Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 200 199 Luluye Ruins, the battle begins!

Chapter 200 199. Luluye ruins, the battle begins!

Facing the director's scolding, Chief Yoshioka remained stubborn: "What are you talking about? I watched the TPC base being built brick by brick!"

The director continued: "Then what is the difference between doing this now and dying? After winning this battle, the base can be rebuilt, but can you be resurrected?"

At this time.


After the weird sound, the entire TPC base fell into darkness.

In the darkness, the Yerui team members with sweaty foreheads turned on the emergency power supply, and then explained to everyone: "The invasion of black mist caused a power outage in the base."

Under the red warning light, Chief Yoshioka's expression was surprisingly ugly: "Sawai, do you think we can still win this time?"

Sawai: "Stop talking nonsense, everyone board the Atdis immediately!"

"Humanity will never perish like this!"

At this time, the Yerui team member who used the emergency power supply to support the operation of the base's main computer suddenly shouted: "A giant beast appears on the Pacific Ocean!"

Even before the Ye Rui team members uploaded the monster video to the big screen, everyone in the command room heard the roar of the giant beast coming from the computer.

"hold head high--!!"

This sound is very similar to the roar of an elephant, but the sound is longer, the breath is fuller, and it has a strong sense of oppression!

Soon, footage shot by the coast patrol appeared on the big screen.

After seeing the strange-looking monster in the picture, Captain Hui Hui murmured: "This is...the ruler of darkness."

"This title is really quite impressive." Zongfang said immediately.

"It looks like a huge conch..." Chief Yoshioka frowned.

After some analysis, Yerui team members concluded: "This guy seems to be the source of the black mist."

Chief Yoshioka: "It's the initiator of everything. Very good. I'll end it later!"

Director: "Let's board the ship first."

Megumi said worriedly at this time: "Xincheng and the others are near the ruins now, and Dagu and Lina are on their way back to Tokyo..."

Zongfang comforted: "Don't worry, everyone will be fine."


Over the city of Tokyo.

In less than an hour, the entire Tokyo was completely enveloped by the black mist of the evil god Gatanjie.

In the sky, Chu Bai finally found the Dagu he had longed for with the help of Tong Ye.

Inside Victory Feiyan No. 1, Dagu, who saw Monster No. 1, seemed to have seen a savior, and his tense expression relaxed for a moment.

However, before he could say anything, Chu Bai held Shengli Feiyan No. 1 and rushed towards the back hill of Yanye Street.


Behind Yanye Street, underground.

The cave that stores the genetic factor converter of light and the evil Tiga stone statue.

Chu Bai took Dagu Lina and met Masaki Keigo who was waiting here.

Masaki Keigo's expression today was extremely solemn, and he no longer had the arrogant attitude of having everything under control: "The latest news is that the evil god who dominates the earth has appeared."

Then, Masaki Keigo looked at Chu Bai: "You said at that time that you would let me gain the power of light in exchange for my help. Is that just for this?"

Chu Bai nodded and said very frankly: "Yes, I have known it for a long time. The evil god who destroyed mankind 30 million years ago will be resurrected again."

"Now, you should have your own answer, right?" Chu Bai looked at Masaki Keigo and asked.

Previously, Masaki Keigo once said boldly that he would not play the savior game.

Chu Bai wanted to know if his answer had changed now.

Hearing this question, Masaki Keigo smiled bitterly: "Since you have already calculated everything today, you should also have calculated that my attitude will change."

"However, I have to emphasize one thing. I don't like to play the savior game. I just don't want the earth that gave birth to me and raised me to be destroyed in the hands of that nautilus."

"What Nautilus?" Lina looked confused.

"The evil god Gatanjie is also Dagu and our next enemy." Chu Bai replied.

Then, he looked at Dagu and stretched out his hand: "Sacred Light Stick." Without any hesitation, Dagu took out the divine light stick and handed it to Masaki Keigo.

Half a minute later, Masaki Keigo put the divine light rod on the genetic factor converter, and then stood up again.

As the switch was pressed, Masaki Keigo's body turned into a ball of light and entered the evil Tiga's chest!

Immediately afterwards, after exchanging glances with the little monsters and Dagu in the cave, the evil Tiga flew out of the cave with a "qia".

Target, Gatanjeou in the New Zealand waters of the South Pacific!

After the evil Tiga set off first, Chu Bai took off the divine light stick and handed it to Dagu beside him.

"To the two of us."

Taking the divine light stick, Dagu hugged Lina next to him and transformed with firm eyes!

After the strong light, Diga appeared!

After the two Ultra warriors set off, Chu Bai turned his body into a huge body and followed closely behind Fei Yuan.

"We must win."

Lina looked at the direction where the giants disappeared and prayed.

In the corner of the cave, another voice appeared at this moment: "We will win."

Lina turned around and looked at the two strangers in front of her with confusion: "Who are you two?"

The dinosaur man introduced himself: "Adam."


Then, Adam said hello: "You must be Team Lina, I know you."

"Come on, help me, let's take the genetic factor converter of light and go together."

Lina was puzzled: "Where to go?"

Yi Wu: "Of course they are soldiers who support frontline operations. Your Excellency said, this is to prepare for the worst in advance."


South Pacific.

New Zealand waters.

The ruins of Luluye slowly emerge from the sea level.

The evil god Gatanje turned into a world of darkness and howled continuously.

in sea water.

The well-digging team members piloting the Dolphin and the New Town team members complained that they were unlucky.

"When we came here, no one said there was such a big monster in the ruins." The well-digging team members complained as they turned the Dolphin around.

"That's right, how can we continue the investigation... I'll tell the headquarters." Xincheng team members were debugging on the console.

Two minutes later, sweat appeared on his forehead: "No, the communication system is faulty and the headquarters cannot be contacted."

"We don't have enough energy and oxygen. We have to surface quickly."

Xincheng urged: "Then hurry up."

Dijing: "Are you crazy? If you float here, you will definitely be targeted by monsters. I don't want to be crushed to death by the tentacles of this conch."

The words just fell!


In the dim sea water, a tentacle suddenly emerged!


The tentacles stirred up the sea water and brought up undercurrents in the deep sea. The undercurrents swept the Dolphin and crashed into the seabed rocks on the side!

With a sound of "Clang!", the flanks of the Haicheng were directly scrapped.

The well digging team members gasped: "It's over. The propeller failed and we can't float. We have to explain it here today."

Xincheng: "You said before that you can't say depressing words."

Dijing is now too tired to argue with Xincheng: "What I said will most likely turn out to be true."

Xincheng suddenly raised his hand and pointed out the observation window: "Hey, look at what's so bright on the sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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