That feeling was even more heinous than her being blown up by the Emerald Star.

Shi Chen smiled faintly, without explaining or denying Kesha's statement.

However, this is necessary. It would be meaningless if Kesha was directly resurrected in her peak state.

Kesha can't handle Karl now.

In particular, Carl will install the black hole engine on Hua Ye next.

It is a product that is beyond the scope of known technology in the universe.

Even for Keisha, the ending won't change.

Hua Ye can also drive straight in and break through the defense line of Merlot Heaven.

There is only one thing Kesha can do, jump into the black hole like Liang Bing, use the treasure house of sacred knowledge, and achieve the ending of being annihilated with the black hole.

It may even be worse than this. Hua Ye, like himself, is an out-and-out pervert.

If he knew that Keisha was still alive and that he had a black hole engine, he would definitely want to get Kesha at all costs.

That would be more troublesome.

What's more, it's better to secretly develop Kesha while everyone thinks she's dead, and then surprise everyone when she matures.

Moreover, Shi Chen also expected that Void's visit was getting closer and closer.

Once they have the opportunity, they will definitely get in, and by then it will be a disaster for the known universe.

The culprit who caused this opportunity to become a disaster was Karl.

This madman's worship of the void can be said to be completely unconscionable.

Shi Chen really has nothing to do with Karl, because Karl in the known universe is just a projection.

The only way to destroy it is to delete the memory of Carl in the known universe and destroy the Great Clock.

Carl relied on the reflection of the big clock to form a projection.

There are countless civilizations that regard him as a believer, providing him with the ability to intervene in the known universe.

To put it another way, if all life forms in the known universe lose Karl's memory, then he will truly die.

Because no matter how hard he struggled, others regarded him as a madman.

I thought he was talking crazy.

Unfortunately, this is only the first link, and the crucial big clock must also be buried together.

Carl landed in the known universe as a projection. He has no physical attacks, only mental attacks.

The mental attack requires a large clock to intervene in the target brain to a certain extent, similar to brain wave invasion.

This is what big clocks are capable of.

This is also the reason why Kesha said in the original work that she could only suppress Karl, but could not completely uproot him.

Of course, at Shichen's current level, void energy is poured directly into it, and the big clock cannot analyze it.

However, this is not enough to destroy the big clock. At most, it will freeze for a period of time, just like the Demon 1.

The Big Clock is the most powerful celestial computer in the known universe, and its backup capability is the best among all celestial computers.

If the machine crashes for a period of time, it will undoubtedly alert the enemy.

Shi Chen would definitely not test it before he was absolutely sure of destroying the big clock with one blow.

This is a dead end!

If you want to find a glimmer of hope from the dead end, you need the key to breaking it.

That is void resources.

Time Dust needs to build an absolute void celestial computer in the known universe, so that the big clock can completely collapse.

Let Carl completely destroy the known universe and let him live in the void forever.

If you want to build a void-level celestial computer, you need to be visited by void creatures, because they are full of treasures.

In other words, from beginning to end, time dust cannot prevent Karl from releasing the void.

Because once it is stopped, then Chen will not be able to destroy Karl.

Carl would also be buzzing around the known universe like a headless fly.

Therefore, Shi Chen has been waiting for Karl to release the void and bring him abundant resources.

Use these resources to kill the real villain in the Super Seminary.

However, in order to prevent accidents and underestimate Karl's madness, Shi Chen needs to cultivate comrades who can unite with him.

After all, Shi Chen was not sure how many void creatures there would be in the void released by Karl.

If you rely on yourself, even your energy body will be exhausted.

However, if there is help like Kesha, that is another matter.

"Secondly, if I need care, I don't want her to take care of me!!" Kesha glanced at Rena and took a step back.

Reina was like a lioness with explosive hair, unwilling to be outdone: "Who said I have to take care of you??"

"Stop!! Don't argue. I don't deny it. I asked Reina to take care of you because I hope you can develop a relationship."

"You come and teach Reina how to be a main god!!" Seeing the two of them preparing to start a new round of fighting, Shi Chen hurriedly stopped them, with a solemn look on his face.

"I don't need her to guide me!" Reina pouted.

Kesha's face darkened, showing no mercy: "To guide you?? It's better to guide a pig!"

"After all, you are a guy who has forgotten his roots."

"Although, from a righteous standpoint, I'm glad that you didn't harm the Earth."

"But from a civilized standpoint, you are just playing with things and losing your mind."

