Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 143 142 Meeting Maya Again

Chapter 143 142. Meeting Maya again
"This bar does not accept monsters."

Chu Bai couldn't figure out how the doorman could say such cold words in his 37-degree mouth!
Can I compare with those ordinary monsters? Or, in the eyes of these humans, am I just a "monster"?
Which of the other monsters will help humans through life and death, and which one will protect humans?

Only yourself!Soulless!

Although he is helping humans by helping others.

But if you help, you are helping. This group of humans actually treats me specially and won't let you enter such a fun place.

The chill in my heart is worse than the chill in the sky!
Chu Bai's eyes were sad, and he looked at the guard as if he was looking at a stone.

"I hate you for being like a piece of wood!"

I hate that you are like a piece of wood and can't see what this bully has done for this world!
The guard at this time: "???"

There are quite a lot of little monster scenes, and they are much more interesting than those seen on TV.

"Sorry," the doorman said.

Chu Bai: "Can you let me in now?"

With Chu Bai's strength, of course he could break in directly.

But the consequence of breaking in is that all the people in the bar will be scared away.

So what's the use of finding this busy place?

"No, our bar has rules." The doorman said stubbornly.

Chu Bai didn't want to believe a word of what the guard said.

Which bar would specifically issue such a clause? Did the owner take the monster's visit into consideration in advance when he opened the restaurant?
Or maybe this store has been persecuted by monsters...

Thinking of this, Chu Bai took a few steps back and looked up at the name of the store.

It sounds a bit familiar...

I seemed to be thirsty one time, so I went into this store and 'borrowed' some water...

It seems reasonable for the boss to introduce such rules.

No, if this is really the case, isn't this boss deliberately targeting himself?

"Forget it, I won't go in." Chu Bai turned around and prepared to leave.

Entering through the door shows that you are following the rules.

But the doorman didn't let me in. It was because the boss and the doorman were unreasonable.

'Sneak into the bathroom of this bar from underground later, and you can still go in and play. There is no door on earth that can stop this bully, hehehe...' Chu Bai thought in his heart.

Just when he was about to find soft ground to dig, a familiar figure broke into his sight.

The moment Chu Bai noticed the other party, the other party also noticed him.

Then, the man said in surprise: "Little monster? Why are you here?"

"Maya?" Chu Bai stared blankly at the woman in front of him wearing a black windbreaker and sunglasses.

This voice and facial contour were undoubtedly his former partner Maya.

But didn’t this girl go with her alien brother?
Maya's body is an alien residing in the human body, so when the alien Maya leaves, the body of the human Maya will die.

But now Maya is standing in front of her alive...

"You and your brother..." Chu Bai hesitated to speak.

Maya raised her hand to signal him to stop talking, and then took his hand and walked to the doorman: "I want to go in and have a drink with my monster friend."

The doorman raised his hand to stop him very responsibly: "This bar does not accept monsters."

At this moment, Maya pulled down her sunglasses: "What if the boss wants to change the rules." "Boss Maya, if it's you, of course you can!" The guard's attitude instantly made a 180-degree turn, and he smiled and said 'please' gesture.

Just after Chu Bai and Maya entered the door, the doorman even apologized: "I'm sorry I just blocked your monster friend."

Maya didn't take this seriously: "It's okay, you are very responsible."

In this way, Chu Bai entered the bar unimpeded, and for the first time he realized that 'connecting' could be so enjoyable.

In the bar, the resident singer was singing on the stage, and people were drinking and chatting under the stage.

The entry of a little monster attracted everyone's attention.

Even the singer's singing on the stage paused momentarily.

However, everyone's doubts and confusion were limited to their eyes and some small body movements.

No one is going to disturb this monster.

Chu Bai was quite satisfied when he saw this.

After some training by himself, humans in Tokyo have become much less sensitive to monsters.

Afterwards, Maya took Chu Bai and randomly found a remote seat.

"I invested some money in this bar and am considered a small shareholder." Maya explained.

"So, you set the bar's rules prohibiting monsters from entering?" Chu Bai was slightly dissatisfied.

Maya smiled apologetically and quickly clarified herself: "How is that possible? You have helped me so much, and it's too late for me to thank you."

"I'm just a shareholder. The person who specifically formulates the rules of the bar is the manager, and I don't come here often... If I knew there were such rules, I would have broken them long ago."

Chu Bai nodded, recognizing Maya's attitude: "By the way, didn't you go back with your brother? Why are you still staying on Earth?"

Maya answered truthfully: "I want to go with my brother, but my brother said that I have been accustomed to the life here for so many years."

"And he and his friends haven't found a suitable place to live yet, so they asked me to wait here on Earth first, and then pick me up after they find a suitable place to live."

After saying that, Maya asked doubtfully: "I've been holding concerts these days. Don't you know I'm staying on Earth?"

At this time, the waiter next to me brought two bottles of wine.

Chu Bai picked up a bottle with his tentacles and pulled off the cap. After taking a few sips, he smacked his lips and commented: "It doesn't taste good..."

Then, he answered Maya's doubts: "Something happened recently, so I didn't pay attention to the news."

Maya nodded, with a relaxed smile on her lips: "I paid attention, but the news said you were dead."

"Then why didn't you have any surprise when you saw me just now?" Chu Bai asked curiously.

Isn't it surprising to be resurrected from the dead?
"Because I know you are a little monster with super powers." Maya picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass.

"It's like you know about me, know that I am an alien whose body and mind do not match, and know that I am waiting for the arrival of my family... You are a monster with super powers, and you will definitely not die that easily."

"I just like listening to you talk." Chu Bai grinned.

Maya is indeed a smart woman.

At that time, he found her like a prophet, and also deceived her that he was a messenger sent by his brother. Now that the lie was exposed, Maya only asked once when she found out, and didn't ask another question.

That night, Chu Bai and Maya sat together and talked about a lot of things.

Chu Bai forgot what they were talking about, but he was very relaxed anyway.

Until the end, the dizzy Maya insisted on dragging Chu Bai onto the stage to sing a song for everyone.

Chu Bai was very sober and refused simply: "I won't go."

(End of this chapter)

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