Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 285 Who makes you unable to satisfy me?

"Is this important??" Shi Chen smiled faintly, not prepared to answer this topic at all.

Because this is a dead end, you can’t say I’ve read the original work, right?

In the original work, you like the Earth Planet. Just as Kesha commented, you lose your mind playing with things on the Earth Planet and have no idea what happened to the Sun Planet.

As a result, Pan Zhen, the patron saint of the Lieyang Star, was offline, and the entire residents of the Lieyang Star had to forcibly move their capital.

No one likes to move, and no one wants to be alone.

After doing this, Lena returned to Earth and continued to contribute to a pre-nuclear civilization that had nothing to do with the blazing sun.

From the perspective of the Earth planet, Reina's behavior is very good, but from the perspective of the Lieyang planet, Reina's behavior is a return to the ancestors.

It is unforgivable.

That is to say, Pan Zhen was helpless when faced with his own goddess's understanding of justice. In the end, he had no choice but to relocate the entire population.

There is no good ending for oneself.

He was killed by one of Karl's guardians.

Even though there are plot killing factors, you have to know that Pan Zhen and Sun Wukong have been fighting for thousands of years.

Sun Wukong was also helpless with Pan Zhen, but unexpectedly he was tricked by a passerby and was offline.

This concept is equivalent to the fact that the Heavenly King Hexi, who was clearly the last hope of the angelic civilization, jumped into the black hole inexplicably. The name is beautiful, and I want to decipher the black hole.

In fact, it was unbelievable that the whole person melted, and that the last line of defense of the angelic civilization was forcibly removed.

"What do you think?" Reina rolled her eyes and looked at Shi Chen quietly.

Shi Chen didn't want to explain too much, but changed the subject: "It's not important! Anyway, with this thing, you Lieyang Star can survive the crisis!!"

"Things are almost done! Let's go back."

After saying that, Shi Chen asked Zero to open a void door and prepare for transmission.

However, Reina did not give up, grabbed Shi Chen's arm, and said seriously: "No!!"

"You must make it clear. Did Kesha reveal this to you??"

"Give me an accurate shot!!"

"." Shi Chen remained silent. After a moment, he looked tired and said, "So what if it is, so what if it's not??"

"To be honest, Kesha is right. You girl, you are a bit lost in playing with things."

"The reason why Pan Zhen agreed to go to the Earth Planet is not because he hopes that you will take the opportunity to grasp the representative of the Earth Planet."

"That is Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy!!"

"To lay a certain foundation for the plan of heaven. Don't tell me, you don't know. Based on my understanding of Pan Zhen, it's impossible for him not to teach you the art of the emperor since you were a child! It's also impossible for you to know how to weigh the pros and cons! But you Woolen cloth."

"Getting involved with the Xiongbing Company, completely forgetting the original intention!!"

"Of course, you can say it's still early. The Sun Star can last at least ten thousand years, and you don't want to destroy a neighboring star or a bunch of friends because of your own needs."

"This is an invasion. You don't want to be like Taotie."

"About this, I approve of you, because this is benevolence and justice!"

"But you are also the main god of Lieyang Star. You need to be responsible for the needs of Lieyang Star."

"The life on the Earth planet is life, but isn't the life on the Sun planet??"

"Perhaps you will say that when the power of the galaxy is almost grown, the power of the galaxy will definitely help you."

"But, here you must know, how many years does it take for the so-called growth of the Galactic Power?"

"A hundred years? A thousand years? Or ten thousand years?"

"Just because you can wait, doesn't mean Lieyang Star can wait."

"If the core of the Sun Star collapses during the period you are waiting for, what should you do?"

“Have you ever considered this place??”

Shi Chen suddenly changed into a different person, guiding Reina in a tone almost identical to Pan Zhen's.

Lena disliked this tone the most.

Even if the man in front of her is the one she loves.

But what Shi Chen said was all true. In the original work, it would take ten thousand years for Heaven's plan to unfold, but what?

Carl set his sights on the Sun Star.

