Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 19 19 The beacon is activated, Makina is coming!

Chapter 19 19. The beacon is activated, Makina is coming!

"It's a matter of human safety and shouldn't be so careless..."

Dagu wanted to continue to say something.

Chu Bai suddenly appeared behind him, and with a "pop!" strike from his hand, he was knocked unconscious!

"Too much nonsense." Chu Bai complained.

Next to her, Lina was a little panicked: "Monster No. [-], what do you want to do?"

"Actually, with Dagu's character full of sense of justice, it is easy to be persuaded..."

Before Lina could finish complaining, Chu Bai struck her shoulder with another knife from his hand.

"Hey~ Smack!"

Lina fell to the ground in response.

Next to him, Sha Ji was full of doubts: "You didn't need to hurt anyone."

Chu Bai replied to himself: "They talk too much, we just need a car."

Sha Ji nodded and replied: "...Okay."

Chu Bai: "???"

"Can you understand me? Did you just answer me?"

Sha Ji couldn't figure out why this little monster was so surprised: "Yes, this is not a normal thing."

Chu Bai: "..."

I ignored this!
Saki is an alien, and even communicating with the big monster Machina is not easy for him to communicate with.

Damn, I could have just given her directions directly with words!

But now I don't care about that much, the most important thing is to summon Machina as soon as possible.

"Can you drive?" Chu Bai asked.

The girl's expression seemed a little shy: "I know how to fly a spaceship. I've only seen other people fly human vehicles..."

Chu Bai asked a soul question: "So what have you been doing for the past 200 years?"

Sha Ji said matter-of-factly: "I'll wait for someone to take me home. I'll wait in various places. I'll look for the capsule beacon when I have time..."

Chu Bai: "..."

How did she live for 200 years after doing such a few things for 200 years?

"Then I'll drive." Chu Bai said helplessly.

But now the problem comes again.

I have short hands and feet, so I can’t shift gears if I hold on to the steering wheel, and I have to let go of the steering wheel when I shift gears...

Subsequently, Chu Bai made a decision after some discussions with Sha Ji. The two of them would cooperate in the driving process...

Chu Bai was responsible for controlling the steering wheel and brake accelerator, while Sha Ji was responsible for listening to Chu Bai's orders and changing the gear lever.

2 minute later.


With the roar of the lifelong engine, the Victory Team's Carlot, with the cooperation of Chu Bai and Sha Ji, set off on the road crookedly!

On the way, Sha Ji turned his head and looked at Chu Bai, who was curled up in the car: "Why do you want to help me?"

"Looking at you waiting in Tokyo Bay for so many years, you are so lonely." Chu Bai replied casually.

"Of course, the most important thing is that I want to see Makina."

"I'll probably hold Ma Qina's hand for about 15 seconds. I hope you can help me convince her." Chu Bai said seriously.

Sha Ji: "..."

How could a normal beast have such a brain circuit to accurately tell the time when it shook hands with Machina?

This little monster is so strange.

In this weird atmosphere, Chu Bai spoke again: "Can you help me check the reflector over there? I can't see it, not even my neck. It's really troublesome to drive."


TPC Far East Base.

Everyone in the Victory Team is discussing the appearance of Monster No. [-] in Tokyo Bay. "Monster No. [-] appeared inexplicably in Tokyo Bay and knocked Dagu and Lina unconscious. What did it want to do?" The well-digger team members put their hands on their hips.

He is really becoming more and more interested in Monster No. [-] with weird behavior.

"What's outrageous is that it also drove away in the Carrot with the girl in black. I can still picture it with its face on the steering wheel, hahahaha..." Xincheng thought of something funny and couldn't help but laugh. got up.

However, after realizing that the atmosphere in the commander's room was a little heavy, he immediately shut up: "Well, but the most important thing at the moment is the purpose of Monster No. [-]! Although it is a bit fun, it is unforgivable to attack humans rashly. !”

"The tracking and positioning showed that the Carrot finally stopped in the western suburbs of Tokyo." Team member Ye Rui told the information he found.

Hui Jian looked at Xincheng and Zujing: "You two fly the Victory Feiyan No. [-] over there to have a look. Don't underestimate the enemy just because of Monster No. [-]'s previous actions. Be careful!"


Western suburbs.

When Xincheng and Zhujing arrived by plane, the Carrot parked quietly on the side of the road, with no one in it.


at the same time.

In the mountains and forests of the northern suburbs, Chu Bai led Sha Ji to the capsule beacon.

"Why don't you just drive here and park so far away?" Even though Shaji's physical abilities were extraordinary, he was still a little out of breath after taking such a long detour.

Chu Bai spread his little palms and said, "We can't let those from the TPC discover our traces."

"After all, you are summoning a monster."

"You can see clearly the fear that humans have towards monsters without me having to say more."

Sha Ji nodded, acknowledging Chu Bai's approach.

Then, she looked at the metal capsule behind Chu Bai, with deep joy in her eyes.

Before she could sigh, Chu Bai urged: "Hurry up and open the capsule. Otherwise, when will Madge come?"

"I know, I know..." Sha Ji pouted.

In the past few hours of getting along, she and Chu Bai, a gossip, had become half-friends.

Although he didn't know what this little monster was planning, Saki could tell that its desire to bring Makina to Earth was even stronger than his own.

Soon after, Saki blew the small flute that had been hanging on his chest.


The metal capsule was activated, and the upper lid bounced up with a "click", and then shot a thick beam of light into the sky!

The dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire mountain forest!

After more than ten seconds, the light disappeared.

Chu Bai asked worriedly: "It only lit up for a while, are you sure Ma Qina can come here?"

Sha Ji was very confident: "Put your little heart in your belly, or Ma Qina will be here in less than half a day."

"Okay, let's find a place to hide first. The TPC side must have noticed the light just now." Chu Bai said alertly.


After a while.

In a huge underground cave near Tokyo.

The girl Saki looked puzzled: "I understand the truth, but why do we hide in the underground cave? We can't sense what's happening outside at all here. Even if Makina comes, we won't know."

"And the time I drilled the hole just now, it stained all my clothes."

Chu Bai pressed down with his two little paws: "Don't be excited. I won't bring others if they want to come. I will go out every half an hour to find out the news. I promise to let Ma Qina take you back as soon as possible. .”


It was extremely quiet in the dark cave. Sha Ji, who really couldn't understand the little monster's brain circuit, could only accept his fate.

"Hey, what's your name?" At a certain moment, a bored Sha Ji asked.

"You don't need to know my name. I'm just a kind-hearted monster passing by. Please remember it for me." Chu Bai replied in a B-like manner.

After saying that, he suddenly thought: Sha Ji is an alien and can be considered a special individual. Can he also extract it? ?

(End of this chapter)

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