Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 293 Weiwei, I’m so scared!

Chapter 293 Weiwei, I’m so scared!
Of course, this sentence came out later, and it was not elegant when it came out. It could even be said to be very embarrassing and unsightly.

Because before Liang Bing said this, Qiangwei had just gotten out of the car and was about to find out what was going on. Shi Chen quickly sat in the driver's seat and acted as the driver. This made Qiangwei confused and looked at Shi Chen in confusion. , I hope Shichen can give an explanation.

She didn't know what Shichen wanted to do.

But Shichen's next actions responded to her in disguise, and also made her head full of black lines.

Buzz! !
Shi Chen pushed the accelerator to death. Not only Nanhu City, but also the entire planet Earth, except for the North Star where the angels were guarding, was almost in a state of war.

The environment has also undergone tremendous changes due to wars.

Just like what Shi Chen and Qiangwei saw on their way here, it was all yellow sand and wasteland, completely turning the originally decent city into a desert.

A large amount of sand and dust, even if it has not yet formed a sandstorm, will form a small-scale sand and dust under the operation of Shichen's accelerator. Moreover, its target is exactly right, lying on the ground, splashing around the waist. The cold ice of blood, yellow sand, and soil buried the cold ice alive.

This was what Shi Chen said at the beginning, we were late and she was already dead, so we could only bury her and let her die with dignity.

Before Liang Bing's cry for help reached Qiangwei's ears, she was forcibly interrupted by the dust formed by the full throttle of Nagasaki, which also gave Liang Bing a taste of the earth's sand. This made her furious and wanted to get up. Grabbing Shi Chen's collar, he punched that despicable face.

Son of a bitch! !

Didn't you give yourself a chance to speak and insisted on going your own way? ?

Liang Bing gritted his teeth. He had grown so big and lived for tens of thousands of years. This was the first time he had eaten sand and loess.

The taste was indescribable to her.

She only had one idea: she must find an opportunity to kill Shi Chen.

But, before that, she couldn't let Shi Chen keep silent about herself.

She also knew why Shi Chen buried herself.

Aren't you just afraid that you might steal the rose? ?

This disguised explanation shows that Shi Chen does not have the absolute confidence to win Qiangwei at all. The more decisive he is, it also means that his guess is correct. This is Shi Chen's incompetent and furious behavior.

Thinking of this, Liang Bing didn't care about arguing with Shi Chen, but was ready to continue to develop according to his own plan, but he couldn't be stabbed in the waist by a gangster, and he couldn't eat the mud in vain, let alone.

She wanted Shi Chen to regret it.

She tried to get up and overturn the yellow sand that buried her, but Shichen's operation could not be just one step from beginning to end. The moment she got up, before she exerted any effort, she felt amazing pressure, just like Sun Monkey. As if being pressed under the Wuzhi Mountain, she fell heavily to the ground again.

Liang Bing looked startled for a moment, then he poked hard and opened a hole, and saw the black sole. Liang Bing was stunned and knew where the pressure came from.

Shi Chen, this bitch, actually stepped on him across the yellow sand, deliberately making it impossible for him to stand up.

"My hometown has said that the dead must be buried properly. It is best to flatten the soil where they are buried with your feet. Otherwise, one day, the deceased may turn into a zombie and crawl out." Shi Chen stepped on Huang seriously. Sha suppressed Liang Bing's getting up.

"Zombie?? Isn't that a lie to children??" Qiangwei rolled her eyes, but did not stop Shi Chen, because she had to admit that they were indeed late, because she witnessed Liang Bing's bleeding volume with her own eyes.

No human being can survive with such an amount of bleeding.

Besides, she would not doubt Shichen's judgment.

Not to mention, Shi Chen also had the special skill of diverting attention, which kept her from paying attention.

Shi Chen smiled faintly and said disapprovingly: "Zombies are meant to trick children, but it is true that they are afraid that the corpse will be exposed, and they are even more afraid that the corpse will be picked up by wild dogs."

"We have to respect the dead and let them rest in peace, right??"

"Compared to this, why don't you go and see the guy you kicked away??"

"Looking at the current situation, he seems to be the only survivor in this city?? Don't let you kick him to death."

"Then we are just trying to draw water from a bamboo basket, but nothing will happen."

"No, I have control." Qiangwei turned around and was instantly deflected by Shi Chen. She also walked towards the gangster who was kicked away by her. She had controlled the kick just now.

At most, it will make it faint.

All he had to do was pour a bottle of water on him and he would wake up.

Just do it.

Although, the Earth planet fell and there was a crisis like the end of the world.

However, the water source was not affected.

Every time Qiangwei travels, she brings a water bag.

