Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 145 144 Urban Vampire

Chapter 145 144. Urban Vampire

After noticing the abnormality of the Nantong pair, Chu Bai tiptoed towards them.

Only after taking two steps did he realize what he was doing.

He has dark stealth and can move instantly in the dark.

And now it is night, which means there is almost no limit to teleportation...


There was an invisible ripple in the space, and Chu Bai used the darkness to sneak in and teleport to the unusual couple.

It was dark night now, and they were just far away, so Chu Bai couldn't see clearly the specific movements of the two people.

Now that the distance was so close, Chu Bai could see everything clearly.

The two are of similar height, one is wearing a gray sportswear and the other is wearing a black windbreaker. In addition, the two have similar head positions, both lying on each other's shoulders.

It's just that the man in sportswear seemed to be asleep, without any movement, and his hands drooped naturally.

On the contrary, the man in black attacked fiercely, holding the man in sportswear and gnawing wildly, his head kept shaking, and the sucking sound was also made by him.

"Dude, your friend seems to be unconscious."

Chu Bai stretched out his tentacle and gently poked the man in black who was invested.

"Go, go, go. If there is any movement, I can't possibly..."

Halfway through the words, the man in black realized something was wrong. The sound just now seemed not to be heard by his own ears, but appeared in his heart!

The slightly panicked man in black turned his head sharply and looked at the cute little monster in front of him.

At this time, there was still wet blood on the corner of his mouth!
Chu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly: "Vampire?"

"Monster?" The man in black didn't understand what the little monster was suddenly calling him for.

"You don't have to worry about me and answer my questions." Chu Bai reiterated.

However, the man in black looked at him with guarded eyes, and he would not tell the truth honestly even if he thought about it.

So, Chu Bai took the initiative and tied his neck with tentacles.

The moment Chu Bai's tentacles came into contact with the skin on the opponent's neck, the system's prompt sounded!

[The vampire Sauron is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for ten seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

Hearing the beep, Chu Bai confirmed his suspicion.

"Some time ago, when Master Ayan was investigating in Tokyo, he said that a weird religious group appeared in Tokyo. At that time, I thought it was a fool who believed in angels. Now that I think about it, it is most likely this group of evil vampires..."

In the original work of "Ultraman Tega", vampires did appear.

However, it is not like the legend, invulnerable to all poisons, immortal, and body as hard as steel.

But ordinary people infected with the vampire virus.

As for characteristics such as being afraid of the sun, feeding on blood, and being pale, they are indeed similar to those in the legend.

These people infected with the vampire virus gather together, move in groups, eat in the dark, and live in dark corners. In a sense, it is really like a small religion.

The source of the spread of the vampire virus-the vampire monster Xiulanos.

This is the common god of these vampires.

During the ten seconds that Chu Bai extracted it, the man in black struggled desperately: "Let me go, let go..."

"My strength is much greater than that of ordinary people, and becoming a vampire can also enhance my physique." Chu Bai commented.

Just then, ten seconds are up.

[Extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the vampire Sauron's ability - Vampire Fangs] [Vampire Fangs: When needed, the host's canine teeth can be extended, greatly increasing the damage of the bite.At the same time, after acquiring this ability, the host can restore and enhance its own energy by sucking the blood of its prey. 】

After the electronic beep ended, Chu Bai bared his teeth.

Mind a move.

"Ouch!" With a click, the four canine teeth on his upper and lower jaws simultaneously lengthened... by one millimeter.

Chu Bai touched the elongated teeth with his tentacles, his expression a little speechless.

It has indeed grown, but the length is extremely limited!
In nature, which beast's canine teeth are not seventy or eighty centimeters long...

My canine teeth are only one millimeter longer, what’s enough for me?
After thinking about it, Chu Bai sighed: "Forget it, this ability should be able to continue to be improved by extracting other vampires."

As he spoke, Chu Bai's tentacles that tied the vampire's neck relaxed slightly, allowing the other party to have a chance to breathe.

Just as the other party was gasping for air, Chu Bai put his big face up to him: "Where are your vampire companions now?"

The man in black still has some integrity: "I will never betray my companions!"

"Then you die." Chu Bai seemed very indifferent.

After saying that, his two eyes glowed bright yellow!

Chu Bai's [Glowing Glasses] skill was extracted from the Lebex, and has been strengthened several times, and is now brighter than high beams.

The sudden brightness is as powerful as a flash bomb and can blind ordinary people instantly!


Although the vampire's physique has been strengthened, it is still stronger than ordinary people. Coupled with the inherent photophobia, when the man in black was illuminated by the light from Chu Bai's eyes, he was in great pain and let out a miserable cry. scream.

The man knew that if he continued to be exposed to such strong light, he would really die!
He didn't last for a few seconds. He was afraid of death and begged for mercy again and again: "I'll tell you, I'll tell you whatever you want to know!"

His pure eyes recovered, and he looked at the vampire whose body was burned by the strong light in front of him: "This is right."

At this time, affected by the strong light, the skin of the vampire's body was burned, and the reddish-brown flesh was exposed. The whole body turned into a blood gourd, and he grinned in pain.

The key is that he doesn't dare to complain.

He could only tell the ugly little monster in front of him where the organization was hiding: "There is an old disco in area G13. We have been living there since we came to Neon."

Chu Bai nodded with satisfaction: "That's right."

"Now call the police."

Male vampire: "Huh?"

He thought that as long as he confessed, the monster would let him go.

Chu Bai's eyes pointed at the man in sportswear on the ground who was sucked into a mummy by the vampire: "You sucked him into this, you must be responsible, right?"

"But I will die if I don't eat." The vampire man looked aggrieved.

Chu Bai continued to ask: "It seems to be the case. You don't want to become a vampire... Then you can only suck human blood, and can't you use the blood of other animals instead?"

The male vampire answered honestly: "Not really. I am a European. I heard that vampires can live forever and have eternal beauty, so I deliberately went to South Africa to find the great god to transform me into a vampire."

"Also, you can live by sucking the blood of other animals, but human blood is more delicious and softer and moister when you eat it~"

As he spoke, the vampire showed a look of enjoyment on his face.

When Chu Bai saw this, his eyes glowed again, and he fired an eye laser!
Vampire, dead.

Chu Bai looked at the vampire on the ground who was blown into a ball of ashes by himself, his expression showed anger and helplessness: "Idiot."

(End of this chapter)

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