Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 357 I don’t like your looks, but you!

"This joke is not funny!!" Qiangwei took back the dagger, hung it on her waist, and crossed her arms across her chest.

She had to remain vigilant at all times. Once Liang Bing played any tricks, she would immediately draw out the dagger and stab Liang Bing in the kidney.

Although this could not kill Liang Bing, her previous attempts had already proven this.

But it's also good to be able to feel pain.

The most important point is that after many attempts, although Qiangwei didn't understand, she could tell from her performance that Liang Bing was afraid of this dagger.

It seems like there is some unspeakable psychological shadow.

This is good information for Qiangwei.

She took the dagger, found a time to study its composition in private, and then stopped the plan and asked the Xiongbing Company to find the same material as the dagger.

This will be a transformation and a reform for the Earth.

The Demon Queen possesses things that four generations of gods fear, such as the astronaut civilizations, Taotie, and giant wolves.

When encountering weapons made of this material, it is no surprise that they are vulnerable.

Perhaps this idea is a little unrealistic because there is no equivalent material for Earth's core technology.

However, a civilization that Xiong Binglian believes in will definitely have a chance.

Angel civilization.

She once claimed to be the best in the known universe, but she was soon slapped in the face and her queen was killed by Liang Bing.

It may seem unreliable, but finding the materials should be no problem.

Seeing Qiangwei's serious expression, Liang Bing was also very upset.

She never thought that this day would come.

well! !

She suppressed her depression and came in front of Shi Chen. Looking at Shi Chen who pretended to be unconscious, his appearance was not what Qiangwei had expected.

Can she really change?

of course not.

With her skills and technological level, it is impossible to redefine time and dust.

Both in mind and in body.

Shi Chen is a mountain that she cannot shake.

"Wake up! Stop pretending and get back to your previous state."

"Otherwise, Qiangwei will stab me again!!" Liang Bing shouted in a voice that only she and Shi Chen could hear.

Shi Chen's mouth corners curled up slightly, and he couldn't help but laughed out loud, but the sound was also only audible to the two of them.

"Pfft, why are you covered in blood?"

"." Liang Bing's mouth twitched violently, and she refused to answer with a frown on her face.

"I don't want to talk about that."

"You promised me that you would fully cooperate with me."

"Don't be shy."

"Don't go back on your word and make any excessive demands at the last minute."


"Or you will expose me?" Shi Chen interrupted her.

Liang Bing snorted coldly: "What else?"

"Do you think Qiangwei believes in me or you?" Shi Chen smiled.

Liang Bing was speechless for a while, and was so angry that she blew out of her nose: "You"

"So, don't threaten others all the time! Can't you just be a good daughter?" Shi Chen said meaningfully.

After hearing the call of "good daughter", Liang Bing clenched her fists, but she could not hold them for more than three seconds. She was afraid that Shi Chen would use this as an excuse to bully her.

She quickly dropped her fist, but she had nowhere to put the frustration she had formed.

She could only digest it herself, biting her lower lip.

"Why don't you cooperate with me? And you're still making sarcastic remarks here?" Liang Bing asked.

Shi Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry! Just follow the original plan."

"Saving me was already difficult, and the change in form was also a helpless move because of the use of demon genes."

"I'm going to be demonic."

"No!! I said, I can change you back to your original state." Liang Bing shook her head.

Shi Chen's face darkened.

Depend on!
What the hell did you promise?

If you are like this, how can I help you integrate Rose into the demon civilization?
What I want is to be similar to Wei Laoqi in the original novel.

The dead are reincarnated and have no choice but to take on demonic form.

Because the human form is too weak.

It was because of this that Wei Laoqi said something that moved Qiangwei.

"No matter what my appearance or genes become, as long as my thoughts remain unchanged."

"Then I am an Earthling!! And a Chinese."

"I will still fight for my homeland!!"

When Wei Laoqi said this, although Qiangwei's expression did not change much, she couldn't help but admire Wei Laoqi in her heart.

They are also more determined to endure hardships under the demon civilization.

As a result, it is obvious that Qiangwei did nothing wrong and even did something useful.

For example, when Taotie gets angry and drops a large amount of antimatter weapons, a fierce tide will appear.

The Earth is somewhat helpless.

Lingxi wanted to try to resist with her own body.

However, the result of resisting head-on is that, not to mention Lingxi, even Ge Xiaolun would be crippled if not dead after being hit by the fierce wave.

Angels will be reduced to ashes.

When everyone was at a loss, Qiangwei stepped forward.

Use the weapon of Devil No. 1 to annihilate the evil tide.

And among the three heroes, Rose's record is also remarkable.