Nusa brought the brand new equipment given by Karl, entered the Tiandao Tower without a trace, and destroyed the star core inside the Tiandao Tower, thereby accelerating the demise of the Lieyang Star.

Tiandao's plan had to be advanced, but Reina didn't know anything about it.

Regarding this, Shi Chen has made a detailed analysis. The reason why Karl asked Nusa to do this was because he realized that Reina's position had been shaken.

This is a flaw.

The result was just as Karl expected. Either the Sun Star would have to attack the Earth Star, or a large number of generals would be lost inside the Sun Star.

Because Lena is no longer in the clear with the Earth Star.

Pan Zhen is another old antique.

Carl's only miscalculation was that Pan Zhen, an old man, suddenly woke up and did not follow his previous style of attacking the Earth.

Instead, he chose to sacrifice the blazing sun.

Also sacrifice yourself.

Otherwise, in Karl's budget, the Sun Star will definitely have a fierce fight with the Earth Star.

That's what he expected.

Such a thing is very simple for Shichen and does not pose a threat.

But Shichen didn't want Reina to stay like this.

Because the future war will be empty.

Void's learning ability is not simple. Once Rena is read by Void's visitor, she can use it.

Then Rena will definitely become an unstable bomb.

Shichen needs Reina to grow.

Not just ability, but thinking.

Otherwise, from the moment the void strikes, Rena will really be a vase.

Even if I study right away, it will be too late.

Because those precious things are not as easy to deal with as the known universe.

"Impossible!! The star core is not as fragile as you think. Ten thousand years is ten thousand years, there will be no error!" Shi Chen's one-sided words aroused Reina's dissatisfaction, and she widened her beautiful eyes.

Shi Chen shrugged: "The word impossible does not exist in this world!"

"Just like Keisha, she didn't expect that she would be plotted to death by Karl and Morgana!"

"What's more, you're not even as good as Kesha!!"

"You need to change, you need to learn."

"This is for your own good."

"As for how I learned about Tiandao's plan, you just need to understand that I can't possibly harm you."

"This is different. She was killed entirely because of her arrogance." Reina was unconvinced.

Shi Chen: "Aren't you arrogant?? Why do you think there will be no accidents in the star core?"

"How could an accident happen to the star core?? You tell me!! I, Lieyang Star, have so many people stationed there, what accident could happen??" Reina refused to repent.

Shi Chen sighed: "Kesha knows about Tiandao's plan, why do you think Karl doesn't know about it??"

"If he interferes with it"

"It's like, you are confident. If it weren't for me, you would have been kidnapped by Karl's Taotie."

"Do you think they are really that bold? They are obviously just an aerospace civilization, but they dare to attack a god like you."

"Once you fall into their hands, Carl will ask Pan Zhen to redeem you."

"Based on what I know about you, you would say that Pan Zhen will give them good things to eat."

"But in fact, people don't care! He is a phantom."


"Taotie is just his pawn."

"Do you understand??"

"I don't understand!!" Reina said three words firmly. She gritted her teeth and showed a style of never looking back.

Shi Chen was also helpless and wanted to hit the idiot in front of him.

Ah shit.

No wonder, he is obviously the main god of a god-making civilization.

Equivalent to a queen.

In terms of status, she is on equal footing with Kesha and Liang Bing.

But Kesha and Liang Bing didn't take her seriously at all.

Among them, Liang Bing controlled her at will and did not regard her as a thorn in his side at all.

It turns out that the two of them knew that Lena was not a smart person.

Too young.

Under Pan Zhen's protection, Lena didn't even know what cruelty was.

If he had known this, Shichen should not have saved her.

To save her, she had to go through the original work and almost get into a fight with a group of gangsters before taking action.

In that case, it would be impossible for this little girl to be so stubborn in front of him.

I still feel soft-hearted.

Depend on! !

Shi Chen took a deep breath and resisted the urge to slap her.

No matter how stupid she is, she can't change anything, she is her own woman.

"Do you know how Kesha lost to Carl??"

"Because she is arrogant, thinks she is stable, and underestimates me." Reina answered directly without thinking too much.

