Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 296 Ms. Liang Bing, your nose fell off!

Chapter 296 Ms. Liang Bing, your nose fell off!
"No! Don't come over." Shi Chen approached Liang Bing with a smile on his face. Liang Bing shook his head in denial and stepped back deliberately. Their identities suddenly changed.

Shi Chen smiled slightly: "Why? Don't you want a loving hug?"

"Who wants your hug?? What I want is her!!" Liang Bing pointed at Qiangwei.

Shi Chen disagreed: "Is there any difference??"

"Of course!!" Liang Bing said seriously.

Shi Chen became interested and wanted to see what ridiculous remarks Liang Bing could make.

"For example??"

"I feel sick when I see you!!" Liang Bing pointed it out directly without any hesitation, with a look of disgust on his face.

This doesn't feel like a show at all.

Shi Chen could see it.

Not only that, Liang Bing's resistance is not over yet.

Seeing that her beautiful eyes were full of caution, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her chest, retching.


It was as if she had seen the most disgusting thing in history. Her face, which was clearly delicate and like a painting, turned maroon at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned pale.

Seeing this, Shi Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he immediately became unhappy: "What do you mean??"

"Am I dirty??"

"Or am I smelly??"

"I can't compare to anyone who has a little bit of power, a little wealth, or a little bit of influence. No matter if he is bloated, or has a thin face, or even an old man with a big belly, he can kill him. A shameless guy can still kill him. Want to feel sick?"

"Are you kidding??"

"That was before, I had no choice!!" Liang Bing, of course, knew that Shi Chen was criticizing Sang and Huai, and she said with a livid face and a strong momentum.

Shi Chen pretended to be confused: "What do you mean??"

Liang Bing did not reply, but looked around and quickly came to a flat ground about ten meters away from Shichen and Qiangwei.

Shichen and Qiangwei were attracted to her, so they naturally turned around to find out.

Liang Bing took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and locked them on the ground.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately afterwards, there was a roaring sound like the shaking of the earth, and a wind of yellow sand and dust.

Liang Bing slammed his fist on the ground.

The next moment, the same big hole that suppressed Qiangwei and made it impossible for Qiangwei to get up appeared on the ground.

"What!!" This phenomenon made Qiangwei stunned.

Shi Chen's head was full of black lines, but he suddenly realized it.

Well, this chick is about to cause trouble.

Sure enough, after doing all this, Liang Bing returned to Shi Chen and Qiangwei's place, but still kept a distance from Shi Chen.

"Do you think I want to take care of those scum?"

"Those two people who stabbed me in the back knew that I was their boss's woman, but they still insisted on making me submit."

"Don't you just know that I'm just a weak woman?"

"I went to accompany those bald old men, do you think I did it willingly??" Liang Bing stared at Shi Chen too deeply into the drama again.

Shi Chen shrugged and wondered what Liang Bing would do: "Aren't you doing it for a better life?"

"Yes! This is one of them, but more importantly, I am faced with the demands they put forward, and I have no choice!"

"As I said before, a scumbag like Liu Delai relied on his strength to become dictatorial when he lost his rules."

"What's the difference between him and those who take advantage of their superior status and bend the law for personal gain??"

"One is disguising, pretending that it has nothing to do with you and everything is of your own free will. The other is not disguising, just exposing yourself and openly robbing."

"I tell you!"

"I don't like taking care of you stinky men, I have to take care of you."

"In fact, when I see you, I feel like throwing up."

"A bunch of sanctimonious scum!! Oops."

Liang Bing spat viciously.

Shichen didn't know what to say for a moment.

Qiangwei walked up and strongly recommended Shi Chen.

Although she sympathized with Liang Bing's experience, there was one thing she couldn't change.

That is, Shi Chen was her man. Just last night, he was her first man and her only one.

Facing my own man being evaluated like this by a woman.

How could Qiangwei turn a blind eye.

However, Qiangwei did not offend Liang Bing, because she could see that Liang Bing was emotional at this moment.

Especially when I remember that Liang Bing still needs to explain the position of the Delai Alliance.

Qiangwei is really hard to tell.

After all, people who hang out in this type of circles, without exception, have interests first.

Once you touch her interests, everything will come to naught.

Of course, you can also conduct a blanket search without relying on Liang Bing to lead the way.

According to Liang Bing's previous statement, the Delai Alliance is a large gang with thousands of people.

It is impossible for a gang with such a large number of people to leave no trace at all.

They are refugees, composed of defeated soldiers.

Not everyone understands counter-investigation.

However, Qiangwei didn't plan to search all over the place.

Especially when she just ran into the unknown mecha warrior who could suppress her micro-wormhole space transport technology.

I don’t know how many such guys are lurking in Nanhu City.

A gang composed of thousands of residents did not dare to show its face in Nanhu City, which is enough to show that the Delai Alliance is unable to deal with such a guy.

If you go to search in a big way, you might make wedding clothes for others.

