Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 183 182 The Beginning of the Nightmare

Chapter 183 182. The beginning of the nightmare

Time flies, less than half a month has passed.

These days, with the full cooperation of Adamu and Masaki Keigo, the instrument for controlling the space-time world has finally taken shape.

On the clean experimental table, there is a bitten apple.

Putting the Apple on the weird space-time interface, Masaki Keigo started the controller with great anticipation.


As the controller switch is pressed, the fluctuations in the space-time world change significantly!

It's like the originally calm sea suddenly became turbulent.

And under the waves of space-time energy, the half-bitten apple began to turn yellow and black quickly!

In less than ten seconds, the apples used for the experiment turned into shriveled, black, rotten apples.


After the test was completed, Masaki Keigo excitedly pumped his fist.

Chu Bai, who was watching the experiment next to him, also looked excited: "How was it done?"

"The energy released through this control device interferes with the magnetic field of the entire space-time world, so as to accelerate the flow of time in the space-time world." Masaki Keigo raised his hand and showed off the control device he made.

Chu Bai continued to ask expectantly: "Then why did you deliberately use a bitten apple? Can you turn back time and make the bitten apple intact again?"

Masaki Keigo shook his head: "No, it's just that I just wanted to eat."

Chu Bai: "..."

"Time backtracking can be done theoretically, but it takes more time to do than speeding up..." Masaki Keigo continued to say rigorously.

Chu Bai blinked his big eyes: "So now we can only speed up the flow of time, but cannot slow down or go back."

"Yes, in fact it is not easy to do this." The tired Adam took off his glasses, nodded, and gently rubbed his eye sockets twice with his dinosaur claws.

"Then how long will it take to make a time and space gate that can travel back and forth between the past and the future?" Chu Bai then asked.

"I can only say that I will try my best in my lifetime." Masaki Keigo spread his hands with a look of helplessness.

Then, he carefully asked: "This research should be considered a breakthrough, right? Can you let me..."

One's own strength is more addictive than power and money.

Keigo Masaki, who has experienced the body of a giant, is the best example.

After having that power, he recalled it every moment.

"No." Chu Bai shook his head and refused.

"This research will offset the unpleasantness of your attack on me last time, and I will gain strength again. I'll wait and see when you can research time backtracking." Chu Bai refused with reason.

Masaki Keigo couldn't say anything after hearing these words.

Although he can't experience the feeling of having power now, fortunately, Monster No. 1 has left a way for him.

"I understand."

Masaki Keigo nodded and turned around to continue his research, but his arm was suddenly pulled by Chu Bai.

"Wait a minute, this instrument can do two servings."

"You keep one for research, and give the other to me. I want to go out and experiment."

This request was very simple to fulfill, so Masaki Keigo accepted it neatly without much shirk.

Soon, Chu Bai was satisfied and returned to his new house in the mountains with the instrument that could speed up the flow of time.

Just after the No. 1 monster left, Masaki Keigo gently poked Adam who was resting with his hand: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask you a question."

"I help this monster, firstly, because I want to gain power from it, and secondly, because I like this research project." "Why are you working so hard? You can't do this just by liking it."

"I'll do it if you ask me to do it." Adam felt that his research partner's question was incomprehensible.


A new temple on the hill behind Hikoye Street.

Chu Bai appeared in the darkness.

When he walked out of the door, he found that he had not been back for only two days, and many flower pots appeared in the temple out of thin air.

And the flowers planted in the flower pots are all bright yellow flowers without exception.

"Huh? Monk Civet Cat, why do you put so many flowers in the temple? Didn't you think that flowers don't match your Buddha?"

At this time, the civet cat monk appeared at the door of the temple with a pot of flowers: "Sir, don't you think these flowers are beautiful, and the fragrance of the flowers is refreshing and refreshing! After smelling it, I can chant sutras more vigorously!"

Chu Bai changed the topic and asked, "Where's Yi Wu? It's already around this time. She should be off work, right?"

"It's off work, but Yi Wu's mental state is very strange these days." The civet cat monk raised his hand and pointed to the house where Yi Wu lived.

Upon hearing this, Chu Bai walked over and stretched out his tentacles out of curiosity, and knocked on the door twice.

"Yi Wu?"

"Yi Wu?"

After shouting twice in a row, no one responded at the door. Curious Chu Bai knocked on the door gently and pushed it open.

However, after seeing the scene in the room, Chu Bai was completely shocked.

At this moment, Yi Wu spread his hands, bent his legs, and turned around in a "fluttering" circle, while muttering: "I am a flying saucer, I am a flying saucer..."

"Well, let me tell you, my mental state is very strange." The civet cat monk came over and spread his hands.

"Is the mental state of dinosaur people so unstable?"

Chu Bai looked slightly confused.

At this moment, Yi Wu seemed to be somewhere between being awake and dreaming, and she was extremely high.

Chu Bai, who realized something was wrong, stretched out his tentacles, wrapped them around Yi Wu's body, and shook her several times, but to no avail.

"That's weird."

After discovering that there was something wrong with Yi Wu's mental state, Chu Bai's first thought was to take him to see Adam.

They are the last two dinosaurs in the universe. If something happens to Yiwu, only Adamu can solve it.

However, before Chu Bai could leave with Yi Wu, he discovered a dazzling color in the room!

"You put these flowers too?" Chu Bai asked the civet cat monk casually.

Hearing this, the civet monk looked at the strange flower and then shook his head: "No, maybe Yi Wu saw that the flower was beautiful and raised it herself."

"Now many people in the city are growing this flower, and it has become a trend."

Hearing this, Chu Bai seemed to have discovered something. He stretched out his tentacles, picked off the small flower, and held it in front of his eyes for a while.

Now, he finally knows what the problem is!

This flower is not an ordinary little yellow flower, it is Chigela, one of the culprits who destroyed super ancient civilizations!

In the original work, a group of super-ancient giants left after super-ancient humans became addicted to Chigera.

But for Chu Bai, it was the beginning of a nightmare!

Because what appeared right after Chigela was the ruler of darkness, the terrifying nightmare demon-Gatanjie!

Chu Bai's expression instantly became solemn: "Dagu will find a way to deal with Qijela's matter. Now I should concentrate on preparing to deal with Gatanjie..."

(End of this chapter)

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