Shi Chen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Kesha only saw the word arrogance in her eyes? ?

It was indeed a child.

"Arrogance is part of it, but more importantly, Carl's technological development is far ahead of all of you."

"Let me tell you my original plan. If you are caught by Taotie and Pan Zhen redeems you, what do you need??"

"What do you need??" Rena frowned.

Shi Chen: "It needs stars to drive! He will ask Pan Zhen to use your unique technology of Lieyang to drive stars to create void matter!"

"The principle uses tens of thousands of large stars to cool the edge of the black hole. Here, it requires the most outstanding celestial computer clock in the known universe to operate."

"Then use your star drive technology to ignite the star, accelerate the burning of the star, and form an explosion!"

"That means blowing up a black hole!"

"Once a black hole forms and explodes, a portion of the black hole material will fall out. These black hole materials will again pass through the super high temperature left by the star explosion, just like a furnace, and then be cast to produce a lot of super matter."

"That is, void matter!!"

"After Carl obtains this substance, he will conduct further research."

"When the time comes, what will you, Lieyang Star, do to deter him?"

"If you were to target the star core of Tiandao Tower, how would you defend yourself?"

"Explode a black hole?? Are you kidding??"

"The black hole is that easy??" Hearing this, Reina couldn't accept it for a moment.

Because what Shi Chen said was too shocking.

This is too far ahead of its time.

Reina's reaction was in Shichen's plan. If she told Kesha, Kesha would also have a confused expression.

Because in the original work, He Xi was confused when he saw Hua Ye creating a black hole.

Carl's skills are way ahead of everyone else's.

There was no need for Shi Chen to rush for temporary confirmation and let Reina approve it immediately.

Time will give the answer.

At that point, what else can this chick say? ?

"It's not easy!! This is just a warning."

"Anyway, think about it carefully."

"The crisis on Earth is not serious. Angels are here to help."

"You should also think about your own Lieyang star."

"As for the truth you've always wanted to know, whether it has anything to do with Kesha, you have plenty of time to ask Kesha."

"Now, we should go back."

"Secondly, I must remind you that if I give you something hanging from your neck, don't give it to anyone."

"That thing is very expensive. It's no joke to revive the Sun Star."

"Understand??" Shi Chen said with a solemn expression.

Turn around again and prepare to leave this area.

However, Lei Na once again grabbed Shi Chen's arm and prevented Shi Chen from entering the Void Gate.

Shi Chen suddenly became furious and almost cursed.

Damn it, you won’t cry until you see the coffin, right?
This stinky bitch.

However, when Chen turned around and was about to curse, he realized that Reina was squirming and looking very uncomfortable.

Shi Chen looked startled for a moment, then softened his heart again: "What??"

"What, I just want to know why you saved Kesha and prepared a house for her."

"And let me take care of her."

"Do you have any thoughts about her?"

"." Shi Chen was startled and wanted to curse.

Damn it, you become smarter as soon as you come across this topic? ?

Don't you want to be stubborn? ?

Shi Chen was speechless, but he didn't stop talking, because Shi Chen knew that once he kept silent, this girl would definitely not let him go.

You must get to the bottom of it.

Shi Chen showed his cards to himself and admitted: "So what??"

"Ah? Really?? Damn it!! No, Shichen, aren't you picky about food? That old woman's arrogant expression."

"There is still a lot of age, tens of thousands of years old!!"

"Aren't you tired of it??" Reina was no longer calm.

But Shi Chen said something that made her even less calm.

"Oh! What about this?? It's true that she always has dead eyes and a frigid look."

"Definitely not as warm as you!!"

"Without you, the sun's light has temperature and burns."

"But. Her fourth generation divine body!! She should be able to resist it better than you!!"

"Who told you to ejaculate prematurely?"

"Who told you not to be able to feed me?"

"Who makes you unable to satisfy me??"

"Instead of saying something wrong with others here, it's better to think about what's wrong with you."

"Why are you so weak!!"

"Why are you so vulnerable!!"


“Little rookie!!”

"Your uncle's!!" (End of chapter)

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