Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 101: 100 skill extraction, animal state transformation

Chapter 101 100. Skill extraction, animal state transformation

"Monster No. [-] wants Tiga to receive the light and hope of mankind." Captain Hui Jian said with some emotion in the communication channel of the victory team.

"But how did Monster No. [-] know that it would make Tiga stronger?" Dijing wondered.

"It's not that Monster No. [-] and Tiga may be of the same race. Even if they are not of the same race, the two have some connections. It should be normal for them to understand each other." Team member Ye Rui still insisted on his previous guess.

"Well, I really have to thank it this time. That huge door carries terrifying magnetic field fluctuations. I can't imagine what serious consequences it will cause if that door is opened." Tujing said with lingering fear.

"The mission is over, you can come back." The captain also breathed a sigh of relief.


Tokyo city.


After a luminous line completely closed the passage between the two worlds, Diga lowered his head and looked at the No. [-] monster on the ground.


Out of gratitude and recognition to the other party, Diga nodded slightly.

Chu Bai nodded in response, and then, as if he thought of something, he stretched out his tentacles to pull Litmarus up from the ground.

The reason why he did this is very simple: to let his younger brother Litmarus become familiar with Diga in front of Diga, so that Diga will know that this little monster helped a little in this battle, so that he will not be taken advantage of by Diga in the future. The mobs brushed.

In the sky, Diga was a little confused at first after seeing Monster No. [-] doing this.

However, he quickly understood the other party's thoughts, showed a look of understanding, nodded and flew away.

After watching Tiga leave, Chu Bai turned his head and looked at Litmarus, who was a little uncomfortable in the big city: "Okay, just find a comfortable place in this city to breathe in the exhaust fumes."

"I will look for you if anything happens. Don't worry. Since we are in a city, I can easily find you if I want to find you."

"Now that you have helped humans fight off their enemies, you have gained some favor from humans. As long as you don't act like a monster, you will be prosperous for the rest of your life."

"I lick a human?"

"Clear your identity and talk to me again!"

"Also, it's hard to say whether to lick or not. Humans are the most numerous and most civilized group on the planet."

"Until we have the ability to compete with this ethnic group, cooperation with them is the best way to survive."

"Besides, without humans, do you think you would still be breathing exhaust fumes?"

On the opposite side, Litmarus suddenly felt like he was enlightened after hearing what his elder brother said.

Brother is right!

To some extent, I have achieved symbiosis with humans.

Human exhaust is their favorite food. If you don’t lick them, who will you lick?

And the elder brother also explained that this is not called licking, this is called 'symbiosis'.

Make use of each other and cooperate with each other!
Looking at it from another angle, it can even be said that the little humans are serving themselves.

Sure enough, the eldest brother can see through it!
Thinking of this, the simple-minded Litmarus cast an admiring look at Chu Bai.


Chu Bai: "What, you asked me where I live? Do you want to live closer to me so that you can be my guard?"

"It's not that troublesome. I like peace and quiet... Just find a place with a lot of exhaust fumes and just lie down."

Chu Bai wanted to centralize the management of the monsters he encountered simply to make his life easier.

Just arrange them all in Tokyo, close to you, so that you can mobilize their combat power at any time.

As for living together?
Forget it.Chu Bai couldn't even imagine how noisy it would be when dozens of monsters gathered together and howled every day.

Seeing that his eldest brother did not need to protect himself, Litmarus was more convinced that he had followed the right beast, so he dug into the ground and left deeply moved.

Chu Bai later remembered that he still had important things to do.

He walked up to the gigantic corpse of Kyriarodite II...

[Kirielode II is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for 35 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability of Kirialoid II - beast form transformation]

[Beast form transformation: Like Kirialoid II, you can adjust your own organs according to different needs to obtain the enhancement of a certain required ability. (Currently, there are animal states: water ecology, powerful state, and agile state)]

After hearing the system prompt for this extraction, Chu Bai's eyes suddenly lit up.

After a long pause, he whispered: "Wonderful~~~"

It's like the frog seeds ate the crispy corners and entered Mickey Mouse's wonderful house, so wonderful!

He actually copied the form-changing ability of Kirialoid II!
Tiga has this ability, and so does Kyrielode II. There is no need to go into details about how practical it is.

In short, with this ability, I will not be able to walk sideways in the monster world in the future?
Thinking of this, Chu Bai even jumped twice excitedly.

"Bang bang--" The sound of a huge object hitting the ground made the buildings in the center of the city tremble.

Some of the angel believers did not see the situation clearly at this time, pointing at Chu Bai and shouting: "Look, the devil is preparing to invade the world!"

"That is, if you want to use beating to cause an earthquake in the entire city of Tokyo, you will be punished!"

"I know! Monster No. [-] wants to activate the 'earth cry' to destroy the world!"

"If you want to say this, I won't be sleepy anymore. I want to drive the monsters out of this world, and drive them out of this world without leaving any one behind!"

"It's a conspiracy! The one in front of you is Monster No. [-], not Allen! It will destroy the world and leave no room for humans!"

Next to him, Chu Bai, who heard humans chatting: "..."

There is quite a lot of drama among these humans.

Thinking that he was the only giant beast in the city, it was indeed a bit conspicuous, so Chu Bai canceled his giant transformation, returned to normal, and got into the ground.


Two days later.

TPC Far East Base.

Commander room.

"A special monster magnetic field has been detected underground in the northeastern part of Tokyo. It is speculated that a monster is living underground there. Do you want to go and have a look?" Team member Norui reported the latest discovery.

"This is the thermal imaging form of the monster, and I projected it on the big screen."

Afterwards, with the operation of the Ye Rui team members, a strange giant beast appeared on the big screen.

"Why does the shape of this monster look familiar?" Team member Ye Rui frowned as he looked at the picture on the screen.

Dagu pretended to be shocked and said: "I remembered it! Two nights ago, in the battle between Monster No. [-] and Jili Elodian II, Monster No. [-] pulled the other monster out of the soil. , the monster in the picture is the same as the one pulled out by Monster No. [-]!"

"So, you are the companion of Monster No. [-]?" Xincheng held his chin in his hand.

Megumi: "Not only that, it helped Monster No. [-] defeat the Kirialodians, which means it also helped us."

"Then, do we still want to take action?" Zongfang looked at Megumi, waiting for the captain's order.

(End of this chapter)

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