Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 189 188 Monkey’s Revenge

Chapter 189 188. Monkey’s Revenge

In order to explore planets, the Space Development Zone once conducted an experiment to improve the physical fitness of astronauts called the 'Genius Project'.

The content of the experiment is very simple, it is the fusion of the cosmic cell Eblon and the individual.

Only later due to defects and side effects of Alblon cells, the trial was forced to stop.

Ryosuke Sanada of the Space Development Agency was once one of the leaders of the project.

And the giant monkey now appearing in the city is the experimental product of the fusion of Ebron cells and animals!

"It requires a lot of energy to maintain body functions. Don't let it consume electricity. It will be consumed by itself before long."

Kirino, lying on Chubai's body, used his ability to see into the future to reveal the monkey monster's weaknesses.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Chu Bai's expression was as usual.


With a flick of his paw, the tentacles stretched out towards the monkey monster.

I have been strengthened so many times, but a monkey can still handle it easily.

In the city, the monkey monster Metamor has a very clear purpose and continues to destroy the buildings in the city.

Amidst the sounds of collisions and explosions, it shouted in human language: "Smelly humans, stinky humans, all die!"

Eblon cells can amplify the hatred in the hearts of living things. The monkeys that were turned into this horrible shape by human experiments just want to absorb energy and kill all humans at the same time!

However, don’t wait until it continues what it’s doing!


Two tentacles came from behind, arched left and right, and held his two forelimbs respectively!

At the same time, a system prompt appeared in Chu Bai's heart.

[Meta Morga is being extracted, please keep the host in close contact for twenty seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

He started trying to communicate with the big monkey.


Metamorga felt the voice in his heart.


Such a strange feeling made this smart monkey panic.


"What's the noise?"

Fearing the unknown, Metamorga looked around.

Finally, he found the little red monster that appeared behind him out of nowhere!

Probably because he had just learned to speak human language and his language skills had not caught up, Metamorga's words were very brief: "You?"

Chu Bai nodded: "Yes, you, come with me."

"What?" Metamorga was confused.

Chu Bai said succinctly: "I'll help you live."

Animals fused with Ebron cells require high-purity energy to maintain life.

This causes monkeys to keep running for energy if they want to live.

If you take it under your command, you can make sure it has enough food and clothing.

In addition, if the monkey does not want to maintain the body of this giant beast, his two scientists can also study the separation of Eblon cells from its body.

‘Masaki Keigo must be very interested in something like this that can enhance physical fitness. ’ Chu Bai thought.

Opposite me, Monkey still looked confused: "Monster?"

Chu Bai: "Monsters help monsters."

The monkey repeated Chu Bai's words, and the hatred in his eyes seemed to subside: "Monsters help monsters..."

Unexpectedly, the monkey's head turned quickly, and it didn't take long to make a decision: "Okay, follow you."

When Chu Bai heard this, a hint of joy appeared on his face: "Leave now, otherwise the human plane will kill you."

When talking about humans, strong resentment appeared in the monkey's eyes again: "No, kill humans before leaving!"

"Go first, a human attack will hurt." Chu Bai tried to use words to dissuade the stubborn monkey.

However, the resentment in the monkey's heart towards humans cannot be easily eliminated with just a few words: "Kill humans!"

As it spoke, it began to exert force with its hands, trying to break free from Chu Bai's restraints. at the same time.

When the extraction time is up, the system prompt sound appears again.

[Extraction successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining Metamorga's ability - energy boost]

[Energy enhancement: Increase the maximum energy reserve in the host body]

Seeing that his extraction goal had been achieved, Chu Bai simply let go of his tentacles, and at the same time reminded the monkey with telepathy: "If you do this, I won't care about you."

Metamorga was puzzled: "You help me kill humans, and monsters help monsters."

Chu Bai shook his head: "Kill humans, get into trouble, and coexist."

"No!!" Monkey, who was originally calm, suddenly became irritable when he heard Chu Bai's words!

"Bang bang bang!" He kept beating the ground with his arms, causing a large earthquake.

At this time, Chu Bai's sensitive hearing captured the roar of the victory team's aircraft engine.

People from the victory team will arrive soon.

Then, he looked at the stubborn monkey with complicated eyes.

Encountering the victory team, this monkey has only one ending, death.

In the past, Chu Bai would have defeated the monsters worth collecting and taken them away.

If it is not worth collecting, either send it to the West or leave it alone.

Only the monkey in front of him, which was enhanced by Eblon cells, Chu Bai wanted to take under his command, but did not take action.

Creatures fused with Ebron cells are all brainless, and they will probably not bow down even if they are beaten to death.

"We can't save him." Tongye, who was lying on Chu Bai, suddenly reminded him at this moment.

At this time, the monkey discovered a person on the head of the red monster in front of him: "You and humans are in the same group!"

After saying that, the simple-minded monkey launched an attack on Chu Bai.

When Chu Bai saw this, he no longer bothered to fight with it. After dodging its attack, he jumped away and flew away.

high altitude.

Chu Bai could even hear the monkey cursing behind him.

Kirino, who was lying on top of him, asked curiously: "Do you want to help it?"

"I didn't expect you to have such a kind heart."

"But damn it."

Chu Bai: "No living thing is born to die."

"This monkey was originally just an ordinary monkey. Under the influence of humans, it turned into the monster in front of it. It faces the risk of death from lack of energy and cell depletion every day."

"Does it deserve to die now?"

Kirino was silent.

He thinks about things from a human perspective, and monsters that threaten humans deserve to die.

But he himself also knows that this extreme racial view is wrong.

"Why do you know this? Do you also have the ability to predict the future?" Kirino asked, changing the topic.

"No, I can see the monster's past." Chu Bai said pretending to be mysterious.


The other side of the city.

Dagu and Zhujing, who were driving Shengli Feiyan No. 1, arrived.

"On the way here, based on the relevant images sent back, I have already found out the identity of this monster." Dijing held an instrument with a huge display in his hand, his expression solemn.

"It's a monster created by human experimentation."

"Dago, when will humans learn to respect life? Human beings seem to be making the same mistakes all the time."

Hearing this, Dagu thought of Chigelahua two days ago and remained silent without answering.

(End of this chapter)

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