"That is to say, Pan Zhen has always respected your grandfather. Otherwise, Pan Zhen can dethrone you from the throne anytime and anywhere!!"

"You don't know yet."

"Just a kid's brain."

"Okay!! Stop it, both of you." Shi Chen's head was full of black threads. Sure enough, after Kesha regained her emotions, she would also become furious and have a dispute.

Seeing that Shi Chen's tone became fierce, the two of them closed their mouths, but their fierce gazes still maintained a confrontation.

Seeing this, Shi Chen couldn't help but sigh inwardly, but he still turned his head, looked at Reina, and said: "Leina, take care of her and study."

"Why??" Lena asked dissatisfied.

Shi Chen also lost his temper: "Just because this is your man's order!!"

"I remember that you Lieyang Stars also maintain the custom of marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog, right?"

"So, you are not allowed to refute!"

"I haven't married you yet!" Reina was still stubborn.

Shi Chen smiled disapprovingly: "Is there any difference??"

"Or do you really don't want to marry me? Just be a shady lover?"

"Don't forget, you lost to me!!"

As soon as the words "you" came out, Reina was at a loss. She bit her lip in grief and anger.

Shi Chen did not continue to explain that Reina was just disgusted with how others arranged her life.

Shichen is also disgusted because he is a person who advocates freedom.

However, Reina does lack the thoughts of the Lord God.

In fact, Shi Chen can not let Kesha guide her, but can be guided by herself.

However, Shi Chen didn't have that much time. After all, there were other women waiting, so he couldn't be too partial to her.

Let Keisha guide you.

However, in order for Reina not to resist, to be perfunctory and to take the initiative to cater to her, Shichen still needs to go one step further.

Keep her interested rather than making it a task.

For example.
Shi Chen looked at Reina, and Reina looked sideways, seemingly dissatisfied with Shi Chen's arrangement.

"Hey, you're not really angry, are you?" Shi Chen's voice played as an echo in Reina's mind.

Reina then corrected her vision and looked directly at Shi Chen.

"I know you don't like others controlling your life and forcing you to do things you don't want to do. But, baby, you have to understand my good intentions."

"Just deal with Kesha, take care of her, and cultivate your relationship."

"Knock it from the side and see if you can get some dark silver materials out of her mouth!"

"When you have these supplies and return to Lieyang Star, Pan Zhen will still say that you are playing with things to lose your ambition."

"Of course, maybe Kesha won't give it."

"Then you change your tactics and have a conflict with her."

"You take care of her for a period of time. She depends on you for food, clothing, and daily life." "You want some interaction."

"If she refuses, you can justifiably get angry and ask her if she is still a good best friend."

"And if she leaves you, she will go back to a life where she can't even take care of herself."

"Diarrhea and all kinds of problems surfaced."

"Tell me, can she not regret it? Still refuse?"

"Why don't you just get one or two hundred pounds of hidden silver?"

"Isn't this delicious?"

As soon as these words came out, Reina was stunned, and then gave Shi Chen a stunned look.

She had no idea that Shichen was planning this.

This guy is really awesome!
As for the dark silver, Reina certainly knows that in the known universe, all dark silver is monopolized by Kesha.

Lieyang Star has also looked for this type of resources.

Especially after the battle between his grandfather and Kesha.

It's the same divine body, but her grandfather Di Hongkun can only rely on explosions to cause damage to Kesha.

However, Kesha was able to easily injure them with her silver wings.

Need to say more about the value and strength of this dark silver? ?

Reina just didn't expect that Shi Chen wanted to do this.

If she really got one or two hundred pounds of dark silver from Kesha.

Pan Zhen will definitely not cause trouble for her from now on, let alone say that she, the main god, is getting bored playing with things on the planet Earth.

Reina's eyes lit up and she nodded decisively in agreement.

Shi Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Let’s stabilize Reina first. As for An Suyin, Shi Chen’s understanding of Kesha is not something Kesha can provide.

No matter what relationship Rena has with her.

One yard owned by a yard.

An Suyin does not belong to Kesha alone, but to the angel civilization.

So no reason.

But with this excuse, Reina will not continue to resist.

When the time is almost up, I will make up for it myself.

An Suyin? ?


Void resources are the top priority.

Reina nodded in agreement. Being fooled by herself, Shi Chen looked at Kesha again.

Before Shi Chen could speak, Kesha rolled her eyes and said, "No need to say it, I know. If I don't agree."