At the same time, it can be learned from Liang Bing’s words that Liu Delai, the boss of the Delai Alliance, has a self-centered personality.

Qiangwei came to him with only one plan: to let him join the army. No matter what his criminal record was, he could ignore it.

Because the enemy is at hand.

After all, there have been people in Xiongbing Company who look exactly like a gangster like Liu Delai.

And he did well, and his performance in the Battle of Tianhe was more reliable than that guy who represented positive energy.

They just need training! !

Planet Earth also needs a team, and this is an opportunity.

However, it is impossible for someone who only respects such a person to be willing to rely on others.

Because they cannot accept the constraints of rules.

I don’t even want to be disciplined.

They love freedom, otherwise they would not be willing to set up a Delai alliance by themselves and set gang rules that only require them to obey him.

Qiangwei wants to regain them, but it's not easy.

Of course, this is not because Qiangwei lacks confidence.

The void core warrior is an alien warrior, very skilled in both technological level and tactical use.

Because they are aerospace civilization.

There may be a risk of sacrifice if Qiangwei hits her alone, but it is more than enough to deal with a little guy who has just awakened his genes.

Because both of them came from pre-nuclear civilization, and Qiangwei also had the advantage of black armor.

That person has nothing but so-called superpowers.

The so-called brute strength of Sora is nothing more than this.

Not to mention, she also had Shi Chen's help by her side.

Qiangwei must regain this Delai alliance.

But what needs to be noted is that this guy is being naughty.

Play a game of three cunning rabbit holes.

Therefore, Qiangwei believed that it would be most appropriate to let an insider lead the way.

Liang Bing is the perfect choice.

There is no need for Qiangwei to offend Liang Bing.

"I know you have been bullied by many men. But, believe me, he is not this kind of person." Qiangwei said a gentle word.

Liang Bing smiled coldly: "That's for you."

"We don't know each other well! No one wants to gamble."

“Because this is very likely to be a disaster!!”

"." Qiangwei was speechless for a while, thinking, does this woman have a persecution delusion?

Just a hug, nothing more.

As for that? ?

In fact, I don't want Shi Chen to hug a social butterfly.

But she had someone to ask for, so Qiangwei could only take a deep breath, continue to be friendly, and said: "Okay."

"That's okay!!"

"I'll hold you."

"Don't!!" Qiangwei compromised and was about to set an example, but Shi Chen hurriedly stopped her.

But Liang Bing was already prepared and came to Qiangwei at a very fast speed. She spread her arms and hugged her. Rose held her breath because she was afraid she would smell something disgusting.

Although, Qiangwei didn't dislike it and expressed sympathy.

But she really doesn't like social butterflies.

In her opinion, all Liang Bing's reasons and excuses were just high-sounding excuses for her pathetic behavior.

There are so many women on Earth, and Liang Bing cannot be the worst.

There are many people who are bleaker than her.

However, Qiangwei has always maintained the principle that you can look down on her, but you cannot rub salt in her wounds.

Qiangwei let Liang Bing hold her, but she didn't give any response.

Liang Bing also felt this.

But she was not in a hurry because she had plenty of time.

What she wants to do is take revenge.

She complained that Shichen had defiled her and asked Xue Yi to feed her a mouthful of protein.

Qiangwei is 175cm tall and Liangbing is 174cm tall.

However, Liang Bing is currently wearing high-heeled boots, which have raised her height by almost three centimeters.

This just allows Liang Bing to place his head on Qiangwei's shoulder.

Liang Bing sniffed Qiangwei's long red hair greedily. She had been waiting for this hug for too long.

She also hoped that time would stand still here.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, she was very proud, and her other hand raised a middle finger, gesturing towards Shi Chen.

It seemed that she was already the winner in the battle between her and Shichen to seize the rose.

Shi Chen didn't take Liang Bing's innocent behavior seriously at all, but looked at her with a half-smile.

"Huh??" This made Liang Bing feel aggrieved, like a punch on cotton.

Immediately afterwards, an unusual smell came from Liang Bing's nose.

Kind of familiar
It seemed like the protein flavor Shae had fed her last time.

right! !

This is it! !
Liang Bing froze, and the hard-won joy was instantly swept away, replaced by despair and grief.

impossible! !

Shi Chen took action? ?

Grass! !

Liang Bing's mood suddenly became excited, and he was no longer immersed in Qiangwei's gentle land.

She quickly grabbed Qiangwei's shoulders, and asked Qiangwei straight to the point, regardless of her current persona.

"Have you ever had sex with him??"

"What did you say?" Qiangwei was stunned and did not respond.

Shi Chen was also startled and gave a thumbs up decisively.

Damn it?

So bold? ?
Liang Bing was awakened by Shi Chen's thumb and realized that his speech was a bit abrupt.

She has nothing to do with Qiangwei now.

It was Qiangwei who took pity on her and sympathized with her before giving her a hug.

