Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 191 190 The weirdo who buys monsters

Chapter 191 190. The weirdo who buys monsters

Facts have proved that Dagu’s sixth sense was correct.

The man he was eyeing was wearing a tuxedo, carrying a black suitcase in one hand, a cane in the other, and a small round hat on his head. He walked in a twisting manner, looking like a penguin.

Not only that, he also had powder on his face that was whiter than that of a geisha, so he looked suspicious.

"Anagaki, Anagaki..."

The man with funny behavior was muttering as he walked forward, but probably because his search was fruitless, the man's voice became more and more lost...

"Yanagaki, where are you..."


Behind the mysterious man, Dagu frowned.


He murmured in confusion: "How could a normal person choose this name?"

Suddenly, a voice appeared in Dagu's heart: "Of course it's not normal, because this is not a human name at all."

Having had so many contacts with Monster No. 1, Dagu immediately recognized that this telepathy originated from Monster No. 1.

So, he began to search for traces of Monster No. 1...

"Monster No. 1, are you paying attention to this man too?"

Sure enough, soon, he saw the big thief eyes of Monster No. 1 under a raised manhole cover!

After tilting his head to lock the approximate location of the mysterious man, Dagu trotted to the manhole cover where Monster No. 1 was hiding: "Tell me, what are your plans."

The man in the bowler hat was already acting suspiciously, and now he is being paid attention to by Monster No. 1. It is definitely not easy.

"What plan can I have? I'm just an ordinary little monster." Chu Bai showed an innocent expression.

"That's right. As a member of the victory team, you can't rely on others for everything."

Dagu, who was educated by Monster No. 1 for no reason, looked unhappy.

If he hadn't had so many contacts with Monster No. 1, he wouldn't have asked the monster what it wanted to do, just raised his gun and shot it...

"Don't talk about what he has or doesn't have, do you also see that there is something wrong with that man? You know something, right?" Dagu got straight to the point.

Chu Bai showed a helpless expression: "You need to investigate the matter yourself."

Hearing this, Da Gu nodded thoughtfully: "Okay."

If you don’t say it, don’t say it.

Now that it's been determined that the man in the top hat is suspicious, just follow him and see what he does next.

It was during this time when Dagu and Chu Bai were chatting.

The man in the top hat seemed to have suddenly discovered something. His eyes lit up and he rushed towards the two children on the roadside: "Monster?!"

Thinking that the man in the top hat was going to hurt the child, Da Gu quickly reached out for his gun and followed carefully.

Just when he was about to draw his gun, he saw the body of the mysterious man in the top hat stopped in front of the two children, bent down and asked: "Kids, where did you buy the monster in your hands?"

"Monster?" The child who faced the monster looked confused.

"What we have on our hands are just toys."

Although he acted suspiciously and dressed strangely, the man in the top hat was very polite and patient when he spoke: "Yes, it's the toy in your hand."

"This is a monster toy produced by the previous company." The child's mother answered while pulling the little boy behind her and pointing forward.

"What's the name of the company?" The man in the top hat was very concerned about things related to monsters and continued to ask.

The boy's mother drew back her neck and looked at the man in the top hat with his big face in front of her. After leaving "Tsubaraya Company" behind, she hugged her child and left quickly.

In place, the man in the top hat expressed his confusion about the behavior of the boy's mother.

But fortunately, I already knew the information I wanted, so I started to look for the company mentioned by the boy's mother.

Behind him, Dagu's eyes became even more confused when he saw this scene.

"So, he just wants to buy monster toys. Am I too worried?"

Beside Dagu, Chu Bai disappeared under the manhole cover and said lightly: "Don't be fooled by the superficial appearance of things."

Unlike the confused Da Gu, Chu Bai, who is familiar with the original work, knows the true identity of the mysterious top hat man. The demon of the universe, Chalika.

What he wants to buy is naturally not some monster toy, but a real monster.

Now the reason why Chu Bai is not in a hurry to extract this cosmic man is because he wants him to continue searching.

According to the development of the original plot, he will successfully find Yanagaki and even lead to the first generation of Ultraman.

By then, I will have two more powerful extraction targets!


The entrance of Tsuburaya Company.

Chalika, who clamored to buy a real monster, was kicked out of the building by security guards.

"If you want monsters, you should go to TPC Victory Team. We only sell monster toys here." Facing the funny-dressed man in front of him, the security guard pointed out a clear path for him.

"Even if there are no monsters for sale, please at least let me meet director Eiji Tsuburaya." Chalika said sincerely.

When the security guard heard this, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes: "Director Eiji Tsuburaya passed away many years ago."

"That's right...then in which era can I find him?" Zha Lijia continued to ask with a serious expression.

The security guard was a little confused when he heard this question.

When a normal person hears that the person they are looking for has passed away, shouldn't they just apologize and leave.

"If you really want to find it, go to 1965. At that time, the old man's body was still strong." The security guard replied after thinking for a while.

"okay, thank you."

After thanking him seriously, Zalika took his crutches and box and left again.

Behind him, the security guard looked at the weirdo's back and muttered in a low voice: "We can encounter all kinds of strange things these days."


Outside Tsuburaya Company, Dagu, who had been following Charika secretly, asked towards the ground.

"Why did he insist on meeting Director Eiji Tsuburaya?"

Although Monster No. 1 is not within his sight now, he believes that with the ability of Monster No. 1, he will be able to hear his words through the land.

Facts have proved that Dagu's guess was right, and Monster No. 1 really answered him.

"There may be some things that only Mr. Eiji Tsuburaya knows."

"Keep up."


A remote corner.

Dagu arrived and kept staring at the man in the top hat who behaved strangely, watching him open the box and reveal the strange instruments in the box.

Then I watched him make precise adjustments to the instrument, and then pressed a certain button.


Following the mysterious man's movements, the space suddenly became distorted.

Immediately afterwards, a swirling blue energy appeared and enveloped the mysterious man's body!

"Whoosh!" The man in the top hat disappeared!

Dagu who saw this scene: ⊙▽⊙

"Disappeared suddenly?"

"What is that instrument, a space shuttle?"

At this moment, Chu Bai emerged from the flower bed next to him: "You will know if you go over and investigate."

Dagu abides by the rules of the Victory Team: "No, I have to notify the headquarters of this matter first."

Chu Bai stepped forward to where Chalika was just now: "Then I'll leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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