Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 193 192 Tiga: Where can I support you?

Chapter 193 192. Tiga: Where can I support you?

Tetsuo Kaneshiro looked at the red gem in the hand of Mr. Eiji Tsuburaya and repeated what the old man just said: "Ultra Star? What is it?"

"This is proof of my friendship with aliens." There was a trace of reminiscence in the old man's eyes and a smile on his lips.

"It was one night when I was walking alone by Longsen Lake. Suddenly, two groups of lights fell from the sky."

"Jincheng, can you imagine how I felt at that time? It was like a dream."

The old man said, raising his hand and patting Jincheng's shoulder.

"After one halo entered the water, another light group appeared on the shore, slowly revealing a human shape... It was an alien."

"A majestic alien with a silver-red body and jewels inlaid on his chest."

"He said that he chased the monster to the earth and finally sealed the monster at the bottom of Longsen Lake."

"And in order to commemorate the friendship between the two races, he gave me this Ultra Heart."

"Jincheng, what do you think of this story?" After speaking, the old man looked at Jincheng with a smile.

Jincheng frowned, thoughtfully: "It's a good story, but it's difficult for the dormitory leader. You even prepared props to tell me this story."

"This is not just a prop." After saying that, Eiji Tsuburaya handed the gem to Jincheng: "Take a look."

Just as the two were studying the Ultra Star, a face appeared on the wall at an unknown moment and slowly receded.

Soon, the big face disappeared and the wall became flat again.

Outside Tsuburaya Productions.

Chalika, who was carrying a suitcase, jumped up and down towards Longsen Lake: "Yanagaki is at Longsen Lake~Yanagaki is at Longsen Lake~"

"Great! Finally found it!"


It's evening.

The setting sun painted the ripples of the lake with a layer of golden paint.

Dagu, who was lying next to the grove, carefully poked the little monster next to him: "Are you sure our plan can really succeed?"

"No one has come after waiting for so long..."

"Why are you so anxious? It will be soon." Chu Bai glanced at the darkening sky and said calmly.

at this time.


The sound of leather shoes rubbing against the ground appeared, and Chaliga, dressed funny, appeared beside Longsen Lake.

"You guessed it right..." At this time, Dagu's expression became excited. Unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, Chu Bai covered his mouth with his paw.


After making a silent gesture to Da Gu, Chu Bai motioned for him to pay attention to Chalika.


Chalika placed his box gently on the ground and raised his cane-like umbrella!

Then, he held the umbrella handle with one hand and covered the umbrella with the other, slowly wiping it with a solemn expression...


Following Chalika's movements, a burst of dreamlike golden light appeared.

In the light, Zhalijia's whole body mutated and turned into a demon covered with irregular patterns!

Then, the devil pointed at Longsen Lake: "Resurrection! The most ferocious monster! Yanagaki!"

Follow his body movements.


A blue ball of light emerged from under the surface of Longsen Lake!

The light in the ball of light extended and soon turned into a huge monster fifty or sixty meters tall!

"Is this the monster you just saw in the water?" Dagu asked in a low voice.

Chu Bai: "Yes."

"It looks ordinary. It's not much different from other monsters. The title of 'the most vicious' is a bit too bluffing," Dagu commented.

Chu Bai smiled and said nothing when he heard this.

Whether this monster is powerful or not, you will know after you fight it.

Chu Bai arranged the work: "You go and stop the monster, and I will deal with the alien."

Dagu agreed on the spot and took out the divine light stick in front of Chu Bai. A burst of light "Wow!" appeared, and Diga transformed and appeared!


After seeing the Giant of Light appearing next to Longsen Lake, Chalika, who had become a demon, no longer had the humble and friendly attitude before, and his expression was extremely arrogant: "Destroy it!"

"Yanagaki! Let Ultraman see your strength! Destroy to your heart's content... huh?"

Before Chalika could say anything, a tentacle suddenly appeared at the bottom of his foot and firmly wrapped around his ankle!

"What's this?!"

Chalika's expression became panicked.

At the same time, an electronic prompt sounded in Chu Bai's mind!

[The cosmic demon Charika is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for twenty seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

As soon as the prompt ended, Chu Bai felt the fierce struggle of Chalika at the other end of the tentacle.

"What are you doing? Let me go quickly!"

At this time, Zailijia was holding a cane weapon and kept attacking the tentacles wrapped around his body: "Let go! Let go! Let go!"

"How dare you sneak attack me! Despicable!!"

It's a pity that Chu Bai's tentacles, which have been strengthened several times, can't be easily destroyed by him.

Soon, twenty seconds passed.

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining Chalika’s ability - time and space control]

[Control of time and space: Chalika's research on time and space has increased your understanding of time and space and improved the host's control over the ability of the 'space and time realm'. 】

After the extraction was completed, Chu Bai quickly let go of his hand.


Chalika, who regained his freedom, quickly distanced himself from the ground and flew high into the sky!

the other side.

Ultraman Tiga is in a tough fight.

Dagu admitted that he had underestimated the enemy before.

A beast cannot be judged by its appearance.

Although Yanagaji doesn't look that ferocious in appearance, his combat power is actually very strong. His claws almost hit him so hard that he couldn't walk...


After coming into contact with Yanagaki's slap again, Ultraman Tiga began to look for the No. 1 monster in the field.

He knew that as an Ultra Warrior, he shouldn't always place his hopes on monsters.

But if you think about it carefully, making full use of the combat power you can mobilize can be considered a type of tactic.

Unfortunately, Diga was disappointed.

After letting go of Chalika, Chubai hid.

By the Longsen Lake, Diga was isolated and helpless.


Tsuburaya Productions.

Everyone in the company noticed the huge movement coming from Longsen Lake in the distance.

Although they were far apart, everyone could see the two huge creatures appearing beside Longsen Lake.

"Is that a monster?" A certain filming staff member's pupils dilated and he began to doubt his life.

As a staff member on the monster special photo studio, he always thought that giant monsters were creatures that only existed in fantasy...

"Yes." President Eiji Tsuburaya walked out of the room.

Then, he looked at the giant who was fighting the monster in the distance: "That giant is Ultraman."

Screenwriter Tetsuo Kaneshiro appeared behind the president: "Ultraman?"

The old man explained: "They are the aliens mentioned in the story I told you."

Jincheng: "Is that him? It's a little different from what you described."

Eiji Madoko: "No, it's not the same one."

(End of this chapter)

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