I seem to be a little carried away
Liang Bing immediately changed his mind and asked tentatively: "No, I mean, are you and this stinky man a couple??"

"What does this have to do with you??" Qiangwei pushed her away and hugged her. Qiangwei didn't want to be infected with other people's smell.

For this reason, Qiangwei also patted her clothes as if cleaning away dust.

This made Liang Bing's heart feel cold and he almost cried.

Especially one sentence, what does this have to do with you.

Well! !

Liang Bing didn't know why, but her nose felt sour.

My heart felt like it was being pinched.

So suffocating.
Liang Bing poured her tears back, held them back, increased her breathing rate, and formed a ventilation system: "No. I just..."

"I think a man like him is not worthy of you."

"Really? How can you see it??" Qiangwei's expression remained unchanged.

Shi Chen wanted to laugh a little.

Liang Bing made a big taboo, just like Dukao, and that was the choice of Qiangwei, whether it was life or relationships.

Always like to give pointers.

This is what Qiangwei dislikes the most.

Just like in Xiongbing Company 1, Ge Xiaolun tried to point out Qiangwei, thinking that Qiangwei's choice was wrong.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to fight Qiangwei.

It is also for this reason that Ge Xiaolun has never been favored by Qiangwei, but instead got disappointment.

Liang Bing was like this at first, but he only realized this after long-term cultivation.

It was also after realizing this that he captured Qiangwei in one fell swoop.

However, there is no doubt that Liang Bing's mind is in a mess right now.

This only disgusted Rose.

However, Shi Chen still had to say that this little girl Liang Bing had a really strong sense of smell.

Can you smell this? ?
Obviously this morning, Qiangwei was washed countless times.

Although, Shi Chen also felt that he shouldn't have let her have it all over his head yesterday.

But this is beyond Shichen's control.

Unexpectedly, such an inadvertent act would cause such real harm to Liang Bing, who finally felt like a winner.

Liang Bing still didn't realize that Qiangwei's tone had become unkind, because she had been disturbed by the fact that Qiangwei was very likely to be killed by Shi Chen's poisonous hands.

"You deserve a better man!! Not such a scumbag. Trash."

"Why is he a scumbag?? Why is he a scumbag? Do you know Xiaochen??" Qiangwei frowned.

Shi Chen smiled meaningfully.

Qiangwei has already hinted to Liang Bing not to make random comments.

Xiaochen, these two words proved her opinion.

Liang Bing became anxious: "What Xiaochen?? Do you know that this scumbag is more than just her?"

"Cough cough cough!" Before Liang Bing could finish speaking, Shi Chen coughed to stop him and cast a threatening look.

Only then did Liang Bing react.

I was a little anxious and almost spilled the beans and didn't follow the rules.
Although Shi Chen didn't expose her, Liang Bing knew that that was the agreement Shi Chen made with her in the first place.

They cannot interfere with each other, especially if they cannot tell the truth no matter what the situation.

Otherwise, it will be a situation where both jade and stone will perish.

Liang Bing can't control Jade and Stone Burning now, because she knows that hurting Qiangwei is a bit serious.

The death of Ducao, the destruction of the Grand Canyon, and the end of the planet Earth.

If the fish is dead and the net is broken, Shi Chen is at best a fraud and does nothing to save him.

Based on Liang Bing's understanding of Shi Chen, Shi Chen must have a remedy. For example, the reason why he refused to save him was because he wanted you to grow.

The void is the real enemy.

Use this reason to excuse the past.

Maybe Qiangwei doesn't believe it and doesn't understand.

But it is more effective than ruining everything for her with just one disagreement.


Liang Bing swallowed.

And Qiangwei also said something that made her even more sad.

"You want to say that he has a lot of women? Does he look like a philanderer? Is he unreliable??"

"Yes! When he saw me, he said I was a biological mother! This is simply a superficial scum who only sees others through colored glasses!" Liang Bing's eyes lit up, thinking that Qiangwei also noticed Shi Chen's indiscretions. Tendency just requires a step.

However, the good times did not last long. Qiangwei's next speech made Liang Bing realize that he was the clown.

"So what?? This can only mean that he is excellent."

“Aphrodisiac encounters continue!!”

"But this also means that I didn't misjudge the person."

"As for superficiality, like you said, I don't think that's a problem."

"Because we are not familiar with each other, no one will gamble, because once we lose, we will never recover!!" Qiangwei repeated Liang Bing's speech with a serious look on her face.

Liang Bing was dumbfounded: "Huh??"

"Here, Ms. Liang Bing, although I know I shouldn't speak and come closer, I just can't help it. Your nose fell off! Put it on." Shi Chen couldn't hold back, and he made a red clown nose in his hand. , take the initiative to put it on Liang Bing.

Liang Bing: "What the hell, get out!!"

 4500 words! !

  Continue tomorrow! !
  It's a little late.

  Mainly deletions and changes.

(End of this chapter)

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