Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 287 The famous flower has its owner! Rose and Clivia!

The signal originated from a dilapidated wooden house that looked yellowed due to heavy rain.

I saw a black figure showing its sharp claws like daggers, staring at its prey with bared teeth.

Two heavily armed soldiers holding automatic rifles and a mother and daughter.

The soldiers surrounded the mother and daughter and locked the dark muzzles of their guns against the door. They were also sweating profusely.

Because they knew that what was about to rush in was a monster.

A monster came to Earth from distant outer space and tried to destroy everything.

They are almost invulnerable, extremely powerful, and even very fast. You almost never expect when they will attack in a flash.

And the so-called fully armed ones are as brittle as thin ice in front of them, and can be broken by a single blow.

However, as Chinese soldiers, they cannot take a step back. They must cheer up. This mother and daughter need them.

"Damn it! Have the signal flares been sent out? Why haven't reinforcements arrived yet? These damn bastards, I didn't expect them to be lurking in such a place where birds don't shit!"

"It's so unfortunate!!" A soldier's face was covered with dust and endless mud. He didn't know how many days he had not washed his face.

I can’t even remember the last time I relaxed.

He only felt as if his breath was being strangled by an invisible hand.

The soldier next to him was not much better. It was unknown whether it was the small space of the wooden house, the atmosphere was too depressing, or he had not rested for several days.

The hair under the green helmet was already soaked with sweat.

He took a deep breath: "Who knows?? Anyway, it will definitely come!! Pay attention to the window."

"Those beasts are really good at taking things by surprise!"

"They are tougher than us, and their equipment is more advanced than ours, but they just like to take things by surprise!!"

"A bunch of sons of bitches."

"Woooooo!!" The mother and daughter were under their protection, with the girl choking hoarsely.

Her mother still covered her mouth, otherwise the peaceful night would be completely broken.


Suddenly, the only window of the wooden house on the side made the sound of glass, and several pieces of glass shattered and fell. The two soldiers turned around and immediately pointed their guns at the window.

They didn't shoot to alert the enemy, and their breathing seemed to be stopped.

There was a loud noise, and the two soldiers were startled. A claw suddenly appeared under their feet. The claw pierced the floor of the wooden house and grabbed one of them.

Another soldier decisively pressed the trigger, and bullets shot downwards.

Unfortunately, it didn't work, and what they worried about happened.

A man wearing dark red armor and looking like a standing wild dog emerged from the floor.

It has crocodile-like serrations, red eyes, and a bloated body. It is not tall, but it is full of power.

Because its skin was like lizard skin, it grabbed a soldier's leg and pulled hard.

"Hiss!!" The soldier groaned dullly, and then a large amount of blood spewed out like a fountain.

One soldier's leg was broken.

It was torn apart by its astonishing brute force, and his teammates also let out heart-rending roars, trying to shoot it into a sieve.

It's a pity that bullets hit him one after another, causing a lot of sparks, but it didn't react with any pain.

Instead, it turned its head sideways, put the thigh it had torn off into its mouth, chewed it for a while, and swallowed it instantly. Then, it looked at the soldier and stretched out its claws again.

It's like I haven't eaten enough.

This made the soldier yell: "Drafted!!"

"You alien bastards!!"

"Labour and management will fight with you!!"

After the words fell, the soldier picked up a chair in the room, rushed towards it, and hit it on the head without any hesitation.

He had forgotten that the alien bastard in front of him was invulnerable.

The alien ignored his attempt to let go, letting the chair hit him on the head, and stretched out his claws again.

However, this time, its target was not the arm or thigh, but the chest, as if it was preparing to pierce it.


The soldier had no time to take precautions, because his speed could not match it at all. Just when it was about to succeed, a beautiful red shadow flashed past.

With a loud noise, like a kite with a broken string, the alien bastard flew out together with the side wall of the wooden house and fell heavily to the ground.

"Are you okay??" The person who went out was none other than Qiangwei.

Before Qiangwei turned around, she was just saying greetings alone, but she heard a gunshot, and she was hit in the head by a bullet.

Some blood spattered out as well.

However, Qiangwei did not fall down because of this. Even though her head was bleeding, she was still breathing evenly.

"Are you Xiongbinglian Qiangwei?? You, your head." The soldier closest to Qiangwei had a look of disbelief on his face.

Qiangwei turned around, looked around, and noticed the soldier whose thigh was torn off, and she couldn't help but take a sharp breath.

But he did not immediately call the soldiers who came with him, but shouted: "Don't come in yet, don't be exposed!!"

"There are snipers!!"

After saying this, Qiangwei opened a wormhole and calculated the sniper's position based on the direction of the bullet hole.

After the destruction of the Grand Canyon, Qiangwei had used it countless times to kill the opponent's snipers. She has long been adept at breaking through deadlocks.

