Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 173 172 Research on the Space-Time Realm

Chapter 173 172. Research on the Space-Time Realm

Hino Street.

Some people looked toward the mountains behind after hearing a huge noise.

"The monsters living in the back mountain have become more and more noisy in recent days."

"Wait! What is that? Is that a ship!"

"A ship appeared in the mountains!"

"What did these monster daddies of mine do again?!"

"It disappeared. The ship disappeared again. Was it just because I was dazzled?"

"It's unlikely... Didn't you read the news? This kind of thing also happened in Shibuya, Tokyo yesterday."

"The official report seems to be that this phenomenon is called chaos caused by the space-time realm, caused by monsters, but I read on the news that the monster was eliminated yesterday..."

"Not necessarily. My sister happened to live there. She said the monster was not dead, but just turned into a shadow..."

"Shadow? Rumor has it that Obik is holding a pot. He often calls his pot shadow."

"Why are you getting involved in this?"


Back mountain.

Seeing that he was out of fun, Chu Bai thought about it and immediately put away the time and space boundary he created.

As the special magnetic field disappeared, the 10,000-ton giant wheel that had just appeared turned into powder and dissipated into the sky and earth.

However, the damage caused by the giant wheel to the temple has not changed due to the disappearance of the giant wheel.

In the ruins of the temple, everyone stared in silence.

Finally, the civet cat monk couldn't help it and cried out: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I have lived in this temple for hundreds of years!"

"It disappeared all of a sudden. It was just expanded a few months ago!"

Different from the sadness of the civet monk, Adamu looked at Chu Bai in surprise as if he had discovered a new world at this moment: "Sir, how did you do that just now?!"

Chu Bai: "I can't explain the principle clearly."

"You don't need to know the principle. I just want to know, sir, if you can cast that space-time realm at will?" Adamu continued to ask expectantly.

Chu Bai thought for a moment and then nodded: "Yes."

He cannot control the consequences of the emergence of the time and space world, but he can control the appearance and disappearance of the time and space world.

After receiving a positive answer, Adam excitedly waved his fist: "Great!"

"If I can release it at will, it will give me the opportunity to study the world of time and space... The world of time and space exists. Maybe the time travel you just mentioned will not have to wait two thousand years."

"Really? Is there a way for you to control the world of time and space?" A hint of joy appeared on Chu Bai's face.

Adam shook his head: "There is no way, but we can try to study it."

"It's just adults, you have to be mentally prepared. Time and space are very unstable after all. It will take a lot of time to reach the point where you can travel through time and space freely."

"Okay, just do your research and let me know if you need anything." Chu Bai said cheerfully.

Yi Wu added in a low voice: "I can travel through time and space, but can I reverse the flow of time? We have no home now..."

Adamu's eyes were burning with a desire for science: "As long as you study hard, you should be able to do this kind of thing."

Master Ayan, who was hiding in the shadows, whispered: "I think what she means is, where will we live in the future?"

"It's very simple. I live underground and dig holes. I'm not very good at it." Chu Bai patted his chest and expressed confidently.

"No, you can't call it a temple underground. I'm a devout Buddhist." The civet cat monk's voice was full of resentment.

Chu Bai comforted: "Then build a new house. There is so much wood in the back mountain, and we have so many monsters. It is too easy to build a house."

"No matter how the new house is built, it will not have the same historical heritage as before." Monk Civet Cat still felt dissatisfied. Chu Bai was a little annoyed: "This won't work, that won't work either, so what do you think we should do?"

Monk Civet Cat's attitude was clear: "I want the previous temple. No matter how good the house built in the future is, it will not be the same as before."

Although the civet cat monk has the ability to accept new things, after living in one place for a long time, he has feelings.

Chu Bai sighed and softened his voice: "Then wait until I learn how to control the time and space world. Then I will go against the flow of time and restore the temple."

"While I'm learning how to control it, let's build a temporary shelter nearby. Is that okay?"

The civet monk nodded with satisfaction, and everyone no longer had any objections.

Just at this moment, an old figure climbed up the back mountain.

He looked at the ruins of the temple in front of him, rolled his eyes, and pouted on the spot.


Hearing the sound of falling to the ground, Chubai quickly stretched out his tentacles to support Dr. Nezu's shaky body.

Chu Bai: "Doctor, you are seriously ill and you only have a few days to live. Don't get excited."

Others next to me: "..."

Sir, you know how to comfort people.

Dr. Nezu was furious: "The temple is my last belief in living. Now that the temple is gone, it's time for me to leave. I should have gone down to accompany Asami."

Chu Bai: "No, no one will donate money to the temple if you leave."

"You have to live, Doctor, you have to live to atone for your sins."

As he spoke, Chu Bai had an idea flash in his mind: "I have a way to make you see the dead Mami again!"

Upon hearing this message, the doctor was stunned: "What?!"


Soon, with the help of the monsters, the construction of the new house was in full swing.

on the other side of the forest.

The hiding place of the Dinoman spaceship.

Chu Bai, Adam and Dr. Genzu gathered together.

"You mean, you now have the ability to expand the world of time and space. As long as you can completely master this ability, you can send me to the past and see Asami?" Dr. Nezu asked again.

Chu Bai and Adam nodded at the same time: "That's right."

"Research now requires manpower. Dr. Nezu, you used to hold an important research position, can you help?" Chu Bai asked.

The doctor let out a long sigh: "Of course I would like to meet Asami, but I have not been exposed to research in cutting-edge fields for more than 20 years. Besides, my previous research was in the energy field, so I am afraid I am powerless..."

"Doctor, after you have been around for so many years, you should have a few friends in related fields, right?" Chu Bai continued to ask expectantly.

The doctor still shook his head: "After Asami died, I closed myself off for twenty years and refused to see everyone. My friends have stopped contacting me for a long time."

Chu Bai: "That would be difficult."

Dr. Nezu helped Chu Bai open his eyes at this time: "Actually, you don't need to find researchers I know. In this era of booming science and technology, many outstanding young people have emerged. I believe there are many people who are willing to do such cutting-edge research topics. help you."

"Young man..." Chu Bai murmured.

When he thinks of young researchers, the first thing that comes to mind is digging wells.

The scientists on the victory team must be very capable. The only drawback is that they have to go on missions every day and may not have time to participate in research.

"Wait a minute, there is another person! He can even develop a light genetic factor converter. It shouldn't be too difficult to decipher the mysteries of the space-time world!"

(End of this chapter)

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