Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 41 41 Kind words create good relationships, and bad words hurt the hearts of animals.

Chapter 41 41. Kind words create good relationships, and bad words hurt the hearts of animals.


After Chu Bai finished doing this, he had reached the limit of holding his breath, and his eyes almost bulged out from the pressure.

So, he quickly wrapped his tentacles around Reylos and began to move above the sea.

In seconds!

Two huge figures rushed out of the sea, causing a lot of waves on the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the Chubai tentacles that flew into the air retracted and directly pulled Reylos, who was rolled into a rice dumpling, in front of him.

Then, in order to prevent Reylos from falling from the air, he used his hands and feet to hug Reylos from behind.

At this time, the system prompt sound appears.

[Reilos is being extracted, please keep the host in close contact for 15 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

the other side.

Just after Chu Bai took Reylos out of the sea level, TPC's reconnaissance plane captured his figure.


TPC Far East Base Headquarters.

Hui Jianjian looked at the video sent back by the surveillance equipment on Reylos and felt extremely confused: "Hey, is this one holding the monster the No. [-] monster?"

"It, it can actually hold the monster and hover in the air. This is too unscientific." The well-digger said with a frown.

"What's so unscientific? Ultraman Tiga can take off in one go. He doesn't have wings either." The Xincheng team member next to him retorted.

"What I care about is, why did Monster No. [-] appear again? It's okay that the monsters appeared on land several times before. Why did the monster appear in the sea this time and it also joined in?"

Vice-captain Munakata rubbed his chin.

"And this posture, it's just..."

The Yerui team member covered his eyes and said that his eyes felt a little burning.

Sure enough, Monster No. [-] still prefers to come from behind...

"Ahem, no matter what, Monster No. [-] helped us control this mutated big fish codenamed Reylos, didn't it?" Captain Hui Jian suddenly said.

After that, she calmly gave the order: "Xincheng, you fly the Victory Feiyan No. [-], Zongfang and Zujing, you two pilot the Victory Feiyan No. [-], go over and support the No. [-] monster!"

Soon, the plane driven by everyone in the victory team set off.


in the city.

Because many people from all walks of life in Neon are paying attention to this fish monster that mutated due to nuclear pollution.

Therefore, the movements of the fish monster have been broadcast live in real time.

Correspondingly, the scene of Chu Bai subduing Reylos was also seen by audiences from all over Neon!

"Wait a minute, even though it's gotten bigger, this monster looks so familiar...ah! I remembered it. It seemed like it stole money from my store last time and rode on a rocking car." A certain store owner angrily said Unfair.

"The pattern is opened. Now this monster has helped us prevent the fish monster from landing. Rounding it off, it means that your store owner also participated in this operation!"

"If you say that, then I will let him sit on the rocking car for free from now on!"

"I used to think this monster was ugly, but now it's actually helping humans. The more I look at it, the cuter it becomes!"

"Look at the muscles on Monster's body! I've been training for eight years, but my biceps are not as big as his!"

"Wait, am I the only one curious about what this monster is doing?"

"Preliminary speculation is that it should be a mating behavior..." A certain sultry man pushed up his glasses, and a strange blush appeared on his face.

"Ah, so it didn't help us stop the monster?"

"Wait, why are you blushing? Are you excited about the monster's mating behavior?"

"Well, don't you think this is a historic moment? This is the first time a monster has shown mating behavior in front of people! And it's two monsters of different races!"



Chu Bai, who was holding Reylos, had no idea what ordinary people would say about this matter.If he could hear it, he would definitely risk being broken free by Reylos and extract it in the sea.

The beast has a face!
Soon, the extraction work came to an end.

Nowadays, Chu Bai has great strength, and the monster trapped by him cannot break away at all, so the 15 seconds of extraction passed quickly.

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining Reylos' ability - water action! 】

[The ability to breathe underwater also increases the speed of underwater movement! 】

As the system prompt ended, Chu Bai could clearly feel that his body had mutated.

Immediately, with a "Wow!", he let go of Reylos, who had been controlled by the tentacles.

After confirming the mutation on his body, Chu Bai entered the water with a graceful 'dong' sound.

Almost at the same time that his body touched the water, his paws and claws became wider, and organs like fish gills grew out of his gills.

At the same time, interconnected webs appeared on each individual finger.

In order to better maintain balance in the water, fin-like organs grew on his back.

However, these physical changes will only appear when he uses the ability of 'water action', and they are not usually seen.


Chu Bai couldn't help but admired.

It was also at this time that he discovered that he could open his mouth and speak in the water!
After that, Chu Bai used his hands and feet to swing his body and move quickly in the water.

"Whoa!" He jumped out hundreds of meters in one click!

"The movement speed in this water is much faster than the movement speed in the ground." Chu Bai said with satisfaction.

Suddenly, he felt a very resentful look from the depths of the ocean!
Chu Bai lowered his head.

Affected by [Aquatic Action], his underwater vision also improved.

At this moment, he looked through the dim seawater to Reylos, who was falling to the bottom of the sea because half of his body was petrified and his body was unable to balance.

"Don't worry, the petrification will be lifted after a while." Chu Bai swam to Reylos' side and comforted him.

Reylos glared at him while opening his mouth and firing high-pressure water.

"call out!!"

A stream of water faster than a bullet passed by Chu Bai's face.

If Chu Bai hadn't escaped quickly enough, his appearance would have been ruined.

"Hey, don't get excited. In a sense, I even saved you." Chu Bai tried to communicate calmly with the mutant.

"Think about it, if you approach a human city according to your original route of action, what will humans do to you?"

"Let's not talk about human beings. When Ultraman Tiga, the horn-broken devil, appears, he will definitely shoot you into eight pieces with a laser!"

"And I! The kind-hearted cosmic bully, I stopped you from committing suicide. Do you think this is a favor to you?"

"Don't believe it? Believe it or not, your life or death has nothing to do with me."

"Kind words create good relationships, but bad words hurt the hearts of animals. Do you understand?"

Seeing that Reylos was still hostile to him, Chu Bai didn't bother to argue with this mutant anymore, so he wiggled his butt and swam away.

As for whether Reylos can survive, it depends on its own destiny.


on sea level.

Shengli Feiyan [-] and Shengli Feiyan [-] arrived.

"Hey, isn't it around here? Where is the monster?" Xincheng team members asked doubtfully.

"It seems we are a step too late." Vice Captain Zongfang sighed.

"Did Monster No. [-] help us eliminate that strange fish?" the well-digger asked expectantly.

"Have a sweet dream, why don't you get another TPC work license for Monster No. [-]?" Xincheng curled his lips, feeling that digging a well was a bit too whimsical!

(End of this chapter)

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