Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 46 46 I have a monster friend

Chapter 46 46. I have a monster friend
After successfully extracting Zuojia, Chu Bai used his tentacles to explore the Luluye ruins for a while.

As a super ancient pioneer monster, there is more than one Zoga.

Even in the subsequent final victory plot, Zoga swept across the earth overwhelmingly, like locusts passing through.

If I could extract all those Zoga, I would be able to turn myself into a big skill monster just by relying on the amount of stacks.

It's a pity that Chu Bai's thousand-meter tentacles groped many times in the black mist and could never bring out a Zoga.

"It is estimated that those small Zoga are locked up in the ruins. If you want to touch them, you have to break the seal. Breaking the seal will definitely cause turmoil. When turmoil occurs, the evil god Gatanjie will most likely wake up..."

Chu Bai desperately wanted to become stronger, and was even willing to extend his tentacles into the black mist for a chance, but that didn't mean he was a fool.

Gatanjie wakes up at this time, don’t talk about yourself, the whole earth will be finished.

Therefore, after walking around the Luluye ruins for two more times, Chu Bai chose to go home.


Two days later.

TPC Far East Base.

"In the waters of New Zealand, a fisherman witnessed a very large monster. It is said that the monster had red spines and swam like a fish in the sea." The Yerui team member sitting in front of the computer revealed the latest discovery.

Then, a picture appeared on the big screen in the command room.

In the picture is a sea, and in the sea is a huge red shadow!

"Using the fishing boat as a reference, this monster is likely to be more than 50 meters long. It is another big monster." Dagu analyzed the image on the screen.

"Monster disasters are appearing more and more frequently. The earth is in a turbulent era." Lina said with emotion.

"Do you think the shadow of this monster looks like Monster No. [-]?"

Vice-captain Munakata suddenly frowned and analyzed.

"Although Monster No. [-] has not shown any swimming ability before, Dagu has seen it walk into the sea with his own eyes on an isolated island in the Pacific, right?"

"And with this thorny skin and this eye-catching red color, among all the monsters that have appeared so far, Monster No. [-] is the most qualified."

"It's possible." Da Gu nodded.

"But why did that guy go to New Zealand?" The Xincheng players were a little confused.

"But it could also be a monster that has never appeared before." Lina guessed.

Captain Hui Jianjian raised his hand to indicate that the team members had more important tasks: "Forget it, this is not something we can handle. The Coast Guard in New Zealand will naturally find out. What we should find out now is that Qian Huge creatures appear in the new development area of ​​​​Yewan Bay.”

With that said, Captain Hui Jian looked at team member Yerui: "Is there no news from the well digging side?"

"No." Ye Rui shook his head with a puzzled expression.

"The monster has only appeared twice so far. Each time it appeared, it suddenly disappeared in less than two seconds. Even the monster tracker was not launched in time."

"I went to see a well being dug two days ago. The guy met two old classmates in the new development zone, including a beautiful woman. He won't be slacking off," Xincheng said half-jokingly.


at the same time.

A new development area in Chiba Bay.

The well-digging team member who was having afternoon tea with the beautiful woman had a pleasant expression on his face: "Sayexiang, you don't know how many times Ryosuke and I have secretly competed for the opportunity to pursue you."

Opposite me, the beautiful woman named Sayaka smiled: "Digming wells is still as fun as before."

Zujing, who was sitting opposite, sighed at this moment: "Now that I think about it, it happened many years ago. Time flies so fast."

"Hey, after waiting for Ryousuke for so long, why doesn't that guy come over?"

After saying that, Dijing stood up slightly dissatisfied.

"It's really rude to make a beautiful woman wait for him."

Tsui angrily accuses his friend Ryosuke of the crime.Suddenly, there was a huge explosion from behind!

When I turned around from digging the well, I was shocked to find an ugly monster appearing in the center of the development zone!

Because the previous few times the monsters only appeared for a few seconds and then disappeared, it gave Dijing a huge headache.

So, he always keeps his victory altitude gun and particle tracker with him.

This time, after seeing the monster appear, he took out his gun without hesitation.


The particle tracker was shot out and quickly embedded into the body of the giant monster!
The appearance of the monster this time was still the same as the previous times, and it didn't even move twice before disappearing.

"Okay, I won't let you run away this time!" Zujing said excitedly as he took out the position display device accompanying the tracker.

After that, he said goodbye to his beautiful classmates and began to search for traces of monsters in the huge new development area.

Behind the scenes, Sayaka watched Dijing leave, but stopped talking.

In the new development zone, people come and go and it is bustling.

It was as if the huge monster had just appeared and had no impact on people's normal lives.

This is indeed the case. Due to the information blockade, most people are not even aware of the appearance of the monster.

Even if some people can see it, they will feel that they are dazzled after the monster appears for a moment and then disappears.

However, many people uploaded this incident to the Internet.

And as the Internet incident fermented, the sudden appearance and sudden disappearance of huge monster figures gradually turned into urban legends...

In the new development zone, Tunjing, wearing the victory team, followed the location displayed on the coordinate system and arrived at a swimming pool.

There were not many people in the swimming pool at this time, so Tsui quickly saw his old friend in the pool: "Ryosuke? Sayaka and I have been waiting for you to have afternoon tea together, why are you swimming here?" Already?"

Ryosuke emerged from the water and apologized with a smile: "I'm sorry, I forgot about this."

Then, he looked at the fat Dijing up and down and praised: "Doujing, you look really handsome in the Victory team uniform."

Dijing heard something wrong in his friend's words: "You are making fun of me again."

"You're not still upset about not being selected for the victory team that year, are you?"

"There's nothing to be upset about. The Victory team didn't select me because they didn't have the vision." Ryosuke said with a confident smile on his face.

"Now I am beyond human beings, both physically and mentally. I will never lose to anyone again. I will always be No. 1! Always!" Ryousuke became more and more excited as he spoke.

"Have you been stimulated by something?"

Dijing looked at his old friend with surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

Suddenly, the beep of the coordinate display in his hand attracted his attention.




Dijing lowered his head and glanced at the monitor, then at his old friend in front of him. His pupils slowly dilated, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath!

the other end.

Chu Bai, who returned from the South Pacific, happened to swim near Chiba Bay.

So, he switched from the water form to the ground form and began to dig the ground.

After just a few meters of digging, the underground radar angle started to sense.

(End of this chapter)

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