A bag of water is enough for Qiangwei, a super soldier, to drink for a week.

Because the water requirements of super soldiers are no longer as exaggerated as before.

Qiangwei pulled off the stopper and poured out all the water in the cowhide bag.

This revived the fainted man with full health, but he was still frightened. He clenched the switchblade reflexively and swung it out again without being able to see the front. It looked like he was surrounded, but he didn't want to bow his head and admit defeat, so he could only explode randomly. Be aggressive yourself and warn others.

Unfortunately, the speed at which he swung the switchblade was like moving at a snail's pace in Rose's eyes. In just one breath, Rose grabbed his hand holding the switchblade. With a slight exertion of force, severe pain caused the man to scream. Screaming, the weapon in his hand fell uncontrollably.

"Are you a local from this city??" Qiangwei asked coldly.

He was in a daze, as if pain had replaced his reason, or he had seen how terrifying it was. He did not answer Qiangwei, but continued to shout: "Ahhhh!! There is a ghost!!"

"." Qiangwei looked at the man's startled look and wanted to give him a slap to shut him up, because his yelling would create uncontrollable factors.

hum! !

Sure enough, under his shouting, the apparently deserted environment suddenly became tense, because a fully armed purple warrior who looked like a Gundam approached him at a speed that even Rose could not catch.

Immediately afterwards, it raised its hand. Just like the giant glutton in the Tianhe City battle, one of its hands could change its shape and turn into a machine gun like Gatling.

However, the bullet holes fired by this machine gun are completely different. To the naked eye, the bullets all appear purple and look like raindrops composed of energy.

"Found the target of the Xiongbing Company, Qiangwei!! Specializes in micro-wormhole space transport technology, turn on space encryption!! Turn on clear mode." An unclear electronic sound came from its mouth, which seemed to prove that it was not a living body.

As it finished speaking, Qiangwei felt a wave of weakness all over her body, as if she were carrying tens of thousands of tons of iron on her shoulders. If she couldn't stabilize herself, Qiangwei would lie directly on the ground with her face on the ground, and her breathing would become rapid. Because she couldn't feel the presence of oxygen.

Using her body as a symbol, a shallow pit appeared inexplicably within ten meters in diameter.

But compared to this pressure and suffocation, Qiangwei was more confused about what happened to the warrior in front of her? ?
They took a small road and also conducted an investigation into Nanhu City. How could the sound of Nagasaki's engine when she and Shichen were walking together be inferior to the screams of this pure passerby? ?
But I didn't encounter such a thing on the way.

Rose is messy.

The mecha warrior also locked his gun on Qiangwei and fired without any hesitation.

Whoosh! !

But another energy cannon hit it first, shattering half of its body, so that Qiangwei could not eat its bullets face to face.

No need to think deeply, Qiangwei knew that it was Shichen's attack.

Immediately, the suffocation and oppression disappeared due to the brokenness of this warrior.

Qiangwei immediately stood up and decisively checked the man who was kicked out by her to see if he had any accidents due to the sudden attack of the soldier.

The man passed out again, and instead of being kicked away, blood was spurting from his nostrils.

This made Qiangwei's face darken, and she immediately went to check on the man's condition.

The heartbeat has stopped.

he died.

Shi Chen also hurriedly came closer, his expression gradually becoming serious.

As someone who has read the original work, Shi Chen doesn't know why such a mecha warrior appears here.

There is no such link in the original work, especially when Liang Bing and Qiangwei meet.

It seems something has changed.

However, Shi Chen did know the origin of that mecha warrior.

Void warrior! !
Of course, it is not the real void, but a warrior who has accepted some concepts of void.

In common terms, they should be subbiological core warriors.

It comes from an episode in the last episode of Super Seminary 3 Gods and Gods, where Zhi Xin was seriously injured and found Xin Zhao, preparing to give himself to Xin Zhao.

It is a warrior invented by Karl. Its function has the ability to change the spatial algorithm and spatial medium within the range. Compared with the devil's warriors, the Taotie warriors are much more powerful.

Because the core is injected with the angel data and the heroic company data obtained by Carl.

Has a certain ability to rewrite genes.

If it weren't for the real secondary biological engine in Zhixin's body, Xin Zhao would only turn into a warrior who doesn't recognize his relatives and only obeys the orders of Karl when he hits it.

I didn't expect that they would bump into each other here, and they would also target Qiangwei.

Shi Chen couldn't help but feel in danger. If he hadn't found Qiangwei, would Qiangwei have been rewritten as another person? ?
Probably not?
That person wouldn't allow it and would protect her at all costs.

Shi Chen subconsciously glanced at Liang Bing who was still buried in the soil.

