Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 155 154 The Awakening Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 155 154. The awakening sleeping beauty
  Lina's sudden cry attracted the attention of everyone in the command room.

"What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?" Captain Hui Jian asked with concern.

"I just saw a shadow of an alien there, very similar to the 'Sleeping Beauty' in the biology laboratory!" Lina pointed to the corner of the command room in a panic.

Everyone looked in the direction of Lina's finger, but found nothing...

After a moment of silence, Hui Jian said, "Maybe everyone is too nervous during this period."

"Yeah, I've been extremely busy during this period. I have research tasks, I have to go out for investigations, and something like this happened to Director Sawai..." The well-digging team member put his left hand on his hips and picked up the cup on the table, very naturally took a sip.

Xincheng was speechless at that time: "Hey, if you want to drink water, won't you go get it yourself? That's my water cup."

"What does it matter? We are all teammates." Dijing said with a smile.

"Team Lina, please go home and rest for two days. I will exclude everyone from the rest schedule in the evening." Hui Jian looked at Lina and said worriedly.

"Okay." Lina nodded in agreement without further evasion and left the command room.

The Xincheng team members looked at the dug well and asked, "By the way, has that 'Sleeping Beauty' researched anything?"

"No, that alien was discovered by humans twenty-four years ago, and has since been kept in a defense force base in Asia. The data shows that the alien still had vital signs at that time..." Dijing explained.

"Eighteen years ago, the Defense Force base was attacked by UFOs, and the aliens were transferred again. However, after that, all the aliens' vital signs disappeared..."

"Later, after many twists and turns, it was sent to the Far East Base Biological Research Institute for safekeeping and analysis half a month ago."

"Everyone, we have a new discovery!" Team member Yerui in front of the computer suddenly shouted.

"The material testing department analyzed the wreckage of Dethmania and found that the metal structure was highly similar to the alien spacecraft that crashed in Asia twenty-four years ago!"

"Ah!" Dijing stood up excitedly: "That is to say, the person controlling Dethmania behind the scenes is most likely a dead alien?"

Dagu's focus was strange: "Desimania? Who gave this name?"

Monster No. [-] also mentioned this name when explaining to himself at that time, and also said that the name was chosen by TPC...

But before today, I had never heard anyone mention this name in TPC!
  "Of course it was chosen by the relevant departments after the monster appeared. It's just a name. There's no need to be so nervous." Xincheng looked at Dagu with a strange expression.

"So, this name was given by TPC?" Dagu continued to ask.

Dijing made a joke: "Of course, there are many institutions on earth that have the right to give official names to monsters. Giving a name can also facilitate management, so don't be so surprised."

Different from the relaxed expressions of everyone, Dagu frowned and his heart beat fiercely: "That guy, you have known it for a long time?"

"It predicts what will happen in the future..."

Hui Jian keenly noticed something was wrong with Dagu: "Team Dagu, what's wrong with you?"

"If you are under great mental pressure, you can also take a day off. We are here. You have made a great contribution by taking the No. [-] monster to rescue Director Sawai."

Vice Captain Munakata added: "Yes, although it was an unauthorized action, the result is good."

After calming down his excited mood, Dagu knew that this matter could not be spread in a hurry, so he pretended to be relaxed and said: "I'm fine. I've already rested a few days ago."


After a while.

Far East Base, B1 level under the sea.

Biological research laboratory.

"It's called 'Sleeping Beauty', she looks so ugly." The doctor in a white coat glanced at the culture tank next to him, then at the data on the display screen in front of him, and couldn't help but complain.

At this moment, Tsui opened the door and entered: "Dr. Tango, how was the analysis?"

Dr. Tango obviously had great resistance to the work: "What, a corpse that has been sleeping on the earth for twenty-four years, and those people have not analyzed anything for so many years, what do you expect me to analyze?" "I'm tired of digging wells and analyzing giant stone statues. I tell you, captain, not to add any more research burden to me. It's very difficult for us scientific researchers."

"Did you steal the bullets from the Haipa gun and speak so rudely?" Dijing responded directly.

"These are extraordinary times, and you are not the only one who is busy."

When Dr. Tango heard this, his expression was still angry, but he was sensible and did not say anything further.

At this time, Chu Jing walked to the culture tank and looked at the 'Sleeping Beauty' in the transparent glass. He couldn't help but comment: "Its big eyes are always open like this?"

"It felt like it was looking at me."

After saying that, he walked around the research room again, dug a well and went out.

At this time.

In the culture tank, there was an alien with a big head, a small body, and a pair of big eyes. There seemed to be a momentary light in his eyes.


after one day.

late at night.

Tokyo city.

The sewer outlet of a residential building.

Chu Bai pushed his head against the manhole cover and kept staring at the light of a certain resident on the upper floor.

"What are we doing?" In the darkness, Master Ayan looked at the idiot-like bully and asked in confusion.

Chu Bai said something that Young Master Ayan couldn't understand: "In ancient times, there was an idiom in Daxia called 'waiting for the rabbit'. I'm waiting for the prey to come to me now."

The people behind Desimania and the Cosmic Steel Dragon Guwamu are all people from the Desis system.

The people of the Daisis system, because they were captured by humans and sealed in culture tanks for many years, have long lost their body functions, so they are in urgent need of a new body.

Lina, the victorious team member, is the new body she values.

As for why Lina was chosen.

Chu Bai guessed that part of the reason was that the people from the sealed Daisis system were women themselves, so they wanted to find a female body.

The other part is because Lina is the person that Dagu likes, and Dagu is the human body of Ultraman Tiga.

The people of the Daisis galaxy want to take advantage of this and restrain Tiga.

So now, Chu Bai takes his men and waits for the people from the Daisis system to come to their door.

"Peeping, we are peeping." The shadow in the pot rambled with its own imperfect language system.

Chu Bai corrected him: "This is called stalking, idiot."

"Sir, how do you know she is being targeted by aliens?" Obik was puzzled.

Chu Bai asked back: "If even you know it, then am I still considered an 'adult'?"

Obik: "..."


What the adults said makes sense!
  The reason why an adult is an adult is not because he knows things he doesn’t know and has the ability to crush himself in all directions!
  next moment!

A bright light suddenly appeared in the room, which was particularly dazzling in the dark night sky!
  (End of this chapter)

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