Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 114 113 Chu Bai: Meeting a big star by chance?

Chapter 114 113. Chu Bai: Meeting a big star by chance?

I am still struggling to prevent the commercial district planning of Hikono Street.

While other monsters were still fighting over some territory and some food.

My own monster boss thought of uniting all the monsters to form a force that can resist humans!

What is this but foresight?
What is this but a natural born leader? !

Young Master Ayan chose to surrender to Chu Bai before because the other party helped him and gave him hope.

But now, his mind has changed.

Because he really felt that this little monster was a leader worth following, and he wanted to see how far the other party could lead the monster group on the earth.

After a while.

Gadi led them out of the underground of Yanye Street.

After completing their tasks for the day, the monsters began to rest.

Lying on the hill behind Yanye Street, a bored Chu Bai looked at the stars in the sky: "Do you want to give this organization a name?"

"Yamaguchi group? Hongxinghui?"

"Forget it, no one is competing with me for territory. There's no point in asking for a name. When nothing happens, it's better to stay calm."

a few days later.

The early morning sun shone on the earth. Chu Bai was awakened by the sunshine. He opened his eyes and prepared to go to the power plant to have a meal.

Although Yanye Street is currently the largest settlement of Monster Brothers, Chu Bai has no intention of settling here.

Tokyo is more suitable. It is a cosmopolitan city with a strong ability to accept monsters. Moreover, Chubai is used to living there and has established a certain relationship with the citizens.

Therefore, after absorbing the energy in the power plant, Chu Bai turned around and headed to Tokyo to dig.

"After such a long time, Golzan should have recovered. I hope that guy is honest enough and will take the initiative to come over."

Underground, Chu Bai said nonchalantly while digging the ground.

After a while.

Chu Bai emerged from a sewer outlet in Tokyo.

Monster No. [-] took to the streets again, immediately causing a sensation among humans.

The scene was grand, just like a popular idol parading through the streets.

"It's the number one monster. I haven't seen it for more than half a month."

"I haven't seen it on the streets of Tokyo."

"A Dake is busy. I read in the newspaper a few days ago that he appeared at Wumenyue volcano and came back quickly enough."

"Ah? Is this happening? But I am not well informed. The last time I heard about Ah Da's appearance was in Yanye Street, dozens of kilometers away. The local people are still having a headache."

"If you ask me, those people are not blessed to endure it. Ada is the patron saint of Tokyo."

"Those who are not from my race should still be a little more defensive... Come here, Ada, this is the bread I just bought. You can take it and eat it."

"What kind of bread are you eating? It's so nutritious. This is ham sausage..."

Chu Bai: "..."

Stupid humans, feeding themselves as stray dogs?
Even if I starve to death, die on the street, or jump from the sewer opening, I, the mighty bully Pigmon, will not eat food given by humans!
After a few minutes.

Chu Bai held all kinds of food fed by his grandparents and enthusiastic students in his arms: "It's so delicious. If I had known I would have wanted the big meat sausage from that grandma. The corn sausage is too sweet and I don't like it."

While walking, Chu Bai came to a street corner.

Before he could turn the corner, a beautiful figure ran into his arms with a "duang!"

Because of the human's 'surprise attack', the snacks in Chu Bai's hands were scattered all over the floor.

He knelt down to pick up snacks and scolded with telepathy: "You don't even look at the road when you walk?"

Fortunately, the woman was quite polite. She kept apologizing while blaming herself, while squatting down to help Chu Bai pick up the snacks on the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...wait a minute." "How come the costume you are wearing looks the same as the real thing?"

"Wait a minute! What was that voice that suddenly appeared in my head just now? No one was talking..."


As she was talking, the woman suddenly had an ominous premonition and quietly looked at the little monster's face: "Aren't you a human?"

Chu Bai didn't even raise his head: "How fresh."

"Are you a monster, the number one monster who is always in the news?" The woman recognized Chu Bai's identity and her voice became excited.

"Oh my God, you can actually talk to humans, it's unheard of!"

Chu Bai: "Okay, I understand, let's go play."

"So, can you write? Can you sign it for me?" The woman took out a pen and paper from somewhere and continued excitedly.

Chu Bai: "..."

It’s not enough to just take a photo together, it’s really hard to get my three fingers to sign if it’s true!

Just when he was about to reject the woman, Chu Bai looked up and saw the woman's dress clearly.

This woman was wearing a long black trench coat, sunglasses, a mask, and a hat, covering herself tightly, just like a big star who didn't want to be recognized.

'Do you need to pack so tightly when going out? Are you also afraid of being surrounded by fanatical people? Chu Bai murmured in his heart.

At this moment, a young couple happened to pass by.

The girl in the couple accidentally tilted her head, her expression suddenly became excited, she pointed at Chu Bai and shouted: "Big star!!"

The boy echoed: "It's true, she's very popular recently!"

Chu Bai: "?"

Have you become a star now?
Hey, humans are all good, but a little over-enthusiastic.

This way, I will be embarrassed to go out on the streets in the future.

At this moment, the girl quietly discussed with her boyfriend: "Go up and ask her for an autograph, although it may be a bit disturbing."

Then, there was a sound of footsteps, presumably the girl was walking towards him.

Chu Bai: "..."

What's going on with human beings these days? It's too embarrassing for a beast to have to sign for yourself.

However, considering the enthusiasm of these two young lovers, it is not impossible to sign one for them.

Thinking of this, Chu Bai turned around and prepared to reluctantly sign autographs for the two lovers.

However, before he could completely turn his head, he saw the girl's body passing by him and going straight to the girl in sunglasses next to him: "Are you Chris Maya? I like your new song so much!"

"Can you sign your autograph for me?!"

Chu Bai: "..."

Broken, misunderstood!

Chu Bai was digging his toes on the ground in embarrassment at this time, and just wanted to leave quickly!

However, the voice of the young couple girl sounded again at this moment: "That little red monster next to you is your pet, Maya, right? You are worthy of being a popular star, even the pet you raise is so unique!"

Chu Bai: "??"

What does this little girl look like?
How could such a ferocious monster like myself be the pet of this brooding girl with sunglasses?

Just when Chubai was about to retort, the girl in sunglasses called Maya spoke first: "No, it is not my pet, it is my idol. It is the number one monster, considered by many to be the patron saint of Tokyo. , you should know."

When Chu Bai heard this, he silently gave him a thumbs up.

"The little girl's emotional intelligence is quite high, and it warms the beast's heart."

"As long as you can talk, you won't care about bumping into me just now."

(End of this chapter)

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