"You will definitely say that I owe you a life!!"

"I only have one condition."

"What conditions?" Kesha's ideological awareness was very high, and Shi Chen managed to squeeze out a smile.

Kesha said seriously: "I must always have information about angel civilization!!"

"Oh! This?? It's simple. Lena takes care of you, but that doesn't mean she sticks with you every day."

"She also has her own responsibilities, for example, continuing to protect the Earth."

"Now the Earth's heroic army has moved to the Heart of the North."

"Just think that Reina goes to the Xiongbing Company during the day and comes back at night."

"When I have free time, I'll take you for a walk and buy some fresh fruits and vegetables."

"And there is hope on the planet Earth that your angels recognize, the power of the Milky Way."

"Sooner or later it will be connected. In this way, Rena will definitely provide you with enough information every day."

"I know, but what I mean is, she can't show off to me!!" Kesha was not satisfied with this answer. What she wanted was Lena's answer.

Because she had a vague feeling that Reina was not an easy person to get along with.

Kesha has now lost her treasure trove of sacred knowledge, and her genes are locked.

If Reina acted stupidly and went back on her word, there was nothing she could do about it.

Without waiting for Shi Chen's assurance, Reina did not care about Shi Chen's calculations, but was very generous and did not let her personality change.

"Hello? Are you kidding?? This goddess will be as miserable as you imagined??"

"You can say that this goddess dislikes you, but if I promise something, no matter what happens, I will never break my promise!!"

Rena's face was filled with affirmation.

"In other words, you agreed??" Kesha was a little surprised, wondering why her style suddenly changed?
Reina, who had been acting like a hedgehog just now, actually became more sensible.

Reina looked at Kesha's eyes full of suspicion. She coughed a few times and said, "Who said that??"

Shi Chen looked at her.

Reina quickly added: "I promise you it's okay."

"But to take care of you, you have to pay me a salary."

"Salary?" Kesha frowned.

Shi Chen's heart tightened, what the fuck? No, are you so anxious?
Isn't this just a warning?

Shi Chen immediately winked at her.

Reina acted as if she didn't see it and continued: "What else?? I will be a free nanny for you??"

"Haha." Kesha chuckled, with a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

Shi Chen caught this subtle expression and immediately smoothed things over: "Leina, don't make trouble! Can't you just look at my face? What kind of salary are you talking about?"

"That won't work!! My brothers are still settling the scores."

"What's more, we are not considered a couple yet!" Reina shook her head.

Shi Chen was slightly startled.

Kesha couldn't help but asked angrily: "Then what kind of reward do you need for this goddess?"

"Just follow the economy of the Earth planet. The North Heart is the capital. I've seen it before accidentally."

"Housekeeping, daily payment, two thousand yuan a day."

"For Chen Shi's sake, Shi Chen's sake, I'll take half of it from you, a thousand yuan a day."

"Is this no problem??" Reina smiled faintly.

Shi Chen and Kesha were dumbfounded.

Universal currency on Earth? ?
Shi Chen suddenly understood.

This girl wants to eat both ends.

Anyone who knows Lena knows that this girl loves Earth Planet fashion.

For example, the Balenciaga set that Shichen tore up before.

At the same time, pursuing fashion on Planet Earth is not easy.

need money.

The military salary of the Xiongbing Company is very thin and cannot meet Reina's needs at all.

Shi Chen had already guessed it.

This chick has her eye on Angel International.

"I didn't! I'm not from Earth." Sure enough, Kesha's vigilance was swept away, and she spread her hands with a look of helplessness.

Thinking back to Earth's universal currency, she certainly didn't have one.

Before I bought these frozen products, I still paid a few hundred yuan provided by Shichen.

Rena smiled meaningfully: "No, you do."

"Angel International. It belongs to you angels."

"I looked into it."

"Of course, for a character like yours, Angel International is not as discerning as you."

"But... it can get into my eyes! All you have to do is nod."

"." Kesha was silent, and then she remembered that Earth still had industries left by the angelic civilization.

Although this industry does not entirely belong to angels, without angels, they would not be able to remain standing.

Angel International.

That is
Even though she lost the treasure house of sacred knowledge, her genes were locked, and she was forced to live in a mediocre flesh and blood body.

But, is she still a superior person on Earth? ?
Kesha cast a resentful look at Shi Chen.

The corners of Shi Chen's mouth twitched slightly.


Reina still found a trap!
This silly bitch.

(End of this chapter)

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