Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 22 22 Reflective Shell

Chapter 22 22. Reflective Shell

The morning light of dawn shines on the earth.

In the eyes of everyone who were either puzzled or surprised, the huge Chu Bai held Sha Ji in both hands and walked towards Machina step by step.

Also at this time.

"Wow wow wow!"

Macchi's eggshell-like outer armor opened, revealing the weird creature inside.

Seeing this scene, Chu Bai couldn't help but feel a little longing.

It would be great if I could copy Machina's eggshell armor. It would be a part of the body when not in use, and it could wrap the body to resist attacks at critical moments.


After waking up, Machina saw the monster in front of her at the first sight and let out a warning cry.

Immediately afterwards, it noticed Sha Ji in Chu Bai's hand, its expression instantly became gentle, and its eyes were indescribably kind.

At this time, in the palm of Chu Bai's hand, Sha Ji was already crying.

After 200 years of waiting, she finally succeeded in waiting for the monster to take her home!

"Makina, why did you come here?" the girl sobbed.

Hearing the girl's blaming words, Ma Qi's eyes showed grievance.

You haven't heard anything in the past 200 years. Where can I find you?

However, the smart Machina did not show it.

After probably crying for dozens of seconds, Chu Bai, who had been carrying the automatic mine attack, couldn't stand it anymore: "Hey, hey, it's time for you to calm down, it's time to get down to business!"

With that said, Chu Bai held out his two little paws and carefully handed Sha Ji into Machina's hand.

Ma Qi understood it instantly, reached out to catch it, and at the same time cast a grateful look at Chu Bai.

Although I don’t know the identity of this strange-looking red monster, it helped me find Shaji and is a good beast.

Unexpectedly, just when Makina, who was holding Saki, was about to retract her claws, she found that the red monster was grabbing her claws!

Makina let out a confused cry.

What does this monster want to do?Covet your own beauty?

Chu Bai, who was being continuously attacked by automatic landmines on the butt at this time, seemed a little impatient: "This is what Sha Ji and I agreed on in advance. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just want to hold your hand for a while."

At the same time, Sha Ji wiped the tears on his face with his sleeve and nodded to Ma Qina: "Yes, you were able to find me, thanks to this passing little monster!"

After hearing Shaji's assurance, Machina was relieved.

At the same time, the system's electronic prompt sounded again in Chu Bai's mind.

[Macina is being extracted. Please keep close contact with the host for 15 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

Next to them, everyone in the TPC saw the two monsters holding hands, and they all looked puzzled.

"Have these two monsters known each other before?" Xincheng held up the Victory Hypa Gun and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Maybe." Captain Hui Jianjian in the command room also saw what happened at the scene through the PDI communicator and ordered: "Let the automatic mines stop attacking first."

"Is this appropriate?" Zong Fang, the deputy captain among the commanders, expressed a tangled expression.

"Perhaps Monster No. [-] really just wants to send that girl home." Hui Jian expressed her thoughts.

"In any case, the beacon has been activated, and we cannot change the existing facts."

"Speaking of Monster No. [-], although its actions in the past two days have been a bit out of control, it has not harmed any ordinary people, right?"

"Monster No. [-] has helped us so many times, it's time we believe in it."

Zuojing, who was located in the open space, nodded after hearing the captain's order: "I understand."

The next moment, the automatic landmine that kept attacking Chu Bai's back finally stopped.When the laser light dissipated, everyone looked at Monster No. [-]'s butt and thighs, only to find that it had no serious injuries.

“Although this little monster looks unattractive and a bit ugly, its defensive power is quite good.” Tujing sighed: “You must know that the single-shot attack of the automatic landmine is almost the same as that of the Victory Hypa Gun.”

"It would be better if he is not our enemy." Xincheng said as he closed his gun.

At this time, 15 seconds are up!
[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Machina ability - Reflective Shell! 】

[Reflective Shell: Your back armor is strengthened and can even reflect weak light attacks]

After hearing another body strengthening skill, Chu Bai nodded with satisfaction.

At least it's much better than musical talent.

However, my current skill points are a little too focused on defense.

Adding reflective shell to cell regeneration, and adding special skin, this is going further and further on the path of becoming flesh-tanned.

Add a roll and it becomes a dragon turtle.

After the skill extraction was completed, Chu Bai let go of Makina's claws.

When Sha Ji saw this, he understood that this little monster had done what it wanted to do.

"In this case, let's leave first." Sha Ji looked at Chu Bai, staring into the clear eyes of the little monster.

"Goodbye." Chu Bai waved his little paw as a farewell.

After that, before everyone in TPC could react, he plunged directly into the ground and disappeared by moving in the ground!
When Sha Ji saw this, he smiled knowingly.

Then, as if something suddenly occurred to her, she raised her hand and asked, "Are you really not going to tell me your name?"

Chu Bai didn't hear Sha Ji's words, because in just a short moment, he had already advanced hundreds of meters underground!
Seeing the little monster leaving without any nostalgia, Sha Ji's eyes dimmed for a moment: "Okay."

Then, she looked back at Makina behind her.


Machina understood the meaning and slowly curled up her body, preparing to return to its previous dome shape.

Just when the "eggshell" was about to completely close, Dagu on the grass heard the voice of the girl Sha Ji.

"Dago, thank you for helping me. You weren't fainted at all, right?"

"I will always remember you."

"Also, come on."

"What?" Dagu scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

"The smile is so weird, it's like a girl Huaichun." Xincheng noticed Dagu's expression and commented.

"I don't have any." Da Gu quibbled.

at this time.

"Hoo hoo—!"

The dome not far away from them slowly floated into the sky.

"Whoosh!" With a click, the dome that Machina turned into swept away from the earth at a speed close to that of a human space rocket!

It didn't take long for everyone on the grass to receive the message from the Yerui team members in the command room through the PDI communicator: "According to monitoring, the huge egg has left the earth's atmosphere."

"It's over like this. I feel like we can do nothing about this incident." Xincheng suddenly laughed.

"Maybe we caused trouble for the alien girl who wanted to go home." Dijing put away the equipment and smiled to himself.

"We were not wrong, we just did what the TPC Victory Team should do." Dagu sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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