Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 147 146 Chu Bai: Xiranos, you smell so good

Chapter 147 146. Chu Bai: Xiranos, you smell so good
The system prompts frequently sounded in Chu Bai's mind. Now he only hated that he had too few tentacles and the number of individuals he could extract at one time was limited.

As ten seconds passed one after another, the length of Chu Bai's blood-sucking fangs reached nine centimeters, which was considered to be the level of some natural animal hunters.

Chu Bai was not very satisfied with this length, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Because all the vampires in the surrounding circle that could be extracted have been extracted by him.

Next to them, the vampires surrounding the little monster had confusion on their faces.

When they were entangled by the tentacles of the little monster, they all thought their doom had come.

However, the little monster just tied them up for a while and then let them go, without any intention of harming them.

"What do you want to do?" The leader-looking woman among the vampires asked warily and doubtfully.

"I've told you before, I just want to see your god." Chu Bai answered telepathically, and then asked, "Are all your fellow vampires here? Is there anything else?"

"Except for a few who are out looking for food, [-]% of them are here." The female vampire leader answered honestly.

Chu Bai saw that this woman was quite sensible, so he continued to ask: "Take me to see your gods, or I will kill you all."

Female vampire: "..."

How did the little monster manage to say such cruel words with a cute face and a calm tone?

"Don't take it with you, Xena, the gods are our last..."

A man in black grabbed the female vampire leader's clothes and tried to persuade her.


Chu Bai threw out his tentacles and whipped his head off.

Broken bones, blood and brains covered Xue Na's face next to her.

All the vampires saw this and didn't dare to say anything more.

This little monster did behave politely when he came in, but his actions were really dark!

"You come with me."

After much hesitation, Xue Na chose to lead the way for Chu Bai.

The footsteps of a man and a beast passed through the bar, across the dance floor of the disco, and came to a downward staircase.

In front of the dark staircase, Xue Na stopped, looking anxious and uneasy: "On the underground floor, there is a coffin in the middle of the house, and the god lives in it."

"I'm not going down."

Hearing this, Chu Bai glanced at the woman who was leading him and did not force her.

It is normal for believers to be afraid of gods. If a woman takes him down there openly, he will suspect that there is a trap inside.

"Why did you become a vampire?" Chu Bai asked casually before leaving.

When the woman heard this, she answered very seriously: "I used to be a reporter. I was ordered to conduct a reporting mission in South Africa, but I was killed there..."

Before the woman finished speaking, the little monster's figure had disappeared in the dark stairwell.


Passing through the curved stairs, Chu Bai came to the underground of the disco.

As the vampire Xena said, the whole room was empty except for a coffin full of Western classical atmosphere in the center of the room.

The room here is dark, the air is humid, and the whole space feels weird.

Chu Bai was confident in his own strength, but when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel angry.

It's like watching a horror movie you've already seen once, but you will still be frightened by the atmosphere.


Chu Bai turned his fingers into tentacles and slowly stretched them out in front of the coffin.

Then, with force, the tentacle opened the entire coffin with a click!


The moment the coffin lid was opened, strange white smoke poured out.

Obstructed by the smoke screen, Chu Bai couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the coffin. He suddenly thought, opened his glowing eyes, and jumped into the coffin!

As his vision blurred, Chu Bai's body passed through the coffin and came to a huge space!This is the underground lair of the vampire demon Xiulanos!
Here Chu Bai had just landed when a strange male voice appeared.

"Little monster, you are very brave to challenge our gods."

Chu Bai looked up and saw a male vampire in a neat suit. What he just said was exactly what he said.

"You are the one who talks about Xiulanos in the human world..."

Before Chu Bai finished asking the question, he noticed that flames appeared on the surface of the body of the 'divine talker', and he let out bursts of painful wails.

Chu Bai: "..."

This guy was quite impressive when he was talking, but when he was hit by the light from his own eyes, he lost the ability to move on the spot. He was so weak.

At this time, gusts of wind suddenly appeared in the dark underground space!

Chu Bai keenly heard the sound of the huge creature flapping its wings!
After half a second.


The vampire beast Xiulanos, which looked like a huge bat, flapped its wings and passed over Chu Bai's head!

At the same time, Chu Bai saw the opportunity and threw out his tentacles!

The tentacles stretched as fast as arrows, instantly binding Xiranos in the darkness!

"hold head high--"

"hold head high--"

The bound Xiulanos' wings and feet moved wildly, trying to break free.

Seeing this, Chu Bai slowly tightened his tentacles.

My tentacles have been strengthened several times, and are terrifyingly strong in both strength and toughness. They are my strongest means of control!

Many monsters have been defeated by these tentacles. Little Xiuranos may have some strength.

But, breaking free from the tentacles?

no way!

[The blood-sucking monster Xiulanos is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for 20 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

The system prompt sounded, Xiulanos was still not honest, so Chu Bai directly powered on the tentacles!


The strong electric current was transmitted to Xiulanos through the tentacles, making the big bat's electric body tremble!
Because this is an underground confined space with no air circulation, Chu Bai could even smell the smell of burnt meat.

"It's quite fragrant."

Chu Bai took a sip of saliva, and then suddenly realized something.

"I heard that bats carry a lot of bacteria and are carriers of many infectious viruses. You can't smell this meat..."

So Chu Bai started to hold his breath.

At this time, Xiulanos was devastated: "..."

This little monster is really bullying the beast!
Even if you beat yourself up, you still have to insult your own animal status!

He said he was a carrier of the virus and showed such a disgusted expression!


Halos of energy appeared around the red eyes of Xiuranos who couldn't bear it anymore.

Hypnotic light!

On the ground, Chu Bai, who was attacked by the hypnotic light, had an arrogant expression. He spread his hands and said, "Sorry, my happy mind is immune to mental attacks."

At this moment, 20 seconds are up!

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability of the vampire beast Xiulanos - hypnotic light]

[Hypnotic light: The host's eyes can emit ring-shaped hypnotic waves, invading the victim's brain, thereby interfering with the other person's thoughts, and even controlling the other person's thoughts. 】

Hearing the new skills extracted this time, Chu Bai chuckled: "Not bad, there is another control skill!"

(End of this chapter)

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