Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 27 27 Chu Bai: Today is the great hero who saves the children!

Chapter 27 27. Chu Bai: Today is the great hero who saves the children!
"Monster No. [-]? How does this matter have anything to do with it?" Captain Hui Jian was puzzled.

Dagu, who spoke later, recounted what he and his party saw and heard in the KM209 area.

"Anyway, when that weird pumpkin head appeared, Monster No. [-] was indeed staying with the children..."

"Listening to what you said, the strange behavior of Monster No. [-] tonight does not make sense." Hui Jian looked thoughtful.

"That's not true!" In order to defend her teammates, Lina retorted directly.

"Obviously Monster No. [-] is the one most likely to have saved the children!"

"Oh? Team Lina, tell me what you think?" After hearing Lina's unusual remarks, the captain asked doubtfully.

The other team members also cast puzzled looks at Lina.

In order to help Monster No. [-] clear away the suspicion, Lina revealed her previous agreement with Monster No. [-].

2 minute later.

"What?! You actually protected the monster?" Dagu had the biggest reaction after listening to Lina's story.

He had previously wondered why Lina would praise him abnormally.

Unexpectedly, he was covering for the monster.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Dagu Zhen looks so jealous of evil. If the big monster is discovered by you first, there won't be a series of subsequent actions." Lina spread her hands.

"Even if this is the case, it can't remove the suspicion of Monster No. [-], let alone prove that it is the hero who rescued those children." The well-digging team member thought about it and said, "There is not enough evidence."

"Isn't my witness enough?" Lina was speechless.

Hui Jian replied: "Almost, after all, you only have a verbal agreement with it. No, at hand...other than that, there is no third person who can testify to this matter."

"Then at least I can prove that Monster No. [-] is not the murderer, right?" Lina argued for Monster No. [-].

"Tonight, has any one of us at TPC seen the real murderer or fought with the real murderer?"


"And the real culprit who captured the children obviously would not let them go without any reason."

"So, someone outside the victory team must have saved the children! And there is a high probability that it is Monster No. [-]!"

"Could it be Ultraman Tiga?" said the Yerui team member who had not interrupted.

Dagu denied it on the spot: "There is no such possibility!"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted doubtful looks from the team members.

Dagu could only bite the bullet and explain: "Ah... I mean Ultraman Tiga is so big and has transformed, we will definitely be able to find it, right?"

Next to her, Lina continued her analysis: "If you want to prove whether Monster No. [-] is the real culprit who captured the children, it's actually very simple. The disappearance case is not just this year."

"Wouldn't it be nice to investigate the surveillance of the areas where disappearances occurred in previous years and see if Monster No. [-] has appeared?"

Afterwards, Ye Rui investigated and shook his head: "The earliest observation record of Monster No. [-] is the one we encountered in the mountains."

Lina spread her hands: "Well, the answer is obvious."


At the same time, in a power plant in Tokyo.

Chu Bai raised his energy-absorbing claw and was absorbing electric energy.

"I didn't expect that after defeating Jilanbo, the different space would automatically disappear and send me back."

"This is a battle that I shouldn't have fought... I have saved so many children, and this time I have done something for humanity. Sucking a little electricity from them can be considered a small reward."

"Speaking of which, the clone skill really consumes energy. If Jilanbo hadn't been immobilized at that moment, I would have had to faint myself without being knocked unconscious by him."

"Also, Ultraman Tiga has been around for so long, so it's Gadi's turn to make progress now, right?"

"Well, I'll go to various amusement parks in two days!"


Two days later.

TPC Far East Base, Delta Space Station suddenly sent an emergency communication.Director Sawai heard the news and hurried into the command room.

Ye Rui reported nervously: "One minute ago, a mysterious alien spacecraft appeared within the monitoring range of the Delta Space Station."

"Currently, the spacecraft is still approaching the Delta Space Station!"

At this time, the big screen in the command room appeared.

It is the main control room of the Delta Space Station.

At this moment, Makoto Nanase, the commander of the Delta Space Station, was giving a serious verbal warning to the unknown spacecraft: "Don't come any closer, or we will attack!"

"Don't get close!"

"Attack. Fire the Baqir cannon and blow up the opponent's spacecraft." Director Sawai looked at the alien spacecraft getting closer and closer to the Delta Space Station in the detector and ordered calmly.

"But..." Station Commander Nanase hesitated.

"Attack." Director Sawai repeated it again.

"Give them a little more time, maybe their spacecraft has malfunctioned..." Station Commander Nanase expressed a tangled expression.

"Attack, do you think you are the only one on Delta Universe Station?!" There was a hint of anger in Director Sawai's voice, and his words were full of no doubt.

After hearing these words, Station Commander Nanase finally pressed the launch switch.



As the strongest beam cannon from the Delta Space Station was fired, the unknown spacecraft was instantly blown to pieces!
At this moment, everyone in the Victory Team in the Far East Base Command Room had different expressions.

There is intolerance, there is relaxation, there is sympathy...

Just after the crisis at Delta Space Station was resolved, Chief Sawai looked at Station Commander Nanase on the screen: "If the Bakir cannon is launched ten seconds later, the fluctuations caused by the explosion may spread to the entire Delta Space Station."

"As the director of a space station, you should know that the lives of the 270 eight personnel on the Delta Space Station are more important than anything else!"

"Stationmaster Nanase, you may be too tired. Go back to Earth to take a rest and report to the headquarters as soon as possible."

Soon, Director Sawai left.

Only members of the Victory Team were left in the commander's room.

Seeing the mechanical door close, Dagu let out a sigh of relief: "This is the first time I have seen Director Sawai so angry."

At this moment, the careful intermediary Hui turned his attention to Lina and enlightened: "Stationmaster Nanase..."

"I don't know that person." Lina's hair exploded when she heard the name, and she turned around and left angrily.

"What's going on?" Dagu came over curiously and asked.

Captain Keimai answered truthfully after struggling for a while: "Anyway, Station Commander Nanase will return soon, and this matter is not a secret... In fact, Station Commander Nanase is Lina's father."

"Stationmaster Nanase has been busy with work all year round and neglected his family, so Lina's mother divorced him early."

"You have also seen that Lina resists everything related to Station Master Nanase."

"As her good friend, Dagu, you can enlighten her when you have time." After saying that, the captain patted Dagu's back seriously.

Dagu nodded: "Okay, I understand."


the other side.

In the dark night, on the Ferris wheel in a certain amusement park, little Pigmon was having fun.

“It’s so cool when no one is watching at night!”

"Wait, what is that?!"


PS: In the new book issue, it is extremely important to follow up, so everyone who likes this book is asked to take some time to read it every day and see the latest chapters. The author would like to thank you all here! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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