Such a warrior is not scary, but it also makes Shi Chen a little confused.

The warriors of the void core are equivalent to experimental subjects.

Its appearance should occur after Taotie captures Reina.

Carl met with Pan Zhen and asked Pan Zhen to help blow up the black hole, extract the void matter, and then extract one percent of the ingredients to perform biological modifications.

Reina was not caught and saved by herself, which meant that Pan Zhen could not have any contact with Karl.

It is also impossible for Karl to obtain void matter, and it is impossible for void core mecha warriors to appear.

Could it be that Karl has other options? ?
Shi Chen doesn’t know.

"He's dead! Chen Shi. The only survivor!!"

"Also, I feel uncomfortable with this soldier."

"It's very powerful. It suppressed my thinking and made it impossible for me to break free just now. I seemed to have become an ordinary person." Qiangwei looked haggard and sat feebly on the side of the road. What looked like a flagpole, but there was no flag anymore. on the steps.

Her eyes were empty, looking towards the sky that was no longer blue but only black, with confusion written all over her face.

Shi Chen looked at her listless look and knew how heavy Qiangwei felt at this moment.

This is an opportunity.

Shi Chen came to her naturally, grabbed her jade hand, and pulled her up from the dusty steps.

It was as if he were going to save her from the darkness.

Qiangwei fell into Shichen's arms.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I've encountered this kind of warrior before."

"They're good at parsing spaces. Restricted space algorithms."

"It belongs to another force."

"But they are actually very brittle and can be cut off with a single knife."

"As for what you said, you can't escape. I don't think that's the case, right? Even if you can escape, you won't, because once you escape, this guy will hit the person you kicked away."

"It's not that you can't escape, it's that you don't want to escape and can't escape!!"

"!!" Qiangwei was obviously startled and her delicate body trembled.

She didn't expect Shi Chen to look at her like this.

Seeing so clearly.

Just as Shi Chen said, no matter whether she could use micro-wormhole transportation technology or not, she would not walk away from the situation just now.

"But, he still died!! I still couldn't save him."

"The only survivor in this city." Qiangwei said with self-blame.

Shi Chen was helpless and wanted to say that the guy just now was not worth saving.

Because in the original work, that guy is not a normal person either.

Looking at Liang Bing's uncontrollable estrus, if Liang Bing was not the queen, but just a weak and beautiful woman, then she would have been brutally murdered, right? ?

This is the end of the world disease. I was also targeted by male coppers in Juxia City.

As for the survivors.
Shi Chen was also a little surprised. Is Liang Bing planning to climb out? ?

Sure enough, when Chen was wondering that Liang Bing hadn't even climbed out yet, the ball of yellow sand buried by Shi Chen moved.

I saw a hand painted with black nail polish and stained yellow by the sand stretched out.

"Who said he was the only survivor??"

"Who said he was the only local? There is also me."

"!!" Qiangwei was stunned, in disbelief.

Liang Bing also took the opportunity to emerge from the yellow sand. Her face was delicate and did not look ugly because of the yellow sand.

However, her eyes were clearly filled with anger.

It was just used to look at Shichen, but when the target shifted to Qiangwei, the anger was replaced by kindness and tenderness.

Shi Chen took over the conversation, pretending to be scared, and rubbed his body against Qiangwei uncontrollably.

"You, you, you, you, zombies?? Damn you! There really are some."

"Weiwei, I'm afraid!"

As he said this, Shichen and Qiangwei's identities changed.

Before, Shi Chen was holding Qiangwei, and Qiangwei was nestled in Shi Chen's arms. Now, Shi Chen's whole body is pressed against Qiangwei's body.

He put his hands around the 1.3-foot-3 small waist and hugged her tightly, like a child having a nightmare.

"." Qiangwei became numb.

I also felt that this bastard Shi Chen's hands were dishonest and he was touching me randomly.

But she didn't mind and stopped him.

Because just now Shi Chen excused her and made her feel better.

Is this a reward?

It was just a hug and a pretentious touch.

What's more, compared to such a trivial matter, Qiangwei is puzzled that the woman in front of her, who is dressed like a customary woman, is not dead? ?

What's going on? ?
It shouldn't be.

Liang Bing here is angry.


She never shouted these two words, and Shi Chen even kissed Qiangwei and hugged her in front of her.

This violated the agreement they had made on the Grand Canyon.

Liang Bing wants to punish this bastard! !
He broke the contract and buried himself.

This is intolerable and unforgivable! !

 4300 words.


  But it's okay.

  This chapter is equivalent to foreshadowing.

  Why does Carl still have void core warriors?

(End of this chapter)

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