At first, Shi Chen thought that he had replaced Wei Laoqi's position, but he also had to do the same thing as Wei Laoqi to refresh his favorability again.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by Liang Bing.

Don’t even mention how much Shi Chen wants to give Liang Bing a mouth ulcer right now.

Fortunately, Shi Chen still has a delaying tactic. Although it is not as good as the original plan, it is also half as effective.

"Just say that I can only maintain my normal form for half a day because there's a genetic conflict!"

"What I forged is the gene of the Old God River, also known as the Old God. The gene is aging and the stabilization effect is not enough."

"Then I will cooperate with you and it will be equally effective." Shi Chen suggested.

Liang Bing was slightly stunned and asked, "Can't you just recover?"


"Do as I say. A daughter cannot disobey her father, understand?" Before she could finish, Shi Chen added with a serious tone.

This made Liang Bing feel like ten thousand alpacas were passing through her heart.

This bastard, is he really addicted to being a dad?
Evil scumbag!!
I'm so fucking special

Liang Bing still held back, trying to control her emotions that were about to go berserk, and compromised, "Okay."

"Hey, my dear daughter!" Shi Chen felt proud.

Liang Bing's face darkened.


As the two were whispering, Qiangwei came closer.

"What? Are you thinking of how to deceive me?" Qiangwei asked suddenly.

Liang Bing took a deep breath, and there was a hint of helplessness on her delicate face, as if she had tried her best.

"I'm sorry, Qiangwei. I... wait, don't take the dagger, just listen to me." Liang Bing was about to make a sad remark, but Qiangwei took out the dagger again and blew a breath of hot breath on it, as if to disinfect it before surgery.

This made Liang Bing dumbfounded.

Could this girl be addicted to stabbing herself? ?

He always shows off his knife.

Rose smiled coldly, "Really? Go ahead, I'm just playing around."

"." Liang Bing's face was full of black lines, and she suddenly forgot all the words she had prepared.

Or it's hard to say.

Qiangwei looked at her straightly with a smile.

At this moment, it seemed that the queen was no longer Liang Bing, but Qiangwei.

"Uh" Liang Bing swallowed and couldn't utter a word.

This made Shi Chen, who was lying down, speechless for a moment.

Damn, is it so hard to speak? No wonder Qiangwei despised him.

Your behavior now is exactly the same as when Ge Xiaolun first ran into Qiangwei.

What a loser!!

Depend on! !

Shi Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

This plan must be carried out without any errors.

Otherwise, Liang Bing would not be able to become the space-time gene.

It was impossible for Liang Bing to log off, and she couldn't get the three kings to play mahjong together.

Shi Chen climbed up and weakly shouted to stop the scene.

"Uh, where is this? Hiss, my chest hurts so much." Shi Chen stammered, trying to make his face look as pale as possible, with one hand covering the place where he was pierced.

Pretending to be confused, he yelled.

"Wait!! My hand?? What's happening??"

"What the hell??"


"Have I turned into a monster?? I&#!"

"Rose!! Rose, I've turned into a monster. I've become ugly."

Shi Chen's acting skills stunned Liang Bing who was standing beside him.

She couldn't understand how Shi Chen could do it so naturally.

Doesn't this guy feel guilty for deceiving someone who loves him?
Shi Chen's interruption also attracted Qiangwei's attention. Seeing Shi Chen so excited, she immediately leaned over and hugged Shi Chen.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine! I promise."

Rose comforted her tenderly.

Shi Chen rested his head on Rose's shoulder. Even though he was wrapped in black armor as a barrier, he still couldn't stop Rose's fragrance from emanating.

While Shi Chen greedily inhaled the fragrance of the rose, he gave Liang Bing behind the rose a look of understanding.

Liang Bing couldn't stand this and decisively gave Shi Chen a middle finger.

Shi Chen didn't care and winked at her frantically, asking her to carry out her plan immediately.

In fact, Liang Bing didn't want to, especially when she saw Qiangwei hugging Shi Chen and speaking in such a gentle tone, she went crazy.

But I’m afraid that after missing this opportunity, Shi Chen will completely refuse to cooperate next time.

Not worth the candle.

"Really?" Shi Chen tried his best to make his voice sound more innocent.

Qiangwei loosened the hug and looked at Shi Chen with a very sure look: "Sure!!"

Then, Qiangwei turned around and prepared to ask Liang Bing.

Liang Bing had already arrived in front of the control computer of Shi Chen's operating table and was verifying something.

Rose hurried to follow.

But Liang Bing didn't give Qiangwei this chance and said, "Okay! It's different from what I expected."

"What do you mean?" This answer made Qiangwei's beautiful eyes widen.

Liang Bing shrugged: "That's right, he was in a coma because he suffered a serious injury. If I repair him, I can only use genetic methods to heal him."

"But his genes are a bit old"

"It's the old Shenhe's genes."

"I injected the demon gene and tried to reverse it."

"The result is."

Liang Bing didn't say anything else, as if she had something to hide.

Rose would not give this a chance, nor did she feel any pain, she immediately asked, and Dagger warned again: "Just what? Don't forget what you promised me."

"If you can't even do this little thing."

“Why should I believe that??”

"Why should I cooperate with you in your previous plan to create a god?"

"Qianwei, I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious. Listen to me. I injected the first-generation demon gene into Shi Chenshi to try to cause his genetic resonance, because the first-generation demon gene has the ability to affect everything except the internal organs."

"It's not an effect that can repair all vital parts."

"But this plan failed."

"The genes in his body devoured a generation of demon genes."

"The first generation of demon genes was not allowed to take effect."

"And then what?" Qiangwei couldn't quite listen and she just wanted an answer.

Liang Bing continued, "I switched to the second generation demon gene. It worked. His injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his waking up is a good proof of that. However, there is also a problem."

"His genes belong to the old Shenhe genes."

"Remember what I said before?"

"Many things in the old Shenhe were reduced to ashes along with the Shenhe civilization."

"Even if you stay."

“He was also eliminated.”

"You also know why the two major god-making projects of the Heroic Army, the No Star War God and the Galaxy Power, can be said to be on equal footing according to previous situations."

"But, because something extra was added to the genes of the galactic force."

"You mean wings? Angel's genes?" Rose held her chin up and interrupted.

Liang Bing replied: "Yes, that's right."

"The Galaxy Force Project is no longer just the responsibility of Germany Star under the radiation of Shenhe Civilization. Angels are also involved, and the angel genes that can promote growth have been injected into it."

"Therefore, the upper limit of Galaxy Power itself has exceeded that of the No Star War God!!"

"However, based on past records, the No Star War God should be much more brutal than the Galaxy Force. And because of this, the No Star War God is at risk of being eliminated."

"I remember now! When we met Liu Delai before, he said that you, the Demon Queen, had invited Liu Chuang?"

"You wouldn't..." Qiangwei realized something.

Liang Bing's face changed slightly, unable to deny: "Okay! That's true, because the power of the galaxy has been strengthened, but he hasn't."

"I have hacked into Liu Chuang's secret information."

"He's a very suitable person for us demons."

“That’s why I invited him.”

"If he gets the No Star War God and transforms him, he will not only be able to catch up with the Galaxy Force, but may even be stronger than the Galaxy Force."

"It's a pity that although Liu Chuang is not clean, he is not someone who would betray his homeland at will." Seeing this, Qiangwei did not forget to make a sarcastic remark.

Liang Bing was speechless.

The person who is most capable of betrayal did not betray.

On the contrary, the one who is least likely to betray is the one who betrays.

Liang Bing also couldn't figure out what was going on with this Xiongbinglian.

Fortunately, I lost the watermelon and got the sesame seeds.

She didn't lose.

Liang Bing corrected the topic: "I said this just to explain that the genes of Shenhe now basically cannot compete with the genes of any god-making civilization in the new era. This Chen Shi is also Shenhe, and he is not as good as the Galaxy Force and the No Star Wars."

"The first generation of demon genes may be devoured, but the second generation is enough to devour the Shenhe genes."

"This is what made him become a demon."

"!!" As soon as these words came out, Qiangwei lost her composure.

"You mean, Chen Shi can't become the same person he was before?"

"It's not that bad!! Although the Kamigawa gene has been eliminated, there is one thing that is recognized by the known universe, and that is strong resilience!!"

"As long as I don't inject new genes into Chen Shi in the future, it will take some time for the Shenhe genes in Chen Shi's body to digest the demon genes. He can then change back." Liang Bing smiled bitterly.

This lie.

How low-class.

But Qiangwei believed it.

"you sure??"

"Of course!! I also know that you Earthlings pay a lot of attention to your appearance. That's why I didn't inject the latest third-generation demon genes into him all at once."

"The third-generation demon gene has the perfect effect of assimilating the Shenhe gene." Liang Bing nodded.

Hearing this, Qiangwei breathed a sigh of relief, but she also remembered something and immediately asked, "Wait a minute, the time-space gene plan you mentioned earlier, you are not going to turn me into a demon too?"

"If so, then I refuse, because I don't want to become something as ugly as a demon!!"

"I also believe that Xiao Chen doesn't want me to become like that."

"No, Qiangwei, no matter what you become, I will like you! Because what I like has never been your appearance, but you!!" Shi Chen shook his head and said some shameless love words on the spot.

This made Qiangwei's pretty face turn red.

"I" (end of chapter)

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