Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 171 170 Chu Bai’s surprising discovery

Chapter 171 170. Chu Bai’s surprising discovery

With the death of Goldras, the space-time boundary existing in Sakuragaoka disappeared.

The old antiques that were transported due to the chaos of time and space in the time and space world turned into powder and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.



Master Ayan returned, and he no longer saw the girl standing here before. He felt lost for a moment.


in the city.

Chu Bai put away the knife and sat down on the ground.

As expected of a golden dragon, it is indeed difficult to deal with.

If Master Ayan hadn't sent the Ghost Sword at the critical moment, there's really no certainty who would win this battle.


In the distance, Golzan stood up and roared.

Chu Bai nodded: "Okay, I know. You should go back and rest first. You are exhausted from this battle."

Soon, Golzan left and Diga flew away.

Chu Bai is the only monster left in the city.

After taking a few breaths, Chu Bai was ready to leave.

"Hey, although we won this battle, it was still in vain."

"Goldras's body turned into a phantom and disappeared, giving me no chance to extract it."

"Speaking of which, after being hit like this, is Goldras considered dead..."

After saying that, Chu Bai walked away into the distance with a big knife.

As soon as he reached the edge of the city, he suddenly remembered something!

"No, Goldras didn't leave anything behind!"

Chu Bai slapped his head fiercely with his paw!

Goldras' horn!

The horn that was chopped off by myself with the Demonic Great Sword!

Soon, Chu Bai searched for it, even using his clones, and finally found the two small horn tips that he had just chopped off in the ruins of the city! !

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Bai's little paws touched the tip of the horn, the system prompt sounded!

[Goldras is being extracted, please maintain close contact with the host for one minute and twenty seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

Chu Bai did not wait for such a long extraction time.

He held the Demonic Great Sword in one claw, and held the two severed horns of Goldras in the other claw, then turned around and left again.

On the ground, a TPC staff member looked at the back of Monster No. 1 and couldn't help but sigh: "Cool."

"Monster No. 1 is the guardian of the earth, right?"

"Don't step on me, Monster No. 1 and Ultraman Tiga both protect the earth!" Another staff member said loudly.

"What you say makes sense, but Monster No. 1 appears more times than Ultraman Tiga, and Monster No. 1 is the number one patron saint!"

"But Ultraman Tiga looks more like a patron saint than a monster. Ultraman is very handsome, isn't he."

"He's so handsome that he can't be eaten as a meal."

"Okay, stop arguing and contact the construction department. Most of Shibuya was destroyed and they are busy."


Next to the Atdis.

The victory team gathered together.

"Da Gu is missing again. He hasn't been seen since the Atdis crashed." The well-digger team members had their heads filled with questions and couldn't figure out where Da Gu would be at such a critical moment.

"It's okay. Dagu will definitely come back safely. Isn't it like this every time we worry about him." Xincheng smiled.

Lina sighed: "It's really not easy to win this battle."

Megumi: "The largest monster melee in history has never happened before, and there is a high probability that it will never happen again in the future."

"Sunauki's sword was indeed stolen by Monster No. 1." Munakata said, looking at the back of Monster No. 1.

After this battle, everyone in the victory team's favor towards Monster No. 1 reached its peak.

Even Xincheng began to speak up for Monster No. 1: "That should be Monster No. 1's trophy, and you can't steal it."

Munakata: "I know, I just mentioned it, you brat."

While everyone was chatting, Dagu appeared in the distance waving: "Hey - I'm back!"

Xincheng curled his lips: "You guys, see what I said is right."

More than ten kilometers away from Yingqiu, in the suburbs.

Temporary shelter set up by TPC.

After learning of the victory in this battle, the people began to cheer.

"I knew Ultraman Tiga would definitely win!"

"Whatever you say, the monsters helped a lot this time, okay!"

"Okay, okay, you're right..."

Among the noisy crowd, there was a man who seemed out of place.

He looked calmly in the direction of Sakura Qiu: "That's amazing, Ultra Warrior."

"You are also a heterogeneous person. If your identity is exposed, will you still be so sought after?"

After saying that, as if he was thinking of the possible results, the man smiled with an unknown meaning.

At this time, a hand suddenly rested on the man's shoulder: "Kirino, why are you unhappy when the monster is eliminated?"

The man's smile immediately changed: "Happy, hahaha... Of course I'm happy."

Just as everyone was cheering, someone spotted the huge figure in the distance: "Hey, look at that, it's Monster No. 1, Monster No. 1 is here!"

"Monster No. 1 can also use weapons! It's so cool!"

"It's true that a beast has no appearance."



Chu Bai, who had sensitive hearing, heard the cheers of humans in the distance, but now he had no intention of responding.

Because he is expecting the extraction countdown to be completed!

A few seconds later.

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Goldras ability - time and space control]

[Control of space and time: The host can control the magnetic field at will and expand the space and time]

After listening to the system's mechanical sound, Chu Bai looked confused: "That's it?"

"Can't the introduction be more detailed? It's my first time to come into contact with the world of time and space. Can't you give me a more detailed instruction on how to use it?"

The system didn't respond and started pretending to be dead.

Chu Bai had no choice now: "Let's think about it slowly after we get home."

After muttering, Chu Bai quickened his pace to go home.

Not far away, his sensitive hearing caught another call.

Following the sound, Chu Bai found Master Ayan hiding in the shade of a tree.

"Sir, Lily has disappeared." Master Ayan reported the sad news in despair.

"You said she would turn into a gray-haired old woman, but she didn't even change into an old woman, she just disappeared..."

Chu Bai: "..."

"You have to have her die in front of you to be happy?"

Master Ayan: "How could it be? How could I think that."

"Then it's over. When she disappears, she returns to her own time and space. You should be happy for her."

Although the adults said this, Master Ayan was still sad that he lost a friend: "I haven't had time to have fun with her yet."

"She is a person from the past to us." Chu Bai explained earnestly.

"You have created a deep impression on her, and it will only make her distressed. The era she lives in is too far away from us, and we are destined to never meet again."

"Even if we meet again, you have probably met her before. She could be any old woman you have ever passed by..."

"It's just a friend. Are you missing friends? You shouldn't be so sad. Why don't you just smile?"

After Chu Bai finished speaking half-jokingly, his expression was suddenly shocked!

"You're so unhappy, why don't you just smile..."

(End of this chapter)

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