The scene turned, and four hundred meters away from the wooden house, in a pine forest, a heavily armed alien soldier was using a sniper rifle to continue searching the wooden house.

"Damn! Rose of the Hero Company is here. Oh no!" It noticed the appearance of Rose from the scope, which made its face darken and stood up without any delay.

At the same time, he took off the scope and used one finger to draw out the picture just captured by the scope to form a virtual impression, and then transferred the picture to his helmet.

Because the helmets also have their own transmitters.

Demonic civilization.

Connected to Demon One. "The queen said that whoever finds the rose will be rewarded greatly!!"

"Send it out now" he murmured to himself and prepared to leave.

In fact, if he had noticed earlier that the red, scarlet-like shadow was Rose, he would never have helped the soldier from the Giant Wolf Star to snipe.

He couldn't understand either.

But on the day after the Grand Canyon and the Hero Company were destroyed by them, their incomparable queen issued an order to find Rose, not to harm her, and if she was harmed, she would be cut into pieces, and she would immediately report to the headquarters.

Unfortunately, before he took the first step, and the picture had just been transmitted, he saw Qiangwei appearing in front of him.

"Devil!!" Qiangwei found him, and the word "hate" was almost bitten by Qiangwei.

Qiangwei didn't say another word and struck decisively.

The demon's expression changed dramatically, and he pointed the weapon in his hand at Rose again.

In a situation where death is imminent, he has no regard for his queen's orders.

Because nothing is more important than your own life.

He fired a bullet.

However, there was no feeling of the bullet penetrating the body, because the rose had long since disappeared.

"Damn!!" He yelled angrily. This was Qiangwei's ability, and she was good at using micro-wormhole space transportation technology.

He circled around, hoping to find the location where Rose was most likely to appear.

He even wanted to send a request for help to the headquarters as soon as possible.

He hopes that the headquarters can help him analyze Qiangwei's micro-wormhole space transportation technology.

Because the headquarters has stated that any demon warrior has the right to enjoy the support of Demon No. 1.

This is also the reason why he willingly joined the demon civilization.

The Queen treats them equally and treats them as relatives.

Promote freedom.

There is no distinction between high and low.

Just follow her as your master.

sand! !

It prepared to call for help, but it was too late and a dagger pierced his heart.

His consciousness gradually blurred and his heart beat stopped.

He smiled bitterly, but it was already too late to fight back.

However, he also felt a sense of relief because the footage he captured had been transmitted to Demon One.

Is this considered redemption of merit?

he does not know.


Qiangwei was not at all relieved or happy to kill him. She still frowned, glanced at his weapon, picked it up, and fired at it unceremoniously.

Seems to determine if this guy is actually dead.

After getting the positive result, Qiangwei didn't stay for a second and once again used her ability to return the same way.

Because there is still an alien hybrid to deal with.

The bastard just received a kick from her, which was not enough to end his life.

At most, it will only make him faint. If he doesn't go back immediately and let the guy get up, the sacrifice will inevitably increase.

In the original wooden house, Qiangwei returned here, coming and going, including dealing with the demonic warriors. The process took less than 15 seconds.

But when she came back, she was dumbfounded.

Because the injured soldiers at first were all smiling.

They all gathered around and built a fire, and there was even a fragrant broth hanging on the fire.

With the help of broth and fire, the fear and tension on the faces of the frightened mother and daughter became much softer.

The giant wolf star warrior who was kicked out by him had already flowed into a river of blood and turned into a corpse.

In addition, there are three monsters that look like lizards and vicious dogs.

"What's going on?" Qiangwei asked.

The soldiers noticed Qiangwei's return and greeted them with smiles: "Qiangwei, are you back?? You are so lucky!!"

"No wonder I keep silent on the topic of finding a partner. It turns out that a famous lady has found a partner a long time ago!!"

"That's right, we soldiers still dreamed of turning a tree into a phoenix. Now it seems completely fanciful. After all, your man is so reliable!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"That's not true! Famous flowers have owners, and they must be cared for by grass."

"Not to mention the rose. The grass must be at least Clivia or above, right?"

Qiangwei was confused and had no idea what they were talking about.

But he didn't like such jokes, especially in a crisis-ridden environment.

Qiangwei had a straight face, ready to lecture, but before she finished speaking, she felt her eyes darken, and there was a breath from behind that made her change from nervousness to relaxation.

Qiangwei's delicate body was obviously startled, and a figure appeared behind her at some point, covering her eyes at a speed that she couldn't react to.

"You're back?? Did you miss me??" A Qiangwei couldn't believe it, and heard a voice that had appeared countless times in her dreams.

Rose was stunned.

Liang Bing: "Ah!! Something is going to happen!!"

Shi Chen: "Yes!! You are born!! Xue Yi's mouth is not as good as yours."

[The above is a complete work, no text will be included! ! 】(End